NT, am i the only one that finds girls who drink/smoke HIGHLY UNATTRACTIVE ?

I have a drink or two no more than twice a month (craft brewed beers and 'classic' drinks like G&T, bourbon & coke, etc.), and I just can'tfind it in my heart to smoke. Last cat I dated has never taken a drink in his life and told me once, after i had gone out for a beer with some good friends(mostly male, but like bros. to me) that he didn't like the taste of alcohol on my mouth. Didn't take another drink while I was with him.
To drink in moderation is fine by me but excessively...
...no man wants to babysit....smoking is a def. No-No
...everytime I see IT kiss oh girl on I lovemoney while she was smoking made my stomach turn...
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

I'm still trying to figure out why the OP said his girl is nothing special.... I mean even if she was ugly... You shouldnt say your girl is nothing special... She looks good to me... Maybe thats the reason shes out drinking and partying... because she feels like shes "nothing special"
I mean i only said that cuz every other NT'er is dating supermodels n i was expecting a comment like "her eyebrow aren't even"or "something about her complection is off" or "her hair seems 30cm too short....she a 7.5"

I hear you... IDK... Regardless of what everybody on NT say they doin... You still shouldn't refer to the wifey as "nothing special"... She isattractive... and I wouldn't give a #$%@ about what anybody on NT thinks about the wifey because its about more than just looks with the main squeeze....
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