NT Whats Your Traffic Rules?


Feb 24, 2003
If the person in front of me stops at the stop sign, it counts for me too.

if all lanes are packed, the shoulder is an honorary lane
Yellow light means speed up, not slow down... but after reading that thread where the guy killed the motorcycle driver... J/K

I tend to drive properly now. Tickets in Georgia aint no joke.
i dont make complete stops either, unless i see a cop near by. I think most people go by the its not illegal untill i get caught.
-Toyota drivers can't drive for #@*$ [ima get flamed for that i know
] but it's almost always some dumb %#+ in a camry or corolla who has no ideathere's other people on the road and drives like a turtle :mad

-Cars [crappy ones specifically, like beatup buicks or hondas] with chrome rims tend to be crappy, impatient, STUPID drivers. dudes swear they doing it

-The speed limit is the minimum speed you can drive at

-ALWAYS leave a space for people to pass up on a street. If you're both doing 45 in a 45zone on a 2-lane street, you're boxing everybody in idiot

-Teenage girls are trouble, stay away on the road

-$%@+ the cops

-Any sort of work/labor truck is not allowed in my lane, I will speed up on that %#+ cuz I got places to be and don't need some bum in a f250 with atrailer hitch messin thangs up

-Luxury cars tend to drive a whole lot better than everybody else around here. Tend to be calm, aware drivers. I always let them in my lane.

-Any domestic car is an undercover cop

-SUV driver = women = @%$! that bird = she's not passing or getting in my lane
Originally Posted by HOLLAKID619

If the person in front of me stops at the stop sign, it counts for me too.

if all lanes are packed, the shoulder is an honorary lane

so when the car in front of you goes, you go too?

thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard.

You're gonna crash one day if you keep that up.

driving is a responsibility and a privilege - not a right. no where else in the world will you find more unqualified, stupid people handling such huge amountsof responsibility than the road - i mean, you wouldn't get hired to operate a forklift ina warehouse without certification and constant re-training... yetall it takes is a simple road test to get out on the roads maneuvering 2,000 lb vehicles at 80 miles per hour in closed spaces with other idiots.

it's pretty crazy to think about - so i stay on the defensive all the time. Maintain safe following distances, b/c you never know what the guy in front ofyou will do and it's ALWAYS your fault if you rear-end him. pass on the left and pay attention to whether or not other drivers are taking note of you -don't spend time in a guys blindspot, get around him and back over as quickly as you can do so safely.

Just the basics - but step everything up to stay on defense. i think people feel a bit invincible in cars, not realizing how easy it is to die in a mediumspeed crash.
never make complete stops.
run red lights if no one is around at night time.
double park in some areas with tight parking spaces.
if some one cuts you off, get in front of them and swang on em and make em wreck they whip.
in heavy traffic on the freeway, drive in the flowing traffic lane and hurry and merge over and cut someone off to get back in line in the very front.
-Carpool lane is 80MPH+ only. (
at the people doing 65 when there's an open road in front of them)

-Gutter move, when there's traffic on the fast lane quickly switch over to the slow lane (usually less traffic) and cut through the mess.

-Red light, yield to turn right. Green light, power slide to turn right.

PS: I hate other drivers who inches their way forward when its clearly a red light and nowhere near turning green.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

-The speed limit is the minimum speed you can drive at

-ALWAYS leave a space for people to pass up on a street. If you're both doing 45 in a 45zone on a 2-lane street, you're boxing everybody in idiot

co sign, dudes be driving exactly 40 on a 40mph zone slow everyone down
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

-The speed limit is the minimum speed you can drive at

-ALWAYS leave a space for people to pass up on a street. If you're both doing 45 in a 45zone on a 2-lane street, you're boxing everybody in idiot

co sign, dudes be driving exactly 40 on a 40mph zone slow everyone down
slow your %!# down then
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

if some one cuts you off, get in front of them and swang on em and make em wreck they whip.

how often have you done this?

seriously though dude is sounding like a clown

another one... handicap spots = 5-10 minutes temp parking space.
Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

if some one cuts you off, get in front of them and swang on em and make em wreck they whip.

how often have you done this?

i do this often, but only one time was i able to make a lady wreck her toyota. she cut me off in the right turning lane from the left side of me and just droveaway. i said %&*# that! i sped in front of her, it was 2 lanes where we were right on the feeder i slightly merged into the left from the right hoggin bothlanes and she made a sharp left to avoid hittin me and ran over the curb and hit the freeway wall
but i often swang on people who cut me off.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

Originally Posted by NJstress03

Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

if some one cuts you off, get in front of them and swang on em and make em wreck they whip.

how often have you done this?

i do this often, but only one time was i able to make a lady wreck her toyota. she cut me off in the right turning lane from the left side of me and just drove away. i said %&*# that! i sped in front of her, it was 2 lanes where we were right on the feeder i slightly merged into the left from the right hoggin both lanes and she made a sharp left to avoid hittin me and ran over the curb and hit the freeway wall
but i often swang on people who cut me off.
Wow, thats not funny. I get reckless at times but never do i put someone elses life in danger like that.

Next time i hope you swang your bucket into a wall.
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

-Red light, yield to turn right. Green light, power slide to turn right.

yea until you get a ticket
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