NT what's your current job ?

work for an airline(outside on the ramp)
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by JC08

Currency Trading Desk - exotic currency trader/derivative contract tracking

Could you explain derivative contract tracking? I'm know you mean options contracts but what exactly do you track?
Yeah, tracking all the options(vanilla, exotic, american, european, leveraged etc.) that flows through the desk. Pretty much just making sure all the trade details are correct so we can evaluate the mark to market position and risk day to day. It sounds better than it really is...
Courtesy clerk at a grocery store (Supervalu chain)
Just turned 18 so I applied to be a checker/cashier. Got my interview Saturday and I find out on the 8th.. Wish me luck
Student/Unemployed but I'm gettin my benefits finally. I call it funemployment.
Telecomm. Technician (temporary) for a university.


I get a van to ride around in, free access to bball and football games (OT/comp time for saturday games), and I work for about 3-4 hours in a 8 hour day.
concession stands at the air canada center (raptors/maple leafs)

job is a joke but hopefully it'll become something big for me in the future, considering experience and my studies as well
CHSP Coordinator at a senior citizen independent living facility in downtown Orlando

my sorority sister got me the job. networking ftw.

waiting to hear back from Center for Drug Free Living as a 2nd job - *Fingers Crossed*
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