NT, do you know your license plate number?

I cant remember it but my ex knows it... so i just hit her up for an excuse to talk with her.
No Shame #simpcard.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Of course. How the hell do you ppl not know your license plate numbers?

for real.....and it seems the majority don't know it. I thought it was a common thing to know.
yea .. it consists of my birthday and my blood type..
i have nooooo idea why and how that happened but it did
I know some of it
in Cali for non-customized plates it goes number-3letters-3numbers for normal cars, for trucks its number-1letter-5numbers for anything that can be classified as trucks or ability to tow/carry heavy amounts.
What if you're in wal-mart/target and they say the owner with license plate 533 JLB your lights are on and you don't know your plates and go to your car and its dead. 
i do...I've only had it for 8 years....hell i think i know my drivers license number.
yeah, important to memorize if your car gets towed or stolen... but i dont know mine either
People... don't know their car registration number? I thought everyone would have memorised it as a matter of course.
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