NT Real Life: I get no yambz. Help me. :(

Feel free to roast :smh:

Honestly, you're not an ugly dude. You're your own worst enemy in this case. You need to branch out, and just talk to women. It's that simple. These women are just as thirsty for dudes to talk to them as we are to spark interest. I would suggest you place yourself in environments which forces you to talk to them, outside of night clubs, and classes. Night clubs aren't conducive to good conversation because women have too much leverage in there, 100's of guys are approaching and their b-shields are up. Joining social clubs on campus are a great way to get your network/ prospect list up, they essentially force you to engage w/ other individuals in a fashion which is supportive of connecting on one accord.
Pics of u?


Feel free to roast :smh:

no franky, but you're not hideous or anything. honestly, dont put so much thought into not getting yambs... focus on having fun... in college, females make it ever so easy to get at them.. also, study w broads in ya classes ... and like someone said before, slay some 6s and 7s just to get into the habit... dimes can smell the desperation... 'tis not a good look.
May be true, he needs to learn.

*right click > save image > type "to infiniyambs.. and beyond" > save as* thanks.

But WLL... you're clearly are winning cuz you follow to follower ratio is 1:2. Birds like guys that other people like.

Now. Lets get to the ROOT of the situation.

You GOTTA respond because its the only way we can truly help

Soooo ... you're in the mall, or at best buy, or at Timmy Chan's, or even at school... and you see a fly, fat booty, skinny waist chick with them.yambs just needing to be giving to SOMEONE...

You see her, identify her as fine and your interested ..


Tell us how you feel about her... about yourself ... about y'all.. the environment...

EVERYTHING that goes thru your mind in that brief time when you see her, but she doesn't see you.

This is critical my g... tell us EVERYTHING.
Maybe you shouldn't go on Niketalk so much and creating happy birthday threads to yourself
Unfollow some more people so your follower to follow ratio can be higher and you'll seem cooler, b. Chicks love these internet popularity things
lower your standards and it will help you in the long run. Go out and practice talking to girls. Start at the bottom of the totem pole and build your self up. You don't want to be known as the guy who chases the hottest girls. Girls will sense that your a superficial person and they will shut you down quickly.

Wise words from a decent man

In all fairness, no yambz doesn't equate to "losing". CHASING yambz and not getting results does.
you are literally too young to even give a **** about what other females think about you or what any other person thinks of you for that matter. EVERYONE on campus is a stranger to everyone else. You just have to play along if you want to get the most out of your years at college.

what you need to do on campus is get your name out there by joining organizations, meeting new people, making connections. These connections will pay off in the end, trust me. I'm in the same position you are not really talking to too many people but I got to make an effort by trying different things. Last week I joined up 3 new groups and hoping for the best. I'll be starting my own personal research so that I can get my foot into a professor's lab by the end of the semester.

For real, getting ***** is a simple act that gets hyped up all the time. I don't know why we let ourselves get trapped in it. Get your homework done on time, enjoy the company of at least one other person (dude or girl) from time to time, and look forward to what you want to accomplish next. Maybe a female will start liking you.

People on NT have been saying this for a long time and we always forget: the women will come eventually.
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In all fairness, no yambz doesn't equate to "losing". CHASING yambz and not getting results does.

i still have no idea if you're serious or not about this thread, but OP is you don't take anything out of here, it's ^Nomad's advice right there. You don't wanna be the decent looking Drake/Kirko Bangz fusion guy who appears massively thirsty. You play it cool, you'll be good.
you go to UH? That seems a bit harder since a lot of people commute... I got some fambs who go there who could help you but you just got to put yourself out there more and talk to everyone. Girls are not that serious, stop hyping us up please
Real advice OP talk to as many girls on a cool level. Plant those seeds of new relationships. Accept rejection and learn from it,
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Pics of u?
This and that Wiz gif. 
Just remember that you are better than any girl that you are thinking about going at. Women aren't better than you. Take them off of the pedestal. They should feel honored that you are talking to them.

That is how you should carry it.
Truth...thats how I go about life.
After looking at your twitter pic, I don't like to judge other dudes, But

Girls probably don't talk to you because of your style, You look like you have a little bit of sugar in the tank plehboi, Try ltalking to other guys, That's probably your thing and you just don't know it.
After looking at your twitter pic, I don't like to judge other dudes, But

Girls probably don't talk to you because of your style, You look like you have a little bit of sugar in the tank plehboi,  Try ltalking to other guys, That's probably your thing and you just don't know it.
OP take that hoop earring out this aint the 90s and get some black princess cut earrings and watch the compliments from the ladies roll in.

hit the gym also you aint ugly u should be pulling. just gotta fine tune some things
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OP take that hoop earring out this aint the 90s and get some black princess cut earrings and watch the compliments from the ladies roll in.

hit the gym also you aint ugly u should be pulling. just gotta fine tune some things

I have some of those, rock em all the time. Got em on as I type this.

Also, I posted earlier I've been working out consistently for almost a year, I'm slim, but I'm pretty damn ripped. No homo.
Bruh Im like the straightest guy on this site, but you aint no Quazy Modo. (Only said this because you resemble my 21 year old nephew)

Just stop being a B**tc* and go holla at some females.

Even if you just throw out lines to be funny, it works sometimes. Just be like "How you doing sweet thang" They will turn and smile, then be like "I bet you haven't heard that in awhile. The go from there.

I see you take yourself as a joke, so be a joke, make the females laugh and ride with that spit. Just don't be no damn cornball. Show her your serious side when needed. Don't be getting asss talking like you wesley pipes and crap,lol.
*right click > save image > type "to infiniyambs.. and beyond" > save as* thanks.
But WLL... you're clearly are winning cuz you follow to follower ratio is 1:2. Birds like guys that other people like.
Now. Lets get to the ROOT of the situation.
You GOTTA respond because its the only way we can truly help
Soooo ... you're in the mall, or at best buy, or at Timmy Chan's, or even at school... and you see a fly, fat booty, skinny waist chick with them.yambs just needing to be giving to SOMEONE...
You see her, identify her as fine and your interested ..
Tell us how you feel about her... about yourself ... about y'all.. the environment...
EVERYTHING that goes thru your mind in that brief time when you see her, but she doesn't see you.
This is critical my g... tell us EVERYTHING.

Usually I think to myself the usual "Damn she's bad" etc. then a multitude of things kick in my brain

1. Somewhat afraid of being rejected/ embarrassed by the chick. I have absolutely no idea why I do this. I have rarely been rejected in my entire life, but I still get this feeling.

2. My mind goes blank. I'm a pretty laid back and chill dude who won't talk unless someone talks to me. It's like nothing comes to my mind. Thus I won't be able to hold a conversation very long. I was in a situation similar to this last night, I was so damn pissed at myself I just went back to my room and went to sleep :smh:

3. I want nothing more than to go talk to whoever the chick is, but something inside is just pulling me back. I just don't feel like that's my personality type to go out of my way to do that. Dont get me wrong, I've gotten some SOLID 8/9s before, but they came out of their way to talk to me. I just feel like I'm passing up all of these dimes that I KNOW I could pull of I knew what I was doing.

Just whatever you do, DO NOT BECOME THIRSTY like lance here. Be real blunt about things and tell woman how you feel. Woman respect honesty

bruh do you find it hard to eat? breath? talk?

that desire for sex is a just a natural response of our species. when you're hungry, you buy food or go shopping and cook. when you want the box, you talk to females. you get the box.

you're making it too complicated on yourself. theres isn't a formula to get chicks, they aren't some magical species. its just another human with a ***** instead of a ****.

she enjoys getting ****** just as much as you enjoy ******g. she's probably over there noticing you, but neither of you make a move cuz she's been told her whole life not to be a **** and you've been told its hard to talk to girls. but its not, b. were a social species. interaction is natural. grab your sack and talk to her.

i think a lot of dudes freeze up cuz they're thinking of the end game too soon. you see a bad female, and you think about ******g her. then you think theres no way i can go from just approaching her all the way to having her ankles behind her ears gasping for mercy as i spray my children across her face. but you haven't even spoken to her yet.

forget about yambz. just go about your day and make an effort to talk to people. hot girls, ugly girls, old people, guys your age, the person at the counter ringing you up. just make more conversation. start by saying hi and work your way up to giving details about yourself and finding out about who you talking to. pay attention to where the conversation went, how you felt, what the persons like, ect. then start to try to give the convo direction. can you make someone happy, laugh, angry, sad, scared?. if you can make someone you just ran into have a certain emotion, theres nothing stopping you from making the big booty ***** at the mall want your D.

you already get no yambz. so you should start giving no dambz. you can't do any worse than you already are bruh. you just gotta suck it up and try. that wet wet is waiting :smokin
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