NTers paying CHILD Support.....Vol. Baby mama got some new shoes.

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Lol, My lil brothers father pays my mom $1600 a month
and my lil brother is over his crib EVERYDAY

honestly that !%%# isnt even funny...

Good Edit....

Nah most of that bread goes towards my brothers tuition...hes in a Private grade school. He knows how much my mom does for my Brother, so he dont trip...
the system is most def flawed. my father is still paying child support for my 2 deceased brothers. one has been dead 6 years and the other for almost 10. itsback child support but come on. one of them was older than 18 when he passed 22 to be exact and my dad still has to pay. It dosent make sense because the moneyisnt going to my brothers nor my nephews (deceased brothers kids) smh at CA family court. not to mention me and my brothers were always together so my pops wastaking care of them. the moms was just salty he didnt want to be with her.

to the op...call her bluff. why is she playing games. a child is serious business. you need to dish out the 5 bills to see if its yours. if it is man up and bethere for the child. if it isnt dead her.
Originally Posted by dreClark

So, I have a question

To the guys w/ kids and are no longer w/ the mother of the child.

Did y'all try to get custody of your child? And if so, why not?

Unless you can prove that she's crazy, she has some kinda violent past ... or along those lines or unless she gives up custody .... theyalmost always award custody to the mother .... just how it is ... i be wishing my b/m would stab her other b/d or do some crazy **** sometime
Family court is crazy even when the moms don't comply with the courts they still trying to trap the dads.
My mom told me to go to a private school so my pops could catch a break early.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

the system is most def flawed. my father is still paying child support for my 2 deceased brothers. one has been dead 6 years and the other for almost 10. its back child support but come on. one of them was older than 18 when he passed 22 to be exact and my dad still has to pay. It dosent make sense because the money isnt going to my brothers nor my nephews (deceased brothers kids) smh at CA family court. not to mention me and my brothers were always together so my pops was taking care of them. the moms was just salty he didnt want to be with her.

to the op...call her bluff. why is she playing games. a child is serious business. you need to dish out the 5 bills to see if its yours. if it is man up and be there for the child. if it isnt dead her.


Nah Im playin'....thats effed up though...I know your father is MAAAAD frustrated
I've had a couple girls claim they were pregnant by me and had me shook for a minute but them @%#@+%+ was lying each time
Originally Posted by young dr0

Originally Posted by dreClark

So, I have a question

To the guys w/ kids and are no longer w/ the mother of the child.

Did y'all try to get custody of your child? And if so, why not?

Unless you can prove that she's crazy, she has some kinda violent past ... or along those lines or unless she gives up custody .... they almost always award custody to the mother .... just how it is ... i be wishing my b/m would stab her other b/d or do some crazy **** sometime

That's some #%%%$%+* man, I swear. I've heard the same thing and I don't agree w/ it AT ALL.

I think I'm like the only one (or at least one of very few) of my _'s that has actually said that I want to get custody of my kids and raise them whenthey're born.

And I still don't see how _'s can be deadbeat dads...
Originally Posted by wwsindicate

I'm in "Banking"
I am paying $400 a month.

Oh yeah I am also a full time student, and I am not working full time, so that $400 is about 1/3 of my income, now does the state care? NO. They told me if I can't afford to pay that to find another job...oh yeah I also have my daughter about 4 days a week...and did I mention I go to school full time?...

The laws in this country are f'd up towards the fathers. We need more modern legislation, and the bum %$% dads are responsible for it being this way.
..dam dude dey did u in! DiD u try speaking to the chick?maybe she'd have consideration??
I don't have a child but my father paid $175/month for me. How was I suppose to survive on that ? Nothing but love to moms who made me who I am.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Child Support=Epic Failure all around.
serious, a lot of you dudes need to use condoms, raw is for marriage

Full time students having kids
Now this is something I think needs to be reformed. So many dudes get shafted paying a ridiculous amount.
I'm on my iPhone so I can't respond to all comments yet. It's more to the story which I will give once I get home, but I used a condom jack....Them @%#$# ain't 100% effective. I don't even know that this kid is mine if what she is saying is true. The dates do line up from what I understand.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

I'm on my iPhone so I can't respond to all comments yet. It's more to the story which I will give once I get home, but I used a condom jack.... Them @%#$# ain't 100% effective. I don't even know that this kid is mine if what she is saying is true. The dates do line up from what I understand.

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan you gotta do the water test!....Go to the bathroom, take the condom off and fill it up with water...No Leaks?...NO BABY!
Originally Posted by dreClark

So, I have a question

To the guys w/ kids and are no longer w/ the mother of the child.

Did y'all try to get custody of your child? And if so, why not?

No, because honestly I can't say that she is a bad mother...or course I think I'm the better parent, but I can't say that she is a badmother.

I pay $400 a month. Which doesn't really hurt anymore. I make enough now to not really care about how much they take out. I'm glad Wisconsin only makesdad's pay a flat rate for support. They can't touch my overtime
My girlfriend's b/daddy/ex-husband pays for both of her kids (one isn't even his). Total is $400/month for the two, and he works in the military.It's supposed to be 25% of his income, if I recall correctly - this is in Texas, BTW. He only gets them 2-3 weekends per month and if he's 15 or moreminutes late to the pick up, he doesn't get them at all. I wouldn't consider him a real man since he put his hands on her while they were married -he's a dirt bag and doesn't deserve to see them.

If I ever have a custody dispute, I guarantee I'll have custody of my kids. No woman in her right mind would want to play me out of my moneyand my child.
The system is messed up but nobody has time to fix it. I don't mind paying child support, but when I'm going broke to do it? come on now, I havethought about having to drop out of school so I don't have to move in with my parents again. the funny thing is that I was on the phone with child supportoffice and the lady said " the reason we don't take out a percentage anymore is because many guys would just rather not work" .... I'mcurious to see what happens too because they are taking less out of my check than what the state requires me to pay, not to mention the people at the officeare probably the least helpful of all the government employees I have ever come across, worse than the dmv, that's saying a lot right there.
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by VaGixxer

man that's terrible right there. I feel for you an I may end up in a similiar situation. I mean I'm a full time student work part time. She works FULL time and won't even confirm with me if she is preg or not because she claims to not want me to know about it etc. What happens when I walk outside one day with a supeana on my door requesting support with no time to prepare.
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