NT, am i the only one that finds girls who drink/smoke HIGHLY UNATTRACTIVE ?

Jan 22, 2008
...I mean back in HS i used to
but never drank
just never really saw the appeal but Ive grown outta all that but n e way me n my girl go todiff school or w/e n havent been able to talk for a while n we finally talk a couple nights ago n she tells me shes been going to all these partys n shes beendrinkin (ALOT) n how shes been throwin up since this morn n right now and im just like
...she not my baby girl no mo

NT, am I alone on this one ?

pics 4 the beast
...she's nothing special but she mine
(the middle)
Wait, you mean you haven't talked to her in a few days and she's been drinking and partying a lot?

Uh oh.

And yeah, you're the only one who finds it unattractive.
That's actually a turn on for me.

Well, sometimes smoking is. But, many of the girls I know who smoke are ignorant.
Originally Posted by Twig1026

...prepare for the breakup my friend...
yea possibly. sorry dude.

i agree tho. i dont find it attractive at all. Healthy is hot u know what i mean?
it's only unattractive when they can't hold it and don't know their limits... then start acting a fool and looking a mess and vomiting
butthat's just my opinion.

by the way, your girlfriend is pretty. but she really shouldn't be drinking and making herself susceptible to being taken advantage of when she has a bf ina different school. then again, that is also just my opinion.
shorty thats smiling? she's

highly unattractive? na.. i'd prefer to be around those who don't do either.. but you can't tell folk what to do. as long as they aren'thurtin' other people when blown.. it's not a problem.
For me I hate when girls smoke cigarette.
Seeing an attractive women smoke a cigarette, does it for me.
NT, am i the only one that finds girls who drink/smoke HIGHLY UNATTRACTIVE ?

No. It's pretty lame IMO.

But everybody is entitled to that opinion!
Hell no, you're not the only one. Very unattractive. Whenever my girl gets a little tipsy over some weak drinks, I just
My girl doesnt smoke.. never has... she doesn't know I have smoked once in awhile... probably 6 times since august...

She really doesnt drink either... she never drank at all til she turned 21... and if we go out with a big group of people she might have 1 drink but thats it
I think anyone that does this excess is unattractive. I was talking to a guy that would get drunk and high every.single.night.
That didn't work out. People say things like omgz dude i went to this sickparty and i got so hammered i haven't stopped throwing up all day. That's something to brag about?
Party girls are so trashy.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

drinking - no.
smoking - yes.

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Posted: 04/23/09 12:15 AM
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she really shouldn't be drinking and making herself susceptible to being taken advantage of when she has a bf in a different school. then again, that is also just my opinion.
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^^^ these two people read my mind, I have nothing to add.
I dont care if she do coke, if it make her happy and she is fine... let the good times roll. Tired of you panzy @$% dudes. BUCK UP.



what are you going to do? NOT SMASH???
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