NT Fam, what issues are you dealing with now? Vol. Group therapy

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

This past weekend, I went to Vegas with a couple of my friends for a basketball tournament. On our last night in Vegas, after the club, my friend and I were back in our hotel room and I tried to hook up with her (it didn't progress very far.) She's one of my best friend's girlfriend (who wasn't there in Vegas with us.)

I feel like absolute scum but to be fair, she made the first move (we were sharing the same bed and she grabbed my hand and pulled me in.) She let me hold her in bed. Only when I tried anything beyond that did she seem to hesitate and stop me. I feel like an idiot for even ATTEMPTING anything. I'm scared that if we were ever intoxicated again in the future that this might happen again and go further. The plan is to find an off-campus house next semester and live together.

If my friend ever found out about any of this, he'd probably kill me and I wouldn't be surprised if I were ostracized from my circle of friends. The problem is, she's an attractive girl and if given the opportunity and no one were to find out, I'd probably go for it.

What would NT do?

dont do it homie. never try to smash yo friends girl, thats a rule. me & my homeboys had this discussion a few days ago. just think of all the other chicks u could be hittin, now y would u do that to yo friends girl? everything u wanna do to her im sure he already did, so its like sloppy seconds. i know for me even if my homeboy gf is a dime she automatically lose 4 points in looks just cause she his girl, so therefore i would never try to smash my friends gf
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Not having ANY motivation to study for this test I have on Thursday
Can't decide if I wanna sell all of my shoes or not (attachment FTL, can someone please talk me into getting rid of them?!)
Not getting enough sleep
Not broke, but want more $$

How many pairs do you have? I'd say to start off getting rid of those that you never wear, or you know you can do without. Also, think of what all that extra dough could be used for: mods for your car, advance payment of bills etc. That's just extra money sitting in your closet, G, that you can actively put to use.
Man I got like 40 or so total but I don't wear alot of them, not cuz I'm one of those dudes that is afraid to I just honestly don't wear them.  The ones I wanna sell are older Jordans (just not into them anymore) but I know when I do I'll regret it.  F it, I think I'm just going to do it.  Gotta break the addiction somehow 

Hope everyone else's troubles clear up soon, just be patient guys
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

This past weekend, I went to Vegas with a couple of my friends for a basketball tournament. On our last night in Vegas, after the club, my friend and I were back in our hotel room and I tried to hook up with her (it didn't progress very far.) She's one of my best friend's girlfriend (who wasn't there in Vegas with us.)

I feel like absolute scum but to be fair, she made the first move (we were sharing the same bed and she grabbed my hand and pulled me in.) She let me hold her in bed. Only when I tried anything beyond that did she seem to hesitate and stop me. I feel like an idiot for even ATTEMPTING anything. I'm scared that if we were ever intoxicated again in the future that this might happen again and go further. The plan is to find an off-campus house next semester and live together.

If my friend ever found out about any of this, he'd probably kill me and I wouldn't be surprised if I were ostracized from my circle of friends. The problem is, she's an attractive girl and if given the opportunity and no one were to find out, I'd probably go for it.

What would NT do?

dont do it homie. never try to smash yo friends girl, thats a rule. me & my homeboys had this discussion a few days ago. just think of all the other chicks u could be hittin, now y would u do that to yo friends girl? everything u wanna do to her im sure he already did, so its like sloppy seconds. i know for me even if my homeboy gf is a dime she automatically lose 4 points in looks just cause she his girl, so therefore i would never try to smash my friends gf
I know, that's the worst part. I KNOW I'm in the wrong for even entertaining the idea. I hope this goes away after a couple days. Pretend like nothing happened.
^ don't do it to your friendship, Bo. Its not worth it, trust me. My boy's ex (whom he was still feeling) and I kissed once. I'll NEVER forget the conversation when I told him; it dramatically affected our friendship
it also completely ruined my friendship with the girl too, we were good friends. After about 2 years me and my boy became cool again, but that could've all been avoided by not crossing the line with the girl.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Where do I begin

Lack of sleep
Lack of physical activity
Possibly having a mental breakdown, or getting there.

All that. 
need more sleep.
long term relationship. its been going smooth for about half a year, but... eh. care for the girl, at least i think i do. we've been together for almost 2 1/2 years. not sure if im losing feelings or if its the distance+me being distracted by school and fighting (literally fighting/training). afraid to ever break up with her because i have trouble hurting people like that. ive only broken up with one girl in my past and it made me feel horrribleeee.
-Terrible sleeping patterns/insomnia
-Did not have as good of a school term as I wanted. THANK GOD ITS OVER THO
-In love with my girl, but she lives in another state. Its good, and I wouldn't change it for the world, but if you've ever been in one you know that its just plain tough. There are rough spots and when you do hit those rough spots, its a lot harder to work things out, talk, hug, and make up sex
when your in a different state. But we manage, and I am thankful for that.
-Family illness
-Personal Health (however i have been hitting the gym nearly everyday for the last 3 months, need a better diet; which impossible on a college budget)
-Been smoking blacks (quit the herb for the most part tho)
-laying here with the illest cold and I have to leave for work in an hour.
-i have little to no self control when it comes to eating. I can stick to my diet one day and blow up the next.
-we all have a feeling were all going to get laid off at work.
-my second source of income had died down dramatically (bartending).
Having mary jane withdrawals, just gave it up for lent.. and on top of that I'm going to have to cut back on the alchohol due to internal and mental problems that are affecting my relationship and somewhat those around me.. But so far it's a good week because it's allowing me a lot of energy and time to study for finals.
Missing a bunch of school and starting to fall behind cause I've been sick a lot the past few months. Sickle Cell ftl

Tryna break up with a crazy girl.

Horrible sleep patterns.
Need a peace of mind with a lot of things.

(probably just need positive vibes, prayers, the whole nine)

Kind of feel insecure to put out personal business on here, don't need to be put on blast months down the line because of a grave digger with NT posts. With that said, I'm hoping today will kindle a lot of what I'm working towards...

Prayers and positive vibes to everyone else in this thread. I wish you all good luck, faith and success with anything anyone in here wishes to accomplish out of life.
Need a good post grad job
My roster of chicks acting dumb n bugging me so now I gotta re up but have no time, money n I'm too lazy to go hunting smh
Due to bills n all that cant ball out like im used to doing
Don't kno what I wanna do wit my life, feels like I'm just floating thru and I should be doing more with myself
Where do I start.
I have 4k I owe to the school I went to for 1 sem.
I sold my car to help my mom pay her car off (she was 3 months back)
The car I was suppose to get my dad gave away and now the people won't give it back.
I'm trying to move out on top of this.
I'm not going to school.
But that god for health.
list too long. but i thank god for giving me another day to deal with them.
Time......time has almost been the biggest issue. I don't even smash like I use to, its true that college age era are the best years of your life.
My mother is in really bad shape financially and it's preventing me from moving out on my own
, she's already lost a lot the last few years (car, job etc.) and I'm just afraid she feels defeated and helpless at this point since we're on the brink of having to downsize our living arrangements. I have been blessed with a full time job and have been paying most of the bills for the last two years and I just pray something would finally go right for her so she can get stable
-Told myself I would be a gym rat this year. Haven't gone since January

-Saving money (Damn you JB)

-anxiety about my major. I see folks (including a few NTers) get their shine (graphic design). Hopefully I'm up next
-still haven't found that good postgrad job (thankful I still have the job I've had throughout school but I'm tired of being there and not making any real money)

-i feel like college was a waste of time and money for me

-i just really eradicated what little relationship i'd have with my younger sisters (we're all in our 20s now, I'm a 5-6 years older than them) cuz i felt disrespected.. both my sisters and i are at fault

-if my sisters didnt totally hate me before they do now, all because i wasn't tactful in addressing their disrespect and miscommunication

-really wanting to move on my own and can't due to not having a higher paying job

-in a lot more debt than I've ever been 

-life just isn't going the way i'd like it to, but thats how it goes at times i suppose

-procrastinating on things i need to be doing like finishing up business plan and continue applying for jobs due to discouragement from past experiences and a bit of laziness

-not happy with myself right now

-should be staying positive but negativity just always seems to creep up

/emo blog post. 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

-Told myself I would be a gym rat this year. Haven't gone since January

if it wasnt for the gym id prolly be in jail right now. thats how level headed it keeps me
Dealing with a variety of worries but thankful for them all. Learning a lot about myself and how to improve on things.

-I've been at my job assignment for about a year and a half and it will be ending by the end of April. I'm a temp here and have been applying for different entry level positions the entire time. Each time a job opens up I apply ASAP but never seem to get past "application received". I've had 2 interviews here but neither of them worked out. I work in the same building as my father, he's a senior manager here and has been given the run around and holla back treatment also when he tries to search for things and help me out.

-My sleep patterns are horrid. I'll go through several days of going to sleep before 12 but around either 3am or 3:30am I'll shoot wide awake.

-I have this issue where I just won't eat and it will last for 2-3 days. I get hungry but I just won't eat, it'll feel like I'm already full. Sucks because it'll happen right after a great gym workout where I feel I'm about to improve and gain weight

-Girl I was dating was playing hot and cold with me for too long. I tried to talk to her twice about it and got nowhere so I figured we were done but then she would start chasing me the very next day. A few weekends ago while she was away I had to really think is this going to progress or am I going to keep letting whatever this is be on her terms? I didn't believe she would respond honestly if I tried talking to her again so I cut contact the day she was supposed to come home. Removed her from everything and have been acting as if she never existed. It took a lot for me to do but it was time for me to either remove myself or keep allowing it. I think about her a lot...
I'm still not anywhere near over my ex-girlfriend of 4 years, while she's already been close to dating 2 guys. We broke up Almost 7 months ago.

It's a lot more complicated for me than it sounds.
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