NT, how do you know when she's the "one"?

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

my girl told me last night she gonna get my name tatted on her #^$

Oh wow! I bet you are so proud. I can't even imagine how painful that must be to have someones name inked on your butt.
Originally Posted by iBlink

To the guys saying I'm too young, what would you tell my aunt (whose been happily married for 11 years) who got married at 21?

Was the baby his?

Jokes aside, age isnt such a factor as its made to be. Love has no age limits.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Simple question. I'm getting old and have been with my girlfriend for a year and a few . Granted, the relationship's been rocky and things still have a long way to go, but I'm thinking about popping the question this Christmas. How do I know for certain that she's the one for me?

There is no rush iblink. You just got to college dude, why you trying to get married. And if you know your not making a mistake but that is not true. Mostpeople who get married think that but you have to try and live with that person first before I would get engaged to anyone.
There's no such thing as "the one" just the one for right now.

I also agree that you wouldn't need answers from other people for this type of question.

1 yr and some change is def not enough time to get to know someone well enough to marry them no matter how well you think you know the other person.
Originally Posted by iBlink

To the guys saying I'm too young, what would you tell my aunt (whose been happily married for 11 years) who got married at 21?
I would say congratulations to her. Not to be a downer though, but 11 years really isn't that long to be married but I wish her the best. Ialso wouldn't base your decision off of one example.

I'm sure if you asked her, she would say that she made a lot of sacrifices by getting married so young. Just figuring out where to live based off of joboptions requires sacrifices and a lot of compromise. It isn't easy when you are both just starting your professional career. But if you are ready to dothat, good luck, I just hope you are both completely on the same page.
[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]but damn, kudos to you if you really want to marry this girl blink.... Ihaven't even met a girl who I've wanted to tolerate being around for more than a few hours on a consistent basis without being sexual untilnow....[/color]
a year...is really NO time at all. you cant even finish school in a year (college degree). I honestly think you are too young as well. but if you feel its theright move...by all means.
Is she alright with you posting her pictures on NT?

If so, she's the one.

But seriously, if you think you both are ready... Do what you gotta do.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]but damn, kudos to you if you really want to marry this girl blink.... I haven't even met a girl who I've wanted to tolerate being around for more than a few hours on a consistent basis without being sexual until now....[/color]

But wait bro. What are the negatives of waiting?

Unless she begging Don't do it.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I'm twenty if that matters.

For those of you who seem to think it's too young, I beg to differ. There's no right age for a person to contemplate marriage.
it's not really about being too young to get married; it's more about being stable. at this age, are you ready to support her and possiblya family? money problems are the main cause of failed marraiges. you're studying law and she's studying med right? you gotta put in a few yrs for bothof those majors before you can start working. it's just a thought. if you decide to do it anyway, i wish you the best.
Personally, I don't think a year is long enough to really make such a life changing decision. I was with my ex for close to 5 years and now we don'teven speak. Hell, I don't even know if there is such a thing as the "one". You're doing the school thing trying to better yourself which isgreat. I think you should just focus on that for now. Marriage is something that you should be looking into once you've already established a foothold inthis crazy world around us. No matter what people say if you think you're ready then go for it. If you really thought this girl was the "one" Idon't think this thread would even be here.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Is she alright with you posting her pictures on NT?

If so, she's the one.

But seriously, if you think you both are ready... Do what you gotta do.
this man speaks the truth
20 is pretty young...if she is "the one" she'll be there after you two finish school and get established...
Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

You give her the door test..

that;s what i was gonna say

this is straight non-sense,�
at dudes judging a chick if she unlocks thedoor for you.� She probably thinking "how this dummy gonna get locked out his own car?"�
when ure in bed with her and she farts and you two laugh it off and cuddle... u know shes the one
There are a lot of things, but here are my main few:
-When you love waking up next to this person and can see yourself doing this for the rest of your life
-When you can see yourself with this person with the rest of your life, in general
-The feeling you have when you're with this person
-Overall, it's just a feeling you have, when you know, you'll definitely know

-Especially, when you know you're on the same page with that person, it's
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