NT, please pray for my girl.... UPDATE PG. 5

Well, since she's okay...


That's tough man...I'll definitely pray for you man. and for dude who said this^^^^seriously? c'mon man...get it together.
that sucks, i never want to get a phone call saying someone i know was in an accident
Hope she's alright and hope she has insurance. I heard the airlifts cost a lot of $
Originally Posted by beezylocks

sorry to do this but... PICS

That is very disrespectful my dude. How would you feel if your asking for prayers about your girl that may be in critical condition and some stupid a%$n*&(*& ask for your girl's pics.

Very tasteless, karma is a B homie.
Hope all is well. I flipped over 6 times 2 years ago and came out ok so hopefully she will too
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