Nt put me up on RON PAUL

May 23, 2005
His politics his political career anything I keep hearing about this guy and would like some insight. Good bad it doesn't matter as long as its info

Ron Paul just got my vote. I was wavering because I know how much of a long shot it is, but my beliefs on policy align so much with his that I feel like if I were not to vote for him, I would be doing a disservice to myself as an American citizen and my right to vote.
U know to me listening to him he SEEMS like he is TRYING to do what's right not neccessarily what people wanna hear. I like what I heard but I definitely want to hear more of what he has to say.
Originally Posted by nawghtyhare

U know to me listening to him he SEEMS like he is TRYING to do what's right not neccessarily what people wanna hear.
A trait that has proven to separate good leaders from great leaders.
Just like any of the other GOP candidates with his libertarian views when it comes to the economy. Paul believes in getting government out of the economy just like the rest of them. If Paul wasn't a "dove" when it comes to foreign policy, he would be the GOP candidate by now. 
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