NT Whats Your Traffic Rules?

After 1 AM... shooooooooooooooooooooooot........

4 way stops are a joke...
2 way stops are optional...
red lights mean "wait a sec..", not "Stop"..
Yellow lights are green
It's only speeding if it's 15+ over the PSL
If the guy in front of me in the fast lane is driving slower than me, he should move out of my way
What's a turn signal? Just pay attention, damn..
Turning left on red IS acceptable
People who speed suck the big one, if the speed limit says 60 best believe I'm going 59! Good gas mileage FTW!
Relax. It's not so much your speed that kills your mileage, it's the changing of speeds aka accelerating. Constantly accelerating orbraking (followed by accelerating) chews up more gas than me easing down I-65 at 89 mph. If you get up to a certainspeed and ride it out, you'll notice the mileage isn't that bad.
dont make complete stops unless i see the boys

use my turn signal only on the highway

always pass slow drivers and give them the eye when i pass them

if i see someone speeding on the highway i try to race them (only when its not alot of traffic)
Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around
No. I will drive ACROSS my city and run every light along the way if it's after 1 AM.
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin, especially when i was on my swangas,its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin,[/color] especially when i was on my swangas, its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

-Any domestic car is an undercover cop
I agree with your list, specially this one as of late. I've seen the most random cars lately turn out to be undercover cops, on the freeway Isaw a '96 something Ford Explorer pull someone over, I was shook.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Yellow light means speed up, not slow down... but after reading that thread where the guy killed the motorcycle driver... J/K

I tend to drive properly now. Tickets in Georgia aint no joke.

Hell yeah. Georgia Police are ruthless.
i never lead the way on the speed lane, always let someone get in front of me who is mobbin and i get behind them so they can take for one for team in speedtraps

and always just goin with the traffic flow...
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin, especially when i was on my swangas, its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.

if i seen you driving in the streets i'd swang you, your mother, your granny, father, auntie old folks...etc ANYBODY!. you got things that you like doing,and i, along with 99.9% of slab riders in houston enjoy swangin in our slab showcasing what we put our money into. and most of the time someone swangs on mefirst because they know who i am and honestly its all for laughs to see who can work that wheel the best.the
to me? #(#%* yall is all i got say honestly, i do what i do.

some people race, some people do the hydraulics, some people burn rubber and do donuts for no reason at all, we swerve from lane to lane. all the other onesare stupid to me as well its just what we do here in my culture. hate it or love it
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin,[/color] especially when i was on my swangas, its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.

if i seen you driving in the streets i'd swang you, your mother, your granny, father, auntie old folks...etc ANYBODY!. you got things that you like doing, and i, along with 99.9% of slab riders in houston enjoy swangin in our slab showcasing what we put our money into. and most of the time someone swangs on me first because they know who i am and honestly its all for laughs to see who can work that wheel the best.the
to me? #(#%* yall is all i got say honestly, i do what i do.


you wouldnt be able to get infront of me let alone see me.

Oh "swagin" is a talent? please, anyone can do that *%#!.

wanna talk about skill.... slalom cones
Originally Posted by HyphySole

I just cant stand people who go speed limit on the left lane...
that should seriously be illegal.

there's usually 5 cars behind that "one car"

better yet, those idiots that pull out of the slow lane right infront you only to steadily pass the car infront of them 2mph faster than the other car.
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin, especially when i was on my swangas, its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.

if i seen you driving in the streets i'd swang you, your mother, your granny, father, auntie old folks...etc ANYBODY!. you got things that you like doing, and i, along with 99.9% of slab riders in houston enjoy swangin in our slab showcasing what we put our money into. and most of the time someone swangs on me first because they know who i am and honestly its all for laughs to see who can work that wheel the best.the
to me? #(#%* yall is all i got say honestly, i do what i do.


you wouldnt be able to get infront of me let alone see me.

Oh "swagin" is a talent? please, anyone can do that *%#!.

wanna talk about skill.... slalom cones

come on bro you will not do the things i will do bro, if i cant get in front of you i'll hop on the median or drive on the opposite side of the street andspeed pass you and block you in. yes its a skill and most think they can handle it until you put in that position bro.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Am i the only one who runs red lights when no one is around

i'd say i run about 2-6 red lights daily. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i am the craziest driver amongst my friends because i'm always swangin,[/color] especially when i was on my swangas, its not safe to stop anywhere on hem joints trust me.

if i seen you driving in the streets i'd swang you, your mother, your granny, father, auntie old folks...etc ANYBODY!. you got things that you like doing, and i, along with 99.9% of slab riders in houston enjoy swangin in our slab showcasing what we put our money into. and most of the time someone swangs on me first because they know who i am and honestly its all for laughs to see who can work that wheel the best.the
to me? #(#%* yall is all i got say honestly, i do what i do.


you wouldnt be able to get infront of me let alone see me.

Oh "swagin" is a talent? please, anyone can do that *%#!.

wanna talk about skill.... slalom cones

come on bro you will not do the things i will do bro, if i cant get in front of you i'll hop on the median or drive on the opposite side of the street and speed pass you and block you in. yes its a skill and most think they can handle it until you put in that position bro.

Son you're 18 and have your head gased. You aint spend nothing but 2 years on the road.

Keep thinking you'll pass me in your boat on dem thangs.

I'm done with you.

Always do up to 5 over the posted speed limit.

HOV lane = no cops = I'm 1 deep doing the speed limit.

Speeding and 1 deep in HOV lane = $200-$300 ticket.

I always stop at red lights/stop signs. My boy got killed running one, I learned from that.

See the police you ride slow, you don't...the faster you go.

Never lead the line on the freeway/interstate.

Middle finger to cell phone/texting drivers who cut you off.

Or...if you have a system and they cut you off and end up getting to same red light...let it BANG!

Middle finger to drivers who read maps while driving. Middle finger to 18-wheeler drivers who cut you off with nobody in front of them.

If you have a system, let it bang all over the city, unless you see cops/old people.

Swangin' = cool.
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Always do up to 5 over the posted speed limit.

HOV lane = no cops = I'm 1 deep doing the speed limit.

Speeding and 1 deep in HOV lane = $200-$300 ticket.

I always stop at red lights/stop signs. My boy got killed running one, I learned from that.

See the police you ride slow, you don't...the faster you go.

Never lead the line on the freeway/interstate.

Middle finger to cell phone/texting drivers who cut you off.

Or...if you have a system and they cut you off and end up getting to same red light...let it BANG!

Middle finger to drivers who read maps while driving. Middle finger to 18-wheeler drivers who cut you off with nobody in front of them.

If you have a system, let it bang all over the city, unless you see cops/old people.

Swangin' = cool.
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

if some one cuts you off, get in front of them and swang on em and make em wreck they whip.

how often have you done this?
Where's my dude Bobby Light at?.... He made somebody flip their expedition before
If somebody swang on me im gonna plow straight into the side of they whip... throw my +$## in reverse, flip it in drive and haul !+@
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