NT official Spring Summer Body TRANSFORMATION challenge March 1-June 1

Whey Isolate (sometimes Allmax Isoflex some times VPX Sro), Hemavol X Green Mag for pre workout, Multi (Orange Triad), Fishoil (Iforce or Oximega), just started EC Stack this week.

Side note, this is one of the best transformations I've ever seen in under 1 yr, cat from bb.com
Luck you know damn well that aint natty 
Luck you know damn well that aint natty :lol:

Meh, natty or not ppl discredit that when on juice you have to work 10x harder and pay attention to your diet more to achieve a good lookig body. Cats get on juice and have crappy workout routines and keep poor diets ten wonder why they look like crap with man boobs. I already knew the deal when I saw him say he did that in like 8 months. Heck I'm probably gonna hop on test/HGH when I turn 40.
Meh, natty or not ppl discredit that when on juice you have to work 10x harder and pay attention to your diet more to achieve a good lookig body. Cats get on juice and have crappy workout routines and keep poor diets ten wonder why they look like crap with man boobs. I already knew the deal when I saw him say he did that in like 8 months. Heck I'm probably gonna hop on test/HGH when I turn 40.
Oh yeah Im not discrediting hard work and all that but it gives people a false sense of what they can achieve in the same time frame. 

He cut his BF by like 90% and gained a bunch of muscle, must have been a good stack lol
Lol what's the point of posting a transformation that's on gear? lucky I feel you want to get anabolic now. Go head man.....make sure you know how to do pct and get blood work.
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Meh, natty or not ppl discredit that when on juice you have to work 10x harder and pay attention to your diet more to achieve a good lookig body. Cats get on juice and have crappy workout routines and keep poor diets ten wonder why they look like crap with man boobs. I already knew the deal when I saw him say he did that in like 8 months. Heck I'm probably gonna hop on test/HGH when I turn 40.

Word. It's still a solid transformation. No matter what "supps" he took, most of his transformation is because of hard work and consistency.
Word. It's still a solid transformation. No matter what "supps" he took, most of his transformation is because of hard work and consistency.

Lets not downplay drugs here.........but yes he still worked hard. Prob had a prep coach.
Trying to cleanse protein intake. **** is hard as fuh. That indica helps out with the headaches and nausea though..
Lol what's the point of posting a transformation that's on gear? lucky I feel you want to get anabolic now. Go head man.....make sure you know how to do pct and get blood work.
LOL dudes so self obsessed they willing to posion their own body to look better. SMH Lucky. Why you wanna do that bruh?
Week 2 Complete
March 15
Weighed in at 257.8
Down 15.2 lbs

EC stack might be legit, 1st week using it done, gonna see how my numbers look after week 2 of it. My throat is sore as heck from it drying out my nasal passage but I can breath clear as heck lol
I've been working out and cutting carbs from my diet for about 3weeks now and still can't see a difference. I need help broz
Not cutting them out completely. Just not eating as much as I normally would. The myfitness app really put me on to how much high caloric foods I used to eat in a day
Lucky what can I do about recovery after leg day?

Man I feel like death and just want to sleep all day. Every other day I'm good even energized.
I'm in...gotta get in shape for Warrior Dash in May. 6'4 280 right now but I've been yo-yoing between 273-283 the last mth.. Tired of being a lard, ready for the gainz.

Checking in..At time of first post I was actually 284 :x :smh: as of this morning, down to 273. Haven't really been lifting as much as I want due to gym remodeling so most of the weight lost has come from change in diet. Keep up the hard work brahs.
Pigged out this weekend for my birthday, probably back up to 208 or so. Back on the grind today, would love to hit 180-185 by July.
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Lucky what can I do about recovery after leg day?

Man I feel like death and just want to sleep all day. Every other day I'm good even energized.

Mine are spread out, I do legs Monday and Friday only. Since I'm cutting I take BCAAs during workout, many will say they are a waste of money but they get the job done for me and I'm never sore
How long do you guys typically spend in the gym ? And anyone know of any good sites to get on some good work out routines
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