NT: My 1,000 post (a little late) FREE UNLOCKED IPHONE GIVE AWAY...

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR REPLIES... Many of you are doing very admirable things in your community, and some of you plan on doing amazing things with yourlife (noreaga, john ohh, many others). If all of you do what you plan on doing, or continue what you are doing now, your reward will be greater than some usedIphone, trust me on that! However, I had to choose one and I this is the one that caught my eye...
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

I am currently a management post leader of Northwest Houston division of Habitat for Humanity. Me, being one of 3 other leaders are in charge of rounding up high school students within the Spring and Cy-fair school district, help collect can goods, clothing, and often do hand on projects within our area by fixing up older and/or damage houses from Hurricane Ike. By rounding up these kids, I help them not only receive their hourly participation credit for their Honor Society or Key Clubs, but also reach out to those lesser privilege then they are. The management department was also able to raised 400 pounds of canned goods and at least 200 articles of clothing for donation last Christmas and hope to double it by this coming Christmas. I help out with HH at least 3-4 times a week while I have a job at REI. I was also taughtto give back to the community as much as it has given to you, and hopefully those affected by my helping will spread that knowledge.

Congrats my man... you have been pm'd
lol at all these ducktales

OP probably tried to jack that iphone and dropped it

or found it in some trash can
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Yo Drunken Cow Ill give you $10 for that phone
I got $11.73
Congrats to Drunken Cow! RayRay3thousand you're a good man. Really nice of you to do that. Put that phone to good use man.
Originally Posted by N O R E A G A

Congrats to Drunken Cow! RayRay3thousand you're a good man. Really nice of you to do that. Put that phone to good use man.

great way to get NT involved
I'd write something up buthm....don't think i can use an extra iPhone nowadays.
um ok here is my way of me helping the community .

i teach karate at a local school in Ridgewood, NY . Its near a middle school so lots of the kids go there and not only do i teach karate as a form of selfdefense but to bring self esteem and confidence . This one kid i know named Mark comes from a not so wealthy family, he always used to watch outside from thewindow and eventually one day i let him in and he asked if he can fight . I told him no its not fighting its a form or self defense and an art style ,he didntunderstand but yeah . 3 days later he came with his mother and she gave me 200 $ for the year but the kid said he wanted money for new shoes ...so i gave hismother the money back and give Mark free sessions . just my way of helping that kid ... is that a way of helping the future ?
I know I'll probably not get it, but it's a good discussion regardless of the contest.

I haven't done much yet in my life, but I've started helping the community as of now. Recently, I began volunteering at the local library where I doall sorts of things which include helping put together crafts for children's events, or even just cutting out hundreds of shapes for their crafts
. My mother and I have also been doing this food drive since high school justended every Friday where we go to residences of either old, poor, or sick people who can't go out to the grocery store to buy their own food. It's anon-profit organization and we hand out these meals that are microwaveable and are free. It is very heartbreaking, honestly, to meet these people. At onevisit, which was on Memorial Day, we stopped at this woman's house, and we said Happy Memorial Day as a friendly gesture, and she had some sort of dementiaand thought it was her birthday. Once you do a little bit of charity, you learn that there are many people you don't see in the public that truly do needhelp, like this woman.

Starting next year, I will be working with the school district's board of education as a student representative, and through this, I am planning onimproving extracurricular opportunities for students, as there are few compared to other schools in Cincinnati, and also trying to bring more AP classes andstarting an International Baccalaureate program at the high school, as there currently isn't one. I also am hoping to make the teaching system moreoutreaching than it is by allowing students to comment on their own teachers to bring forth ideas to better the educational methods of the teachers, and getthem to be more enthusiastic about their teaching, kind of like a charter school.

What has motivated me to do all of these things has been a few things. My dad has mainly helped me pursue anything in my life, whether it was trying out forthe baseball team (which I was cut for BS reasons but I'll keep my mouth shut), or the interview I had with the board of education. His background hasalso motivated me to do better, and do better things for others. As a high school kid, he never thought he'd go to a good college because he always wasshunned by his teachers, but he realized that hard work is what makes a better person and what gets themselves to that level. He managed to go on to the #2school in Japan, which has always been somewhat inspiring to me. Additionally, he recently started working in India, namely New Delhi, and he always reminds meof how different it is outside of the US, and how lucky I am to be able to go to school, as slums there still exist. He also lets our family know how lucky heis to have a job, when many people don't have a job, including my uncle in Japan who has not had any work for four years and has lived under welfare andour grandparent's retirement money.

In the future, I plan on becoming a lawyer, or anything related in the civil service field because being able to change something that helps people around thecity, kids, or the world, is what will make me feel most proud of my work.

After this thread is finished, I'll return this to the Great Wall, don't worry.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Stop posting new ones

My only thing is, why say 100 word limit if you don't stick to it?
What's wrong with posting new ones?

I'm sure my little wall of text can be a supplement to the percentage of NTers who read less than five sentences before calling it quits.
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