NT, what was the most effed up movie you've ever seen?

I'm so not down to watch any of these movies
Salo, Gummo, Inside, all of these films have one thing in common. I was unprepared for what I saw when I sat down to watch them. I mean, sure, I had an inkling that they were supposed to be "shocking" but no real comprehension of the horrors that would fill my screen with each passing frame. Each film had some buzz for me, I knew of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini from reading a Kathy Acker book in high school that featured the Director as a character. I knew Gummo was from the writer of Kids and I knew Inside was the second film I was to about watch in the “French New Wave of Horror Cinema
Salo, Gummo, Inside, all of these films have one thing in common. I was unprepared for what I saw when I sat down to watch them. I mean, sure, I had an inkling that they were supposed to be "shocking" but no real comprehension of the horrors that would fill my screen with each passing frame. Each film had some buzz for me, I knew of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini from reading a Kathy Acker book in high school that featured the Director as a character. I knew Gummo was from the writer of Kids and I knew Inside was the second film I was to about watch in the “French New Wave of Horror Cinema
Kids, but mainly because of how it ended.

the rest of these movies, just off of reading the info, nah...
Kids, but mainly because of how it ended.

the rest of these movies, just off of reading the info, nah...
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

Salo, Gummo, Inside, all of these films have one thing in common. I was unprepared for what I saw when I sat down to watch them. I mean, sure, I had an inkling that they were supposed to be "shocking" but no real comprehension of the horrors that would fill my screen with each passing frame. Each film had some buzz for me, I knew of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini from reading a Kathy Acker book in high school that featured the Director as a character. I knew Gummo was from the writer of Kids and I knew Inside was the second film I was to about watch in the “French New Wave of Horror Cinema
Originally Posted by Buttons McBoomBoom

Salo, Gummo, Inside, all of these films have one thing in common. I was unprepared for what I saw when I sat down to watch them. I mean, sure, I had an inkling that they were supposed to be "shocking" but no real comprehension of the horrors that would fill my screen with each passing frame. Each film had some buzz for me, I knew of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini from reading a Kathy Acker book in high school that featured the Director as a character. I knew Gummo was from the writer of Kids and I knew Inside was the second film I was to about watch in the “French New Wave of Horror Cinema
Kids?!?  Really.  If thats the most effed up movies some of you guys have seen, then you guys are on some charmin status.  
Kids?!?  Really.  If thats the most effed up movies some of you guys have seen, then you guys are on some charmin status.  
hell nothing really scares me when it comes to gore and what not but even im scared as hell to watch serbian film.
hell nothing really scares me when it comes to gore and what not but even im scared as hell to watch serbian film.
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