NT...when talking to the opposite sex, what's your age limit? {No Pedo}

Oct 15, 2001
I know with a lot of my friends...once they turned 21, they basically wouldn't take anyone at least 21 seriously in terms of making them their girlfriend.

Anyone like 18 or 19 was used and abused.

But uhhh...I'm 24 as of May and a lot of females my age are on some other @!++. Either they already have kids or they're already at a point in theirlife where they know that they'll ultimately amount to nothing and work 2 rinky dink jobs for the rest of their life.

To make a long story short, I met a freshman at my college...but I finished my degree this Summer. She's 19 but probably one of the baddest femalesI've ever seen. Everywhere we go, dudes are looking like...
. I can't say enough about her. She's THAT DEAL. Her head is on straight but I'm5 years her senior.

Is it something worth risking or could she simply be intrigued with me because of how ahead of her I am? You know how some girls be on older guys because theycan do more for them at the time being as opposed to young dudes just starting to figure @!++ out.

Let me guess...pics?
I try to keep it plus or minus within 2 years of my own age. So for me, 23-27 since I am 25. But, if you like this girl and you aren't having much luckwith women closer to your age then give it a shot.

I agree with you when you say:
But uhhh...I'm 24 as of May and a lot of females my age are on some other @!++. Either they already have kids or they're already at a point in theirlife where they know that they'll ultimately amount to nothing and work 2 rinky dink jobs for the rest of their life.
I'm 20...

So I gotta have that 2 year age cap....But if she's a senior in high school I won't ask any questions (i.e. if she may be 17).
that was a pretty broad statement you made about females your age...

i guess dude would have to be at least 21...i don't mind younger but we wouldn't be able to do somethings together...no HS tho...even if he is18...i'm not tryin to pick you up from your parents house...
Age is a number...maturity is what you're looking for. The two don't always go hand in hand, but there are always exceptions to the rule.
i'm 24 right now and i'm talking to a 19 yr old but not looking for anything serious right now. Just got out of a 3 year thing with my ex who is aboutto turn 22. I think i'm setting myself up right now but I gotta deal with it.
I'm at 20 right now but it may go up. Which reminds me, I got on fb last week to look up this chick I used to know my soph year in highschool and low andbehold, I see your comment on her wall. __ how you know more Gary #*@%%*+ than me
? I was like hell nah... this __ is everywhere
. I need details onthe freshman. she might be the chick I'm talking bout. If it is, I'm rootng for you.
You dudes are lame with this "2 years" thing. I'm 19, girls anywhere from 17-45 will GET it. No questions asks.
Is it something worth risking or could she simply be intrigued with me because of how ahead of her I am? You know how some girls be on older guys because they can do more for them at the time being as opposed to young dudes just starting to figure @!++ out.
It's infatuation 95% of the time...

It may sound shallow/$++@*% up, but if I wanted to go out, I chucked deuces and she look at me like "You just gonna leave me here?
I'm 24 in a week.. 18yr olds can still get smashed all day everyday, but nothin beyond that.

These chicks on campus got a N..
Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

You dudes are lame with this "2 years" thing. I'm 19, girls anywhere from 17-45 will GET it. No questions asks.

CO^SIGN...HAHAHA....BUT THEY GOT TO BE A GOOD LOOKING IF THEY 35 PLUS and not all beat up (if you know what I mean)
Originally Posted by sa78210

Originally Posted by Ninjasonik

You dudes are lame with this "2 years" thing. I'm 19, girls anywhere from 17-45 will GET it. No questions asks.

they're obviously not talking about just sex, children.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

they'll ultimately amount to nothing and work 2 rinky dink jobs for the rest of their life.
sounds like my kind of woman...out of the house a lot
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