NT Fam, what issues are you dealing with now? Vol. Group therapy

- My brother has been in a coma for almost 2 weeks
- I'm at a stagnant state with my career, I know I can do better but I'm too lazy/ not motivated enough to really do anything about it.
- I feel like I'm drifting away from those I care(d) most about
- I'm falling for a stripper
...Having a very hard time tryna give my husband to be a seed...that !#@ really messes with you're head...
I need to find a job, but I have no experience and working at a
fast food place is not a good idea
for someone who's lost 70lbs
and is still losing.
I need to fill out all these scholarships because without them I can only depend on my two disabled parents. I fear ending up in debt.
I forgot to pay for a prom package, but idk if I can afford
It so it's a no-go for me.
Also, I need to learn how to drive
in time for when I turn 18
In a month
Want to get married but girl wants a big wedding. Need to save money.
Just applied to a job I dont really want, thinking about withdrawing my name.
I get too anxious/stressed about dumb things.
Im losing weight but I have a long way to get to my goal.
Need to find a new job closer to home, I miss my family a lot.
I just 300 dollars in about 90 minutes at the casino while I was supposed to be on a 2 hour breakfast at work.

Im upset about it.
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