NT, am i the only one that finds girls who drink/smoke HIGHLY UNATTRACTIVE ?

i don't like girls that smoke weed. period.

i cant say i would prefer a girl to smoke cigs, but i smoked for 5 years, so i could understand if she did smoke (but i would hope i don't start again).

as for drinking, i drink a lot, but i do find it unattractive when girls do (call me a hypocrite). its good if they can get drunk every once in a while, but ifthey are getting trashed in bars/clubs every other night that's a no go.

so all in all, i'm with you on this, and i'm sure many others are.
Originally Posted by Keithahundred


lmao....... but true (word to mythbusters)
i have no problem with either as long as theyre done in moderation. but id appreciate a chick who only smoked weed and did nothing else more than anycombination of anything else
smoking and drinking are both fine. its all about the personality and the looks
Yep totally agree my girl never been the partying type and I think girls that just out getting all high and drunk all the time is def. not where its at Idon't know how you all sayin that is attractive
Smoking is not what's up. I will dead a chick if I find out she smokes or if she tells me she does. I don't know, it's just something about achick that smokes that's a turnoff.

I don't mind drinking, just be able to hold it. My girl now says she ain't a big drinker but I always with her with the
face. Like, "$!#%* you know you lyin'"
smoking is almost an automatic turn-off for me....drinking, it really depends, i just don't wanna date a girl who drinks heavily all the time.
Drinking & smoking cigarettes = turn-off.

Smoking pot isn't a big problem, though.

Very strange and hypocritical... I know.
girls who smoke
i find even more attractive
since i smoke stogs i could never find that unattractive from a girl since i do it myself..
as for drinking, as long as the woman can control herself its good to me, i hate those drunk girls who are just all over the place
I used to think that...then I met a girl who can handle her liquor and her weed...

Sex be amaazzzingggggg...

No cigs though!
Cigs and alcohol are okay, since I do it, but weed (once in a while is ok, but all day- everyday) and other illicit drugs are a huge turn off.
For wifey smoking and drinking is unattractive... If its just a chick to get with, drinking dont matter but smoking is still unattractive... Breath be smelling
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

I don't smoke or drink.....I can tolerate a female drinking, but smoking is nasty and trife to me

Wow. Wish i had your elf control. Only people i can think of that dont smoke or drink on NT is Lurkin and you. Im pretty sure there are a lot more though.
Originally Posted by parada45

I agree with the OP
+1. In addition to drinking and smoking, girls who swear a lot are a turn off for me as well.
Highly? Eh... Would I prefer she not? Yea..

I drink and have
before so I won't "fault" someone else for it. However, they MUST know their limits.

If we talkin cigs though, I wouldn't give her the time of day. I just dont understand that habit
I don't care about the drinking but smoking cigs I'm not down with. If you smoking weed I'm still not down but its not a complete deal breaker likecigs are.

Drinking & smoking cigarettes = turn-off.

Smoking pot isn't a big problem, though.

Very strange and hypocritical... I know.
I see I'm not the only but I didn't check the post until after I posted.
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