NT, when did you have your first kiss?

if your counting little kid shenanigans, then technically i had my first kiss when i was like 8 

but actually first kiss kiss, 17 
10 with the girl who lived next to my grandmas house. Was great interaction with a female. learned alot with her. Now she is a fat lesbian feminist :x
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Freshman year of college :lol:

Not really ashamed to admit it because I do my thing now and I've grown up a lot since then (turning 24,) but it definitely took me way too long to start getting women
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I guess peck on the lips is considered a kiss . .


Sooo, there I was waiting by the bus stop after school . . Standing next to this super uber cool chick having a great conversation (her name was Jenn). All of a sudden I ask her if she likes Asian guys, and she says, "I find some of them to be cute but I don't think they're my type", and then I'm like, "Awwwwwww :frown:". Moments after that, this chick grabs my shirt with both hands, pulls me in & starts macking with the rice boy :wow: :wow: :nthat:

**she was Armenian
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