NTers NOT from the US, how do you view us Americans?

Originally Posted by al3x89

- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

1) I wish people didn't sue for anything possible too, so stupid.
2) Agreed, but it's probably too late now. Sorry rest of world.
Originally Posted by al3x89

- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

1) I wish people didn't sue for anything possible too, so stupid.
2) Agreed, but it's probably too late now. Sorry rest of world.
Originally Posted by al3x89

i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
Originally Posted by al3x89

i'll say what i have to say outside of the, everyone's fat, everyone owns a gun, etc...

i'm a canadian:

- to start off... (i know all american's aren't like this but..) the people at the boarder are +#%%%#%#. i actually laughed when i saw a pamphlet that said "we are courteous and polite blah blah" bull #@$%. i'm treated like a terrorist every time i attempt to cross.
- american's ARE spoiled, compared to Canada at least:

1. gas in the US is substantially cheaper than here in Canada. we are paying $1/litre (which turns out to be about $4 a gallon in the US)
2. products are cheaper. (ex. a pair of shoes in the US that are $99, are probably ~$150)
3. cars are thousands of dollars cheaper
4. cell phones/plans are cheaper (not only that, how bout our ridiculous $500 to get out of a THREE (3) year contract... smh)
5. low taxes

... i can keep going but you get the point.

- "let's pray for our soldiers" is getting out of hand. how bout get them the hell out of somewhere they shouldn't be? don't try to run the world (prob get bashed for this, but w/e)
- EVERYONE has an american accent
- you can't go around suing everyone for your stupidity
- for the love of GOD, please adopt the metric system

but we still have free health care
I was born in America but lived in Sudan for a while. Living there makes you appreciate America's many positive aspects

1. An extremely diverse population from all corners of the globe
2. Sports market not dominated by soccer. Basketball, football, baseball etc.. are all big here
3. People generally accepting of foreigners (if you disagree try moving to Europe/ the middle east and see how they accept you)

No other country in the world I would rather live in
I was born in America but lived in Sudan for a while. Living there makes you appreciate America's many positive aspects

1. An extremely diverse population from all corners of the globe
2. Sports market not dominated by soccer. Basketball, football, baseball etc.. are all big here
3. People generally accepting of foreigners (if you disagree try moving to Europe/ the middle east and see how they accept you)

No other country in the world I would rather live in
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy us.

You were born the seed of Great Britain and became a rebellious teenager until you became a independent,responsible adult for a while but you're slowly becoming a crazy senior,that can't take care of themselves anymore,that no one wants to be have anything to do with.

Still my 2nd home though 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy us.

You were born the seed of Great Britain and became a rebellious teenager until you became a independent,responsible adult for a while but you're slowly becoming a crazy senior,that can't take care of themselves anymore,that no one wants to be have anything to do with.

Still my 2nd home though 
the reason i think i a lot of people hate us is because they only get to see the worst in us, the news isn't gonna show us doing something good
the reason i think i a lot of people hate us is because they only get to see the worst in us, the news isn't gonna show us doing something good
Honestly, the entire earth should be called America. I mean that's what I think it's called anyways.
Honestly, the entire earth should be called America. I mean that's what I think it's called anyways.
Anyone from the UK here?
I'm gonna visit for a week after college and if I like I'm planning on moving over there.
What's the cost of living looking like?
Anyone from the UK here?
I'm gonna visit for a week after college and if I like I'm planning on moving over there.
What's the cost of living looking like?
Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy us.
highly disagree, but anyway I really viewed america as a land of opportunity (beein that I experienced a slight dose of west african war) but upon gettin to kno more bout the land, the people and the culture: I feel like americans complain too dam much and are really cancerous to the independent mind (no pun intended)
Originally Posted by Demps

We are born in the greatest country in the world, they envy us.
highly disagree, but anyway I really viewed america as a land of opportunity (beein that I experienced a slight dose of west african war) but upon gettin to kno more bout the land, the people and the culture: I feel like americans complain too dam much and are really cancerous to the independent mind (no pun intended)
I'm an American and damn proud to be one. I personally could care less what others think of us. Shout out to the flag, bald eagle, and apple pie.
I'm an American and damn proud to be one. I personally could care less what others think of us. Shout out to the flag, bald eagle, and apple pie.
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