NT Confessions 2009

It's like drama llama day, all of my forums are trippin'
Isn't it? I mean if we could get rid of this "pimp" mentality then everything would be fine...but I refuse to be part of a meal (the entreesharing the plate with two sides).
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by c0neV3rgE

Originally Posted by webnerd06

Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by webnerd06

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

- I'm on a 5 month drought. (coulda put it to a end, but the girl was like a 5 max)
- I don't have a job. Sent it 8 applications for summer jobs with the Gov't, got 0 responses
- Still don't have a car (i'm 19) and with no job...its not looking good
- I feel like I wasted to much money during the school semester...but i dont drink or smoke, so I prolly didn't really spend THAT much
- Part of me really dislikes my dad for taking my mom to court to force her to pay 1/3 of my tution. She works 3 jobs, is driving a 14 year old car, she can't afford it and he knows that. Pops EASILY makes enough to pay for my tution and then some.
- Because of reason above i might be trasnferring from Howard to a state school (VSU, ODU, or Norfolk State
at all 3)
- I thought my g.p.a was gonna be around a 3.4 for 2nd semester, but my teachers are %%+$@ and now it looks more like a 3.0

- I dont have any really great memories in my childhood past when my parents divorced (2001). truthfully my freshman year of college has been the best year i've had in a while (socially & academically)

more later.
i hope you didn't have my mom... shes a pretty nice person & teacher

What's your mom's name?
professor Long-White
she teaches different health classes in Burr
lol u sure shes a prof. or plays one in a porno

really tho....
Originally Posted by vasweetz

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by vasweetz

-I am greatly resisting the urge to slash some tires, bust some windows out, sell some shoes, key a car....i'm about to find me a white man smh
OH LAWD NO!!!!!!


get on twitter deedee

LMAO you better pray for somebody...I have my last final tomorrow and then a week of recklessness begins!!! I'm down with asians...black/asian are always a good mix lol...anything but a negroe at this point
Originally Posted by vasweetz

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by vasweetz

-I am greatly resisting the urge to slash some tires, bust some windows out, sell some shoes, key a car....i'm about to find me a white man smh
OH LAWD NO!!!!!!


get on twitter deedee

LMAO you better pray for somebody...I have my last final tomorrow and then a week of recklessness begins!!! I'm down with asians...black/asian are always a good mix lol...anything but a negroe at this point
Yo what he do to turn off of us?!
EDIT: Ok I see. I'm not trying to be a pimp...
Originally Posted by vasweetz

-I am greatly resisting the urge to slash some tires, bust some windows out, sell some shoes, key a car....i'm about to find me a white man smh

i know that feeling all too well
- I procastinated big time in the military in terms of continuing taking college classes while serving, I should have taken classes online.
- Deployed to Irak, came back and wasted big part of my savings.
- Separated from the military with no money left in bank.
- Was homeless for about 6 months, I should have stay in the military until retirement.
- Separated in Texas, stayed there, did not want to move back with my family in DMV because i was waiting for things to get better in TX and also because i waswaiting for my current GF to finish HS.
- I was victim of check fraud, GF's mom did me wrong, she managed to find my checkbook and forge my signature to cash checks on my behalf. 10k lost in amonth, this is the reason i end up homeless.
- Could have put her mom in jail but that would mean ending my relationship with daughter.
- The only reason I stay in school is because my GF motivates me.
- She is 20 and Im 26, we have the same amount of semester hrs
- I regret not finishing school long time ago so I better hurry.
- I might fail my Economics class this semester.
- Afraid that my GPA would drop below 3.5
- I been in a relationship for 4 years.
- I'm planning on proposing this summer.
- Saving up some money for at least a 2 carat ring.
- Not sure about proposing to her sometimes, she still fcks around on facebook and dating sites.
-She says is nothing serious when I confront her.
you a damn fool....i would've put her mom in jail w/ the quickness.....10k??? ....that trick better pay me or hit the streets and start working for me
- very annoyed by some chick i like, and who swears up and down she likes me, but makes zero attempt at communication.. to hell with her!

- my ex from forever ago hit me up last night.. she broke up with her man.. i think you can all see where this is going. expect a "nt, i have a girlproblem" post from me soon...

- im excited for the summer. i spent last summer at fort sill, doing training.

- sometimes i feel like i care too much.

- i really need to clean my room

- and my car

- not counting the two aforementioned females, i have a roster of 7 chicks right now.. tryna increase that as i go into the summer
- I'm a bum

- I surf the web too much
- I only feel happy when I pin layups on the backboard
- I hate basketball though because I always get hurt
- I need to get classes
- I also need to pay these loans before they break my legs

- I miss VA
- I like to run around and do stuff naked

- One day I'm going to start driving naked
Originally Posted by GOTTA HAVE THOSE

- I procastinated big time in the military in terms of continuing taking college classes while serving, I should have taken classes online.
- Deployed to Irak, came back and wasted big part of my savings.
- Separated from the military with no money left in bank.
- Was homeless for about 6 months, I should have stay in the military until retirement.
- Separated in Texas, stayed there, did not want to move back with my family in DMV because i was waiting for things to get better in TX and also because i was waiting for my current GF to finish HS.
- I was victim of check fraud, GF's mom did me wrong, she managed to find my checkbook and forge my signature to cash checks on my behalf. 10k lost in a month, this is the reason i end up homeless.
- Could have put her mom in jail but that would mean ending my relationship with daughter.
- The only reason I stay in school is because my GF motivates me.
- She is 20 and Im 26, we have the same amount of semester hrs
- I regret not finishing school long time ago so I better hurry.
- I might fail my Economics class this semester.
- Afraid that my GPA would drop below 3.5
- I been in a relationship for 4 years.
- I'm planning on proposing this summer.
- Saving up some money for at least a 2 carat ring.
- Not sure about proposing to her sometimes, she still fcks around on facebook and dating sites.
-She says is nothing serious when I confront her.

just came across that. so she was 16 and you were 22? hows that work and where did you meet? no chris hansen, im just wonderin. its all good now, but imtryin to think how that worked back then
Originally Posted by GOTTA HAVE THOSE

- She is 20 and Im 26, we have the same amount of semester hrs
- I been in a relationship for 4 years.
- I'm planning on proposing this summer.

so you met her when she was 16 and you were 22?
Originally Posted by vasweetz

-I am greatly resisting the urge to slash some tires, bust some windows out, sell some shoes, key a car....i'm about to find me a white man smh


i'm looking forward to the "she bust my windows, slashed my tires, sold my shoes, and keyed my car" post
-Really messed up my first year of college mainly due to havin way to much fun
-Dont really know what i want to do in life yet
-Only 17 and feels like i been here way longer
-Never should have left my wifey for a chick with money dat just wanted me to pop dem buns(NOW FEELS LIKE MARTIN WITH NO GINA-kANYE)
-Dude tried to rob me last night with a 9,made me realize i should be ready to go at anytime NEPHS
-Looking for somebody to wife up tired of dealing with the +!%#
-Started smoking way too much when i came to college even drinking which i said i would never do because my grandpa O died from drinking to much
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