..rule says that you get 80% of what you want from your spouse in your relationship, but there is 20% that you don’t or will never get. (For some people, the figures could be 90:10 or even 75:25…..it doesn’t really matter…..The point is that you get more of what you want from your spouse, than what you don’t want. The problem is that instead of being grateful for that 80% we do have, we focus on the 20% we don’t have. This 20% that you are lacking also seems to become more obvious when you are going through a rough period in your relationship. At this point, a person who has that 20% you are pining for, becomes very (perhaps dangerously) enticing. The grass always seems greener on the other side, right?
The problem however with going for this 20% is that you may lose 80% of a good thing. You never know what that other person (as great as their 20% seems) will bring to a relationship.