NT you've never failed me.

The ex smashes with ease while she's making you go through hoops and you haven't hit it yet..

Boi if you don't.....shorty done, get back on the hunt
View media item 1847274
So did OP smash yet?

Anyways sounds like you caught feels for her brah...sorry she don't feel the same way and she stuck on her ex...so why make yourself look like a sucker and wait for her...man forget her and move on.
the key to success is no emotions
Kind of agree with this.:lol:

And that's any kind of emotions. Anger, sadness etc. They're always on a roller coaster ride. Don't have time to take these irrational woman trips along with her. Rather play Fallout.:lol:

EDIT: Wait, OP is a 30 yo who fell for an 18 yo? What would those two people ever have in common?

lobotomybeats lobotomybeats strikes again.:lol:
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Kind of agree with this.:lol:

And that's any kind of emotions. Anger, sadness etc. They're always on a roller coaster ride. Don't have time to take these irrational woman trips along with her. Rather play Fallout.:lol:

EDIT: Wait, OP is a 30 yo who fell for an 18 yo? What would those two people ever have in common?

lobotomybeats lobotomybeats strikes again.:lol:
24 but still
5-6 years older
That's a tough question to answer and I woke up early to hit the gym, so I don't have the time that I would need to go into detail on that one, so i'm gonna just hit a few points.

--Women are naturally different than men... I know, I have two daughters and they did things early on that showed me they weren't taught to behave a certain way. HOWEVER, a lot of the things that women believe are ok, they believe because they have been programmed from childhood to believe or think that way. Take Cinderella for example. Most little girls see that cartoon or hear that story and their take is a mentally defeated girl gets her chance to shine, a prince notices and then takes her away from her miserable life. She's "transformed" into a new person entirely.

Well, here's what really happened: the girl put on a facade and presented herself to the prince as something she wasn't and then she got him. She got the guy with the money's attention because she presented herself as someone with money, culture and sophistication. -- exactly what he was looking for. She had her own fly whip, rare shoes, etc. But it was all a sham. Dude fell in love with who he THOUGHT she was and "they lived happily ever after," right?
Well, the story never tells you what happens after dude gets tired of smashing her and has to try to relate to her on other levels. Sex and beauty only go so far. We all get old and before that, at some point, we all have to have conversations. But little girls are told this same story over and over again and at some point they believe that beauty (sexuality) is all it takes. Little boys get caught up in that too UNTIL they get in a relationship and they have to deal with the fact of "hey, I'm kinda tired of smashing, can we do something else and build up that energy that makes me wanna smash you?" The answer they will often get is "are you bored with me?"
Which suggest that all the woman thought she was or had to offer was a vagina in the first place.

--To paraphrase one of Patrice O'Neal's jokes: how would you keep your man if all of a sudden your vagina stopped working? Think of your answer...
Most women would instantly say "give him BJs or pepper the Angus." The real answer: be interesting. Dudes don't have guy friends because they suck each other off. We have male friends because we have something in common and like to do the same things. My daughters know how to build a Lego kit, kick my *** in Marvel vs Capcom or Injustice: Gods Among Us, like good comedies/are developing a good sense of humor, know how to problem solve, etc. Hopefully, one day they'll have a lot more to offer than what most little girls are focused on at their age. Do they like all the cute stuff too? Of course, they're little girls. But my point is, sex will get to be routine at some point in a relationship. There will be peaks and valleys. Learn other ways to keep a man interested by either learning to like what he likes or getting him to like what you like, or better yet, a combination of both and you're on your way to being different than most women already.
--Some men are into domination and will pay you to do that, but most aren't, which is why wars are fought. Maybe focus less on domination and more on being interesting beyond the things you do for yourself, that every adult has to do for themselves aka pay their own bills
, (no diss) and having men wanting to be yours will come easily. Beauty is fleeting -- or short lived. Roses wilt and die, but the rose bush stands even after the flowers have fallen to the ground. When your beauty "falls off" what will you have to offer? That's how you keep men interested.
What an exceptional anecdote including the fairy tales and the use of your own daughters as an example to illustrate what would keep a man interested. Useful indeed.

This is something I struggle with - wanting men to like and respect me for my mind rather than my body or looks, the soul rather than the image. I tend to not show too much skin for this reason and try to maintain a classy chill about myself. What is funny is that the way you described your daughters as " [knowing] how to build a Lego kit, kick my *** in Marvel vs Capcom or Injustice: Gods Among Us, like good comedies/are developing a good sense of humor, know how to problem solve, etc.," is literally me, with the addition of being able to hold intellectually stimulating conversations due to my bachelor's in English and strong desire to communicate. I strongly enjoy being engaged in friendly debates, in discussing matters that are beyond the usual topics of pop culture, and I think most people are either incapable or uninterested in it. This makes it difficult to initially connect to people my age, especially guys, just because I'm not trying to put up a front about myself, not trying to dumb myself down to appeal to anyone. Alongside that though, I am the movie watching, video game playing, goofy *** chick that will always try to keep a smile on her friends' faces, and keep a positive vibe.

Alongside those traits, I am extremely kind. I am probably the most thoughtful, genuine person you'll ever meet. In fact, my best friend back home and I were discussing our personalities and she described me as "a very loving person, kinda like a mama bear who will fill you with love and wont rip your face off" though when pushed to the edge, I might consider it.
She also said I had a way of bringing good people together because I have this genuine energy about me (i've heard this from various people I've met in my lifetime). This is essential because what you see is what you get with me. I'm not playing a role, I am who I am and always will be.

All in all, I know I have a lot to offer someone, more than just the usual adult responsibilities
, more than just the physical realm. I offer realness, depth, sincerity, humbleness and joy, and I am glad that you believe these things will get me far. You literally just gave me the biggest boost of confidence and I'm extremely thankful for you.
Why do you want to dominate?
TBH I don't. I just wanted Scholar to give me an answer without asking my real question which was more embarrassing.
I am a good girl, I'm pretty, I'm smart, I'm kind, I'm down and fun as ****, don't expect anything from anyone, and i always give dudes their space.

Why am I always getting friendzoned or curved by dudes?
All the guys you want are probably attracted to stripper type chicks with huge booties and slim waists.

All the dudes you're curving are into down to earth girls who play video games and read books.

I'm just taking a swing, is it in the ballpark?
TBH I don't. I just wanted Scholar to give me an answer without asking my real question which was more embarrassing.

I am a good girl, I'm pretty, I'm smart, I'm kind, I'm down and fun as ****, don't expect anything from anyone, and i always give dudes their space.

Why am I always getting friendzoned or curved by dudes?
I don't hate you XCMC, but by judging off that statement alone about how you're good girl and all that sounds like a bunch of bs. For every nickel I heard a woman make that statement, I would a billionaire. But anyway, don't upsell yourself like that, because no one is perfect. I'm sure you're a nice girl , but I think most guys would rather hear something interesting about you than the "I'm the perfect girl, I'm not like other girls, blah blah blah"

And there's multiple reasons why you get friendzoned or curved by dudes, which is on multiple parties and it depends on intentions or the situation:

-They want a one night stand and you don't (Not your fault, but that's how it be at times, the man just wants to get his sausage wet)
-What you think is fun may not be fun for them
-Confidence is nice, but overconfidence can be a killer, especially when you can't recognize your flaws and men don't like a woman that sounds like they are up their booty (unless the man is a beta)
-You don't drop enough cues that you're interested in them

There's many more I could think of, but I don't know how you approach men you like or what your past situations been like, but these are generic answers to your question.
God damn. Excellent post @Brolic Scholar

Why do you want to dominate?

TBH I don't. I just wanted Scholar to give me an answer without asking my real question which was more embarrassing.

I am a good girl, I'm pretty, I'm smart, I'm kind, I'm down and fun as ****, don't expect anything from anyone, and i always give dudes their space.

Why am I always getting friendzoned or curved by dudes?

Sounds like you have a lot to offer. Don't know why you'd be getting friendzoned or curved. So if that’s truly the case, then well ok maybe possibly you over-estimated their ability to notice what you have to offer, or you haven’t conveyed your qualities well enough.
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