NT: Need a little female advice...

How can some of you guys not be confident in yourselves? If she comes up to you and seems interested [and not subliminally clowin'/crackin' on you]that should be all the confidence you need. She came up to YOU, she's interested in YOU. Take advantage of that, but not of her.

Next time you see her, tell her.........no better yet, you can think of somethin' creative to say to her on your own, but get her number. She'll giveit to you, but you don't text her right away unless you're givin' her your number at the time. Give it like a day or two, and ......fam beyourself. I'm kinda drowsy right now.
Originally Posted by iLL Since 92

imma post em after the update im away from the computer posting from ipod. i got u dudes though NTers honor
now i know we arent getting pix..
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Let her talk. take cues from that. Let her talk about herself.

Dont sweat the box and be relaxed and cool.
^^^Follow this advice
Basically. But the hard part is done. She already feelin u. Also, u made her laugh so she thinks ur funny, use that to your advantage since u know it works. Sometimes it's best to just step outside yaself and view the situation. Don't overthink and go w/ the gut when needed. As soon as u second guess urself, it's no bueno for u.

Another thing, DON'T PUT THE VJJ ON A PEDASTAL. Yea ol girl maybe ur idea of the total package, but at the end of the day, she just another female u're atrracted to.
Also since school hasn't been going for too long spit at some other chicks to expand the opportunities you'll get in case she don'twork out
she prolly just as nervous as you. If anything she prolly feels like u punked her cause u just peaced. She's prolly thinking that somethings wrong withher, and her insecurities came out.

dont be scared! Just smash!!!
Let her talk. take cues from that. Let her talk about herself.

Dont sweat the box and be relaxed and cool.


Its all done...

Just gotta tell her "sup"

if your really nervous pretend she's one of your friends (guy)


get her # and use txting to ur advantage.

that way u can get in the first conversations w/o being in person and u'll be more comfortable with her.

then smash.
next time c her, be like hey no hug today?? and then shell give u one, and then simp... f wat nt says i simp to get the {|}
Originally Posted by habib77fm

she prolly just as nervous as you. If anything she prolly feels like u punked her cause u just peaced. She's prolly thinking that somethings wrong with her, and her insecurities came out.

dont be scared! Just smash!!!

Good point

The table has been flipped op. Your the chooser now cause if you look at it that way, she aint nothing to you cause you dipped.

theres just one thing to do now and that is smash.......... use protection and post pics
Originally Posted by beezylocks

next time c her, be like hey no hug today?? and then shell give u one, and then simp... f wat nt says i simp to get the {|}
You had me until the end
Don't listen to that lastpart, don't treat her better than she SHOULD be treated.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

How can some of you guys not be confident in yourselves? If she comes up to you and seems interested [and not subliminally clowin'/crackin' on you] that should be all the confidence you need. She came up to YOU, she's interested in YOU. Take advantage of that, but not of her.

Next time you see her, tell her.........no better yet, you can think of somethin' creative to say to her on your own, but get her number. She'll give it to you, but you don't text her right away unless you're givin' her your number at the time. Give it like a day or two, and ......fam be yourself. I'm kinda drowsy right now.
don't over-think the situation, or else you'll end up a wreck once things don't work out exactly as you pictured in your mind.

don't think "how can I get this chick to like me" but instead think "i'm going to find out if this chick is a b_tch or not"

whip it trout
You're just gonna have to man up and go talk to her. She's just a girl. Relax and be yourself. Don't be nervous...be cool, collected and confident.Ask her what she is doing this weekend and see if she doesn't have plans ask her to do something with you (i.e. movie, party, kickin it, etc.). You'llbe fine as long as you just be yourself and don't try to be too cool.
Originally Posted by iLL Since 92

I'll post pics if i get helpful responses. if yall just clown yall not getting $%#$
keep in mind im a senior in HS so im younger than majority of dudes on here.

So 2 days ago, me and my good friend were chillin after school. The bell had just rung so everyone was still coming outside. Then probably one of the baddest chicks in the school came up to me. In my mind i'm like
. This girl is the complete package. Pretty face, nice hair, DD's and a real nice backside
. So she comes up to me and says hey can i have a hug out of the blue and of course i give her one. keep in mind i've never said a single word to this chick before. me and my homie continue our discussion, i make a few jokes and i get her giggling and $%#$... soon my friend had to go and i was about to be alone with this chick but right after he left i made a dumb move and walked away after my friend called me to help him find some other chick he was looking for

I wanna talk to this chick again, but she intimidates the living hell out of me. I feel like if i go up to her ima stutter like that dude from the bills in that postgame interview...
or even worse have a long @$# awkward silent moment.
i'm a shy dude and i always let the females come to me so i dont really go up to females like that. just not me. I'm pretty sure she thinks i'm cute because i honestly tend to get a lot of girls. always have
. but i'm still not 100% positive. i dont wanna embarrass myself. we dont have any classes together and i really only see her in the main hall or at lunch. i feel like i gotta do or say something though because i refuse to let this opprotunity pass me up

any advice/tips?

Play your cards right and you should be smashing in 1 week.

Dont put these broads on a pedestal.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

posting to view pics later

This.. Since i'm here i'll give some advice.. The next time you see her, you ask for the random hug
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