NT Fam, what issues are you dealing with now? Vol. Group therapy

Dec 9, 2002
We all like to come to NT to find a good laugh, latest news etc, but we all have our own personal struggles. I created this thread for anyone to air out their personal problems and to just get things off their chest. Who knows what advice another NTer may have or even what a local member can do for someone. So here's my issue:My job has to amend some paperwork dealing with our pay, and now I'm mad late for rent
It was supposed to be done 2 fridays ago and it still hast been completed. I'm slangin stuff on craigslist trying to fill in the gap. I spoke with the rent office, and they're being patient, but I know after a while they're going to want the $$$. I just hope my job gets their act together. On top of that, my second job didn't didn't put me in the system correctly so I have to wait on that check too :/So what are you dealing with?
just looking for a better job, im just glad i have a job in the first place tho.
Thankfully most of the problems Ive been dealing with have died down. Dont have any real issues at the moment. I guess I could say my lack of motivation in school, no job, and wanting to be with someone I cant have are my current issues.
Where do I begin

Lack of sleep
Lack of physical activity
Possibly having a mental breakdown, or getting there.
Not having ANY motivation to study for this test I have on Thursday
Can't decide if I wanna sell all of my shoes or not (attachment FTL, can someone please talk me into getting rid of them?!)
Not getting enough sleep
Not broke, but want more $$
I stopped seeing my therapist a while ago and I'm not sure whether that was a good decision.
Weight loss.
Being broke.
Constantly reevaluating my friendships.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Can't decide if I wanna sell all of my shoes or not (attachment FTL, can someone please talk me into getting rid of them?!)
Not getting enough sleep
Not broke, but want more $$
all this
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Not having ANY motivation to study for this test I have on Thursday
Can't decide if I wanna sell all of my shoes or not (attachment FTL, can someone please talk me into getting rid of them?!)
Not getting enough sleep
Not broke, but want more $$

How many pairs do you have? I'd say to start off getting rid of those that you never wear, or you know you can do without. Also, think of what all that extra dough could be used for: mods for your car, advance payment of bills etc. That's just extra money sitting in your closet, G, that you can actively put to use.
Broke up w/my girl just under a month ago ended on good terms but I'm only 23 turning 24 on the 29th but I want to enjoy my 20's though my ex is wifey material but I can't see myself marrying her right now though, being on the hunt for new girls is tough especially after 5 1/2 years
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

just looking for a better job, im just glad i have a job in the first place tho.

Same here bra, except i can't stand working there anymore... It's frustrating
I graduated with a fine arts degree 3 months ago. I've been looking for a job, any job for the last four months. I have money saved up but that ran out after paying rent in March. I have a job as an Instructor's assistant that started in January and ended last week. As an instructor's assistant I made 36 dollars every 2 weeks, working 2 hours a week. I make just enough to cover bills for the month and shop for the cheapest groceries possible. I recently got hired as an program leader for an after school program but can't start until I get a tb test($5) and fingerprinting($22). I teach photoshop and probably sub for other coarses. On top of all that I walk the stage in May and I have to buy my cap and gown pack for 40 bucks by Wednesday, which i also do not have. I get paid Wednesday and due to some overtime, imma make 90 bucks so I have enough for bills and some groceries. I do not know how imma pay for cap and gown. Rent is due in two weeks too. Now that i got all my paperwork in, I should be able to start work as a program leader soon.
Originally Posted by targiu23

I graduated with a fine arts degree 3 months ago.

I have a fine arts degree also, and I had/am having a difficult time finding something in my field. Don't rule out relocating, fam.Hang in there tho, I've been in similar situations, being extremely strapped for cash. Be sure to prioritize and recognize that some things are not necessity eg. Cell phone, cable. I had to let a lot of "luxury" expenses go the last few months.
im broke & even tho i got more money than alotta people, in my mind im broke. im used to bein able to ball out & stunt on everybody, but i cant really do that no more. i rarely get any sleep. & this last one gon make me sound soft but #+#% it...i really wanna be in love bruh but when i look back on things it seem like i pushed away every female that loved me cause i was scared or sumthin. i got a chick now & i like her alot but i dont love her & i think +%+* between us is finna come to an end soon. i wanna be a good dude to one female, but sumtimes i just dont see the point...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Where do I begin

Lack of sleep-yes
Lack of physical activity-yes
Possibly having a mental breakdown, or getting there. I don't know bout this 1
Headaches nor these last 2
Also i need to get back in smash mode, summers coming up and just freed my head and hands so i guess the main problem is emptying my phone book and re-building it
This past weekend, I went to Vegas with a couple of my friends for a basketball tournament. On our last night in Vegas, after the club, my friend and I were back in our hotel room and I tried to hook up with her (it didn't progress very far.) She's one of my best friend's girlfriend (who wasn't there in Vegas with us.)

I feel like absolute scum but to be fair, she made the first move (we were sharing the same bed and she grabbed my hand and pulled me in.) She let me hold her in bed. Only when I tried anything beyond that did she seem to hesitate and stop me. I feel like an idiot for even ATTEMPTING anything. I'm scared that if we were ever intoxicated again in the future that this might happen again and go further. The plan is to find an off-campus house next semester and live together.

If my friend ever found out about any of this, he'd probably kill me and I wouldn't be surprised if I were ostracized from my circle of friends. The problem is, she's an attractive girl and if given the opportunity and no one were to find out, I'd probably go for it.

What would NT do?
Can't manage time and stay focus
Broke up with Ex 2 months ago because she went out with my friend and she just admit to me she grinded on some other guy on a boat dance
she is such a ho but I still care for her

getting mediocre grades...
rejected from Niketown...
I got problems baby...#J.cole
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