NT, why are you single?

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Fear of settling. Like I fear that if I decide to get into a relationship I'm going to miss out on ____.
This is my reason. I have a girl in mind that I want to see if it would work, but soon as I think let me try this my nose picks up on the scent of some kitty and I'm like maybe later.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

I know people that go from relationship, to relationship, to relationship, and for what?
Yo, I actually can NOT stand people who always NEED to be in a relationship..
damn a lot of dudes really don't know how to treat/act with females...

advice to yall & this is real talk....... I never had a pop or any male figure in my life & you know how I did it...


Coming up all I did was watch the older cats round the way seeing what was what....
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Originally Posted by sloanboy

real tali thought that changing by being a nicer guy would help after i broke a couple years back but real talk im bout to go back to being an
a-hole cuz i got alot more bunds and it seems like chick are more relaxed and feel they can do watever they want like this one chick text another dude the entire time she was with me........ i cant believe i let that happened the old me would have shut that down asap never again though
 I would never allow a chick to do that around me regardless if she's my woman or not.  That's disrespectful. 
I would have drove that chick back home.


played yo !## son

i woulda took her to an expensive restaurant and tell her not to bring her purse cause errthang on me, ordered the most expensive thing on the menu, ask for the check, bail and leave her !## to take care of it.....

preferably a restaurant that's far away from home...
Originally Posted by JVII


A personality flaw that's consistently thrown in my face. Don't know how to change it though.

I've got something in process that would only be complicated with a significant other in the way now.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by JVII


A personality flaw that's consistently thrown in my face. Don't know how to change it though.

I've got something in process that would only be complicated with a significant other in the way now.
what you got in process?
Originally Posted by blazinRook

Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Originally Posted by JVII


A personality flaw that's consistently thrown in my face. Don't know how to change it though.

I've got something in process that would only be complicated with a significant other in the way now.
what you got in process?
Nosey. Lol.
Career/schooling changes.
Lots of paperwork, waiting for confirmation's, yes, and no from slow administration, stuff like that.
The last person I was with made things impossible to make a decision on.
I'm indecisive enough I don't need any fuel to the fire.
Was with someone for 3 years that I never should have been with. Now after a year of being single I'm realizing how much I prefer it. There is a girl who would do anything for me right now, but I dont want that anymore. I'm happier alone, WAY less stress.
Originally Posted by scshift

Cause I'm too busy/lazy to meet new girls. The ones in high school are 
, college ones are where it's at. And I'm in HS so it's a pain for me to go meet them.

Regardless of whether I'm wifing or not, I like to connect with women who are smart and ambitious. Dumb/insecure/emotional broads are too much of a hassle for me.

But right now, got bigger things on my mind

This dude knows.What year are you ?
Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by scshift

Cause I'm too busy/lazy to meet new girls. The ones in high school are 
, college ones are where it's at. And I'm in HS so it's a pain for me to go meet them.

Regardless of whether I'm wifing or not, I like to connect with women who are smart and ambitious. Dumb/insecure/emotional broads are too much of a hassle for me.

But right now, got bigger things on my mind

This dude knows.What year are you ?
Junior/class of 2012. I get no buns and I don't care
"The girls I want won't pay attention to me, the ones I don't want are willing to give me the world"
Originally Posted by Mitsui

For me, I actually can't think of a legit reason. I've never been in a serious relationship before. But I'm not ugly or anything; in fact, I honestly think I am a lot better than a lot of other people, but I just can't seem to find that one girl. I thought I found her a few times in the past, but it never seemed to work out. I'm reaching 20, and I'm getting a littleimpatient... I've don't even know what true love means, to be honest.

kinda like me, im 22 tho.

just ended with the chick i was talking to.. we were so close to get to that level.. but yet so far.. its so hard trusting females now days, especially when i know dudes be hounding her. to not be in a relationship with her, we sure did argue about to things. ( MECKS, the mexican isnt always right )

but im getting better tho, its still very fresh but im trying to keep it movin. sometimes i just think about things i dont even want to think about..

i became insecure after my ex kinda played me. $%#+ you ! thats why youre fat now.

after that, all girls i talk to didnt work out or i cut them after 3 months because it got "serious " and i got scared.. with the most recent one, i had real genuine feelings for.. took her to my fam which i never do..

she left me while she still had my heart.. its hard to get it back while she still has it.
I've never had a girlfriend nor been in love. I have no game and lack a bit of confidence in my approach of women. I've only been able to hook up with girls a couple of times through mutual friends or with strippers. I've never really wanted a girlfriend since I've seen what my friends have had to put up with when being in a relationship. I'm a good looking guy about to finish school, and my family owns a successful business. I'm dedicated to school, work, and the gym right now and I don't see that changing anytime soon. My sister tells me I should try and get a girlfriend to at least know how to maintain a relationship, but I honestly don't think it would be worth the time and money at this time in my life. I wouldn't mind trying it out during the summer when I have more free time, but I wouldn't even know where to look haha.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by Mitsui

For me, I actually can't think of a legit reason. I've never been in a serious relationship before. But I'm not ugly or anything; in fact, I honestly think I am a lot better than a lot of other people, but I just can't seem to find that one girl. I thought I found her a few times in the past, but it never seemed to work out. I'm reaching 20, and I'm getting�a little�impatient... I've don't even know what true love means, to be honest.

kinda like me, im 22 tho.

just ended with the chick i was talking to.. we were so close to get to that level.. but yet so far.. its so hard trusting females now days, especially when i know dudes be hounding her. to not be in a relationship with her, we sure did argue about to things. ( MECKS, the mexican isnt always right )

but im getting better tho, its still very fresh but im trying to keep it movin.� sometimes i just think about things i dont even want to think about..

i became insecure after my ex kinda played me. $%#+ you ! thats why youre fat now.�

�after that, all girls i talk to didnt work out or i cut them after 3 months because it got "serious "� and i got scared.. with the most recent one, i had real genuine feelings for.. took her to my fam which i never do..

she left me while she still had my heart.. its hard to get it back while she still has it.�
I feel your pain my dude but saying little corny metaphorical #!*@ like that is def not gonna help your situation
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