NT is fascinated w/ wealth and its attainment so...Who are the REAL ballers on NT?

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Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

LOL at most of this thread.....

first off hit me off with the brooklands deal for 70k caus my guy at the bentley dealer i service my arnage at will break me off a NICE finders fee for bringing them that to flip....

its no point to brag about who has the most money or whatever, especially online, but stuff like cars and jewelry that we post on NT doesnt indicate what anyone has, that stuffs just for fun and is really a waste of money at the end of the day, so whatever cars or jewels I have is easy throwaway money to me , i love used exotic whips too, i paid cash for a Arnage and a G55 AMG and i would even consider the brooklands for myself if it actually existed....Once i move out the city and dont have to pay almost a G a month to park my cars and wifeys Range ill get a coupe too...

Im not gonna get into what I do and what I have and all that stuff or get into comparing myself to anyone else, theres no need to do that, alot of times people you talking about how they have this and that really dont have that much dough at the end of the day when it comes down to it, thats the new money mentality, like all these athletes and rappers who become quick celebs and then are broke once their 15 minutes are up

plus now that I have a son I feel I gotta make sure hes gonna be alright, he already can buy 2 brooklands from champion edition with his trust account and I gotta make sure that hes gonna have more then I have

i love to see people get money so big up to everyone in this thread
jesus. ok. let me break it down. dude gettin divorced. no prenup. big money. big lawyers. shes basically gettin everything. he'd rather set his stuff on fire than give it to her.
he gave my dude a $5500 dollar sofa and some other ugly but expensive lamps.
now, if he sold the car for lets say.... 150k, he'd have to report that. she'd be gettin some of that. he doesnt want that. he'd rather sell it for peanuts than her gettin half, if not more.
is that really that hard to belive.

i know everyone knows someone who got divorced. jesus christ.
you guys speak like i aint never drop cash on a foreign whip.
ben baller seen me pull up with the paper plates.

ok so hook me up with the info and i will split the finders fee with u....im serious
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

HBW your saviour Ben Baller just dissed you save some face and stop begging for him to support your claims.. its embarassing

begging him? im just reminding him. and tellin ya'll.
i know what he said. but at the end of the day, this is just online.
he never spoke to me like that in person.
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

BUT Y'ALL DON'T GET IS at least 80% of that bread came from NT off slanging kix andbuilding some relationships early on in the streetwear game. you forget that brands like the Hundreds and such came from here?
props to all the resellers that moved on
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

LOL at most of this thread.....

first off hit me off with the brooklands deal for 70k caus my guy at the bentley dealer i service my arnage at will break me off a NICE finders fee for bringing them that to flip....

its no point to brag about who has the most money or whatever, especially online, but stuff like cars and jewelry that we post on NT doesnt indicate what anyone has, that stuffs just for fun and is really a waste of money at the end of the day, so whatever cars or jewels I have is easy throwaway money to me , i love used exotic whips too, i paid cash for a Arnage and a G55 AMG and i would even consider the brooklands for myself if it actually existed....Once i move out the city and dont have to pay almost a G a month to park my cars and wifeys Range ill get a coupe too...

Im not gonna get into what I do and what I have and all that stuff or get into comparing myself to anyone else, theres no need to do that, alot of times people you talking about how they have this and that really dont have that much dough at the end of the day when it comes down to it, thats the new money mentality, like all these athletes and rappers who become quick celebs and then are broke once their 15 minutes are up

plus now that I have a son I feel I gotta make sure hes gonna be alright, he already can buy 2 brooklands from champion edition with his trust account and I gotta make sure that hes gonna have more then I have

i love to see people get money so big up to everyone in this thread
jesus. ok. let me break it down. dude gettin divorced. no prenup. big money. big lawyers. shes basically gettin everything. he'd rather set his stuff on fire than give it to her.
he gave my dude a $5500 dollar sofa and some other ugly but expensive lamps.
now, if he sold the car for lets say.... 150k, he'd have to report that. she'd be gettin some of that. he doesnt want that. he'd rather sell it for peanuts than her gettin half, if not more.
is that really that hard to belive.

i know everyone knows someone who got divorced. jesus christ.
you guys speak like i aint never drop cash on a foreign whip.
ben baller seen me pull up with the paper plates.

ok so hook me up with the info and i will split the finders fee with u....im serious
i was serious when i said im not hookin up anyone on NT. im not hurting for cash at all.
im petty when it comes to certain things. no disrespect.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by Vince Dirty

Alot of you guys have this mixed up. My Grandpa wears average clothes, has 1 nice car (09 Carrerra S) and dosn't walk around with rubberband banks. Yet, he has 4 houses, millions of dollars worth of art, and extensive knowledge of investing, and entrepreneurship. A lot of you look really stupid thinking such petty material things make you "rich". I hope the best for everyone on NT but real old money people laugh that you think a hot car or gucci sneakers shows you made it.

Wasn't going to reply in this thread until I saw this. Real talk, I aspire to live the type of life your gramps got. People see me around school and think I'm just a regular college student. I don't spend money more than the average person does. Hell, I don't even have a car (no real need for it in NYC but I am thinking of getting an old 540 though).

However, I got almost 75k in my trading account (I'm a day trader) and 15k in various other accounts. I know that's not wealthy by any means but I'm 20 years old, still in college and I'm just getting started. Most kids my age got student loans out the @@! and I'm graduating WITH money and NO debt. I turned 5k into almost 100k since September 2008 trading currencies, futures, options and stocks. My goal is to be sitting on a liquid mil by 30 (after living expenses).

I'm trying to become wealthy. You don't become wealthy by buying a supercar as soon as you get 200k in your account. IMO, you need 10 times the price of the supercar before you even CONSIDER purchasing it. Expensive sports cars aren't even worth it. They lose value quickly and are costly to maintain. If you're trying to build wealth you can't lose money. Property, certain jewelery and other stuff (like art) are signs of real wealth. Not only are those things usually expensive, but they GAIN value. A lot of people are in here talking about the wrong things. I rather cop a car for less than 50k and put the rest of the money into an investment than buy a Lambo. It don't make sense to spend that much unless you have enough money to not care about the 200k you drop.

Anyone with real wealth is smart with their money. Look at how many people win the lottery or fall into a great deal of money and blow it. MC Hammer was balling once upon a time.

How did you get that 75K in the first place?

You, Myself, and Kicks are all in the same boat.  Im 21 years old myself, in college, graduating next year all debt free because of the way I invest.  I just came into some money recently and am in the middle of debating what kind of car to get.  I have been driving the same car since I was 16, and its now 12 years old.  I was looking at getting an 07-08 BMW 750Li but at the end of the day I dont think I will get one.  Im the type of guy that will let the next man push the Rarri or Bentley, but overall I have more MONEY than them and could probably retire 15 years before they do. 

Low-Key balling is the name of my game.  I am the guy that has the money to spend, but until I make enough money to where I dont HAVE to work for a paycheck, I WANT to work for the sake of keeping busy, I just dont see myself buying a car of that magnitude or foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value.

edit**  Not to throw out numbers..but Kicks has the right idea.  He has turned 5k into 100k since Sept. 08.  I have recently started trading in the market, and since April of 2009, I have turned $2300 into just under $25k (and its looking to skyrocket on some picks I am waiting on now)..I dont look to take that money out until I look to buy a house/condo/townhome in the near future.  I hope to be a hundred thousandaire by this time next year and a millionaire by 25 (liquid).  not bad considering I started less than a year ago


Originally Posted by nicefro

thing is an 03 brooks doesn't exist so your point is moot.
i corrected myself in an earlier post.

people coming out the woodworks.

i havent gotten angry, bad mouthed anyone, or even left nt.
and i dont plan to. i stand behind my words. a NTer lives down the street from me that im hella cool with.
i could go scoop him and have him co-sign on whatever im talkin bout, but its not that serious for you guys.
he'd probally laugh at me for even goin this far online. just let this die. its a pointless back and forth argument.
the car is there.  it exsists. im not a baller. i cant buy it. i just said what was out there. you guys actin like i showed fake car faxes.
i'd rather sit here and smoke this granddaddy i just scooped.
and when i went to the dealership next to dream (i cant remember the name for the life of me) he giggled when i said what ferraris they got for 100k and under.
thats all i know. i know nothing else.

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by JJschenley23

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I think some of you are mistaking having a decent bank account, and wealth/assets.

Yea just cause they have a ferrari dont make em rich. When i got my honda 2000 the dealership had ferrari's for 70-90K with miles under 30K and Lambos for 110-175K under 30K miles. You can get a maserati, bentley, or any other high end car for a good price used with low miles. The real baller is someone who got an estate and all. Ya feel me?
get outta here with that tomfoolery boy.
you dont even got prices right.
you cannot find ANY ferrari for under 150k NOW, AS IN TODAY. lol@under 30k miles.
i dont even think a ferrari exists with over 20k miles. lambos for 110? get outta here. maybe today, on the low, with a super hook up.

that wasnt even worth the post.
and REALLY lol @ a S2000. saw one break down right infront of the crib yesterday. he had the hard top on it too.

oh and you guys are petty. now dont get me wrong... a million dollar house is a big deal... but he is, like he said upper middle class. upper class is thatdefinitive line between people who buy houses cash and pay morgatges(sp)... hell my old spot i had with my boy in crappy monrovia was half a mil. that dontmake me half way there lol.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by JJschenley23

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I think some of you are mistaking having a decent bank account, and wealth/assets.

Yea just cause they have a ferrari dont make em rich. When i got my honda 2000 the dealership had ferrari's for 70-90K with miles under 30K and Lambos for 110-175K under 30K miles. You can get a maserati, bentley, or any other high end car for a good price used with low miles. The real baller is someone who got an estate and all. Ya feel me?
get outta here with that tomfoolery boy.
you dont even got prices right.
you cannot find ANY ferrari for under 150k NOW, AS IN TODAY. lol@under 30k miles.
i dont even think a ferrari exists with over 20k miles. lambos for 110? get outta here. maybe today, on the low, with a super hook up.

that wasnt even worth the post.
and REALLY lol @ a S2000. saw one break down right infront of the crib yesterday. he had the hard top on it too.

oh and you guys are petty. now dont get me wrong... a million dollar house is a big deal... but he is, like he said upper middle class. upper class is that definitive line between people who buy houses cash and pay morgatges(sp)... hell my old spot i had with my boy in crappy monrovia was half a mil. that dont make me half way there lol.



if you went in with $110k in cash the dealership would take it too

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.

...what is it that you do?   and i dont think anyone said that they were 'Better' for knowing how to invest at a young age and going to school at the same time.....correct me if im wrong


Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by nicefro

thing is an 03 brooks doesn't exist so your point is moot.
i corrected myself in an earlier post.

people coming out the woodworks.

i havent gotten angry, bad mouthed anyone, or even left nt.
and i dont plan to. i stand behind my words. a NTer lives down the street from me that im hella cool with.
i could go scoop him and have him co-sign on whatever im talkin bout, but its not that serious for you guys.
he'd probally laugh at me for even goin this far online. just let this die. its a pointless back and forth argument.
the car is there.  it exsists. im not a baller. i cant buy it. i just said what was out there. you guys actin like i showed fake car faxes.
i'd rather sit here and smoke this granddaddy i just scooped.
and when i went to the dealership next to dream (i cant remember the name for the life of me) he giggled when i said what ferraris they got for 100k and under.
thats all i know. i know nothing else.

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.
750 to 300k in one year? What time frame is this my friend? Either you slept with the SEC to gain these profits, or your telling ducktales.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

Originally Posted by nicefro

thing is an 03 brooks doesn't exist so your point is moot.
i corrected myself in an earlier post.

people coming out the woodworks.

i havent gotten angry, bad mouthed anyone, or even left nt.
and i dont plan to. i stand behind my words. a NTer lives down the street from me that im hella cool with.
i could go scoop him and have him co-sign on whatever im talkin bout, but its not that serious for you guys.
he'd probally laugh at me for even goin this far online. just let this die. its a pointless back and forth argument.
the car is there.  it exsists. im not a baller. i cant buy it. i just said what was out there. you guys actin like i showed fake car faxes.
i'd rather sit here and smoke this granddaddy i just scooped.
and when i went to the dealership next to dream (i cant remember the name for the life of me) he giggled when i said what ferraris they got for 100k and under.
thats all i know. i know nothing else.

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.
750 to 300k in one year? What time frame is this my friend? Either you slept with the SEC to gain these profits, or your telling ducktales.
He's not talking about the market
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

=do you use thinkorswim for day trading? do you go to school? i never figured out how students could day trade during the school year unless they have all night classes or something.

i'm back in, made good $$ off some chinese small caps but during the last two days obviously i've been taking some losses.

Yeah, I trade with ThinkorSwim. I do go to school but I'm taking some time off right now to focus on trading (both my parent's are unemployed right now) and to study for my actuarial exams. Before this, I usually took nights and weekend classes. I tried taking classes during the day, I would either not go or go and not pay attention.

The last two days may become a trend. I'm expecting it to turn around and rise this week and then further downside. It depends though, we'll have to see what happens this coming week. At the end of the day, I'm an intraday trader so I don't care which way the market moves, just as long as it moves.

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

You, Myself, and Kicks are all in the same boat.  Im 21 years old myself, in college, graduating next year all debt free because of the way I invest.  I just came into some money recently and am in the middle of debating what kind of car to get.  I have been driving the same car since I was 16, and its now 12 years old.  I was looking at getting an 07-08 BMW 750Li but at the end of the day I dont think I will get one.  Im the type of guy that will let the next man push the Rarri or Bentley, but overall I have more MONEY than them and could probably retire 15 years before they do. 

Low-Key balling is the name of my game.  I am the guy that has the money to spend, but until I make enough money to where I dont HAVE to work for a paycheck, I WANT to work for the sake of keeping busy, I just dont see myself buying a car of that magnitude or foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value.

edit**  Not to throw out numbers..but Kicks has the right idea.  He has turned 5k into 100k since Sept. 08.  I have recently started trading in the market, and since April of 2009, I have turned $2300 into just under $25k (and its looking to skyrocket on some picks I am waiting on now)..I dont look to take that money out until I look to buy a house/condo/townhome in the near future.  I hope to be a hundred thousandaire by this time next year and a millionaire by 25 (liquid).  not bad considering I started less than a year ago



This man has the right idea. We're talking about BUILDING WEALTH. Not SHOWING OFF. The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea. Stack your money and put it into things that will make you more money in the future. If you do it right, there WILL be time where you can cop that new Ferrari and put miles on it without a care. However, you gotta wait for that time or it'll never will come. If you make 300k a year, but every year you spend 250k, in 10 years you'll only have 500k saved up. That's not building wealth. I rather make 300k a year, spend no more than 100 and in 10 years have 2 mil saved up. THAT's building wealth

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.

First of all nobody is d-riding anybody. Most of the people in here who are talking about investments DO invest. We're not d-riding, we're just talking about using a common interest to achieve a common goal. Check the Stock Market thread if you don't believe me, the user names are the same.

Second, 5k into 100 or 750 into 300k. This isn't a competition. Money is money. What you got in your bank don't affect me. If you turned 750 into 300k then congrats, just keep making it. I wasn't trying to show off, I was just introducing situation and then giving my views. Turning 750 into 300k is great but I rather have what I did any day of the week. When I'm applying for a prop trading position and they look at my experience, that will help me out more than a college degree from Harvard will. Also, what people don't understand is with trading, returns are scalable. Meaning the more money I have, the more I make. 10% return off $10,000 is $1000 but 10% return off $50,000 is $5,000. The more I stack, the more I make. I don't know what business you're in, but I don't think it's as simple to scale your returns as it is with trading.

Third, no one said they were better than anyone else either. When I mentioned college, it was because I was trying to say that most people who go to college BLEED money. Some end up graduating in huge amounts of debt. My goal was to graduate WITH money and I'm on my way to doing so. No one was trying to say they were better than you for going to college. Also 10 years in college? Where they do that at? As for thinking I'm better cause I trade, I didn't mean it like that at all. However after thinking about it, it's not a bad job to have. I spend my days on TOS and various websites, watching Bloomberg, smoking weed (shipped straight from Cali) and basically chilling. I have no clients, no places to be, no bosses, and no one to complain when I decide to take the rest of the day off to chill with a shorty. I won't say I'm better than you cause I trade but I certainly don't think I'm worse off.

Don't feel insulted but it IS smarter to save your money than spend it. There's NO WAY you'll prove to me otherwise. Also, wanting to live a normal life and just stack money does not mean I'm not having fun or enjoying life. Having fun in life shouldn't equate to what car you drive or what jewelery you have. If it does, you're doing something wrong.
at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
technical analysis has always intruiged me but at the same time ive always been too skeptical about it

ive always dne fundamental but im gonna give tech a shot

does it really work out long term? seems too easy
Originally Posted by finnns2003

at HBW knocking investors. Straight ignorance.

Good to see bright, young investors in here... None of my friends can relate to me.
im not and wasnt knockin no one... but i hate that cats was typing like people who live a "flossy lifestyle" are stupid and will fail at life.
thats why i said what i said. it was in general and at no one specifically.

"The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea."
i guess you forgot he got shot.

you investment cats have fun "building" wealth. just dont drink and drive or mess with shady people. lol. yeah you can retire in 15 years, if you live that long.

and how i make my money? if i bought a product for 44.30 (actual price) and it sells for 250 (actual price again) thats almost 400% profit. better than crack.
i got banned talking about my business so im not going to be specific.
and im a ISO expert. cant be specific on that either.
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

You, Myself, and Kicks are all in the same boat.  Im 21 years old myself, in college, graduating next year all debt free because of the way I invest.  I just came into some money recently and am in the middle of debating what kind of car to get.  I have been driving the same car since I was 16, and its now 12 years old.  I was looking at getting an 07-08 BMW 750Li but at the end of the day I dont think I will get one.  Im the type of guy that will let the next man push the Rarri or Bentley, but overall I have more MONEY than them and could probably retire 15 years before they do. 

Low-Key balling is the name of my game.  I am the guy that has the money to spend, but until I make enough money to where I dont HAVE to work for a paycheck, I WANT to work for the sake of keeping busy, I just dont see myself buying a car of that magnitude or foolishly spending on things that lose value instead of gain value.

edit**  Not to throw out numbers..but Kicks has the right idea.  He has turned 5k into 100k since Sept. 08.  I have recently started trading in the market, and since April of 2009, I have turned $2300 into just under $25k (and its looking to skyrocket on some picks I am waiting on now)..I dont look to take that money out until I look to buy a house/condo/townhome in the near future.  I hope to be a hundred thousandaire by this time next year and a millionaire by 25 (liquid).  not bad considering I started less than a year ago



This man has the right idea. We're talking about BUILDING WEALTH. Not SHOWING OFF. The way I see it, Lulu from Paid in Full had the right idea. Stack your money and put it into things that will make you more money in the future. If you do it right, there WILL be time where you can cop that new Ferrari and put miles on it without a care. However, you gotta wait for that time or it'll never will come. If you make 300k a year, but every year you spend 250k, in 10 years you'll only have 500k saved up. That's not building wealth. I rather make 300k a year, spend no more than 100 and in 10 years have 2 mil saved up. THAT's building wealth

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

oh and for every1 D-riding these investment cats.

5k into 100?

how about flippin $750 into over 300k in 1 year.

there are ways to make money any way. youre not better than anyone just cause you go to college and can invest. and just cause you'd rather live a normal life with money in the bank compared to someone who spends their money on jewelry and cars, doesnt make you smarter either.
some people like to have fun in life. if going to college for 10 years is whats good to you, then more power to you, but that doesnt make you better.

First of all nobody is d-riding anybody. Most of the people in here who are talking about investments DO invest. We're not d-riding, we're just talking about using a common interest to achieve a common goal. Check the Stock Market thread if you don't believe me, the user names are the same.

Second, 5k into 100 or 750 into 300k. This isn't a competition. Money is money. What you got in your bank don't affect me. If you turned 750 into 300k then congrats, just keep making it. I wasn't trying to show off, I was just introducing situation and then giving my views. Turning 750 into 300k is great but I rather have what I did any day of the week. When I'm applying for a prop trading position and they look at my experience, that will help me out more than a college degree from Harvard will. Also, what people don't understand is with trading, returns are scalable. Meaning the more money I have, the more I make. 10% return off $10,000 is $1000 but 10% return off $50,000 is $5,000. The more I stack, the more I make. I don't know what business you're in, but I don't think it's as simple to scale your returns as it is with trading.

Third, no one said they were better than anyone else either. When I mentioned college, it was because I was trying to say that most people who go to college BLEED money. Some end up graduating in huge amounts of debt. My goal was to graduate WITH money and I'm on my way to doing so. No one was trying to say they were better than you for going to college. Also 10 years in college? Where they do that at? As for thinking I'm better cause I trade, I didn't mean it like that at all. However after thinking about it, it's not a bad job to have. I spend my days on TOS and various websites, watching Bloomberg, smoking weed (shipped straight from Cali) and basically chilling. I have no clients, no places to be, no bosses, and no one to complain when I decide to take the rest of the day off to chill with a shorty. I won't say I'm better than you cause I trade but I certainly don't think I'm worse off.

Don't feel insulted but it IS smarter to save your money than spend it. There's NO WAY you'll prove to me otherwise. Also, wanting to live a normal life and just stack money does not mean I'm not having fun or enjoying life. Having fun in life shouldn't equate to what car you drive or what jewelery you have. If it does, you're doing something wrong.

   Everything this man said is on point


I feel like you have a chip on your shoulder to prove everyone wrong in this thread.  Why cant you just give the people props for turning a little amount of money into a larger amount of money?  Thank you for sharing though.  The investing guys that have posted (myself, Kicks, Chris Bosh's Neck) all do the same thing and do decent at it (for our world).  We all happen to be in the same situation and all 3 of us know what its like to make that first 25k in order to officially day trade, and make even more money. We gave the other information like our age, what we do, and that we are college students to give people an understanding of how WE get money, not neccesarily how everyone else should get money.  And, we never said 'This is the only way to get money' .. isnt this a thread about what people do?  if not, direct me in the right thread...

i'm stuck on the $70k brooklands, i'd have my dad scoop it in a heartbeat.

trying to work my way up to 25k so i can day trade, i'm young so i have time, but ultimately, i want to graduate college in 2014 with zero debt and a few hundred g's.

it's doable.
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