NT am i overreacting? (people in long term relationships need only reply)

Originally Posted by FeelMode

This really is quite easy, if the rolls were reversed i would drop everything i was doing to go and take care of her, and i have before.
If it's that easy why you asking NT for advice? Apparently it aint that easy
Is it advice that im asking for? I just wanted to know if people in the same position as myself (Long term relationships) thought i overreacted, or if theywere in my shoes would they feel the same way.

This isnt an advice thread
you know...i just re-read your OP.....and noted that you never explicitly asked her to come home and help take care of you.
Dirty, that was just me leaving that part out apparently. I definitely asked her specifically, and made it quite apparent the agony i was in. I probably didntdo a very good job with my OP
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Is it advice that im asking for? I just wanted to know if people in the same position as myself (Long term relationships) thought i overreacted, or if they were in my shoes would they feel the same way.

This isnt an advice thread
So you're asking people if they thought you were right or wrong? And then when someone says youre wrong you say "come on now this is easyim right she should have blah blah blah". hmmmmm

And if you feel like youre on your death bed why you on NT? shouldnt you be sleeping, getting thereaflu or something?
Originally Posted by TheSwoosh

Feel mode you are 100% trippen.

1. "my whole life i have had a chick take care of me when i was sick" Its time to become self sufficient my friend. BTW you should never refer to your mom as a "chick"
2. With a temp of 103 you should have went to the hospital. Even if you don't have insurance.
3. Maybe you should have communicated your needs to your girl in a way that would be clear to her. For example. "Baby, I'm dying here. I would really appreciate it if you could bring the laundry here, I could really use your help right now. I haven't eaten since....

As a grown man I would definitely say you were over reacting. Do you not have health insurance? From what you described it sounds as though you were painfully sick. Is your girlfriend an R.N or a Doctor? If I was her I would stay away too...whatever you had could have been contagious. Instead of manning up and telling her to stay away so she doesn't get sick, you actually wanted her to come around you and expose her to potentially contagious germs.

I think she did nothing wrong. She had duties of her own. You are a grown man. That baby act is a TURN OFF.
+ Dirty's opinions = 100% truth

I've been taken care of, but I never take that for granted.

I would never cuss at my girlfriend or wife that way. It's a line I don't believe should be crossed, especially when you have kids.

Like Dirty, I'm waiting to read what she said when you specifically ask for her to drive an hour-and-a-half to take care of you because you were too sickto drive 10 minutes. I'd also like to see what she had to say when you told her it was expected of her to drop everything and take care of you when youget sick.

Five years, not married, a kid, and what seems to be poor communication?
That's too bad.

Edit: So, you told her specifically that you were too sick to take care of yourself and she said...what? "I'll be there eventually"? What did she say the second time you told her you needed her to take care of you? Did she make it seem like shedidn't believe you? I just can't believe that someone who values you the way she should would flake out on you like this unless there was poorcommunication or a previous history of being a flake. What is she saying now?

Regardless, it is time to "man up" and take care of yourself, appreciate the help you get from her even if she can't be there every time you wanther to be there, apologize for acting like a pre-teen and move forward to a common understanding of what you expect from her in the future and what she wantsto hear in order to get what you want.

Hope you're feeling better by now.
Scott, im in bed, amazingly enough some years back this little invention called then laptop was created and i just so happen to have one.

I never asked if i was right or wrong either, i poised the question to others in long term relationships.

you are trying to hard.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

+ Dirty's opinions = 100% truth

I've been taken care of, but I never take that for granted.

I would never cuss at my girlfriend or wife that way. It's a line I don't believe should be crossed, especially when you have kids.

Like Dirty, I'm waiting to read what she said when you specifically ask for her to drive an hour-and-a-half to take care of you because you were too sick to drive 10 minutes. I'd also like to see what she had to say when you told her it was expected of her to drop everything and take care of you when you get sick.

Five years, not married, a kid, and what seems to be poor communication?
That's too bad.

Hope you're feeling better though.

I probably do take it for granted, but like i explained thats all i know. I dont get sick very often, and i never go to the Doctor. Getting as sick as i amright now is something im not used too.

I cuss
, sorry?

Not sure how this thread gives anyone the idea of our communication level but we communicate just fine, sometimes we cuss. Im not perfect, and neither is she.Our relationship is fine though. Also wasnt aware i needed to be legally married after having a kid and being with my lady for 5 years but fair enough.

This is more then likely a viral infection, which if im not mistaken there isnt much going to see the Doc could do for me. I obviously dont know that for sureas im not an MD but i have a feeling they would tell me the things i already know, or info i can read off the internet.
Holden, just read the edit. This is probably going to sound weird to you guys but when i got ticked off to that point last night, me telling her to F off and"dont come home then" in a sense was me "manning up" and just saying fine ill deal with this myself then. Probably not going to be a crowdpleaser but it is what it is. I expected her on Sunday, Sunday morning at that. So when Monday night rolls around and she is talking about "Not anytimesoon" (in regards to when she will be here) i pretty much already figured i was on my own.

As far as your questions, no she didnt act like she didnt believe me, she obviously told me she was sorry.....

Its all good everybody, i love NT, and although this is the first time ive ever created one of these kind of personal threads i have chimed in on others in thepast and knew this could go either way. I respect everyones opinions and i wouldnt have created this thread if i didnt want to read some of them.

As i was typing this she just walked in the door.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

I would never cuss at my girlfriend or wife that way. It's a line I don't believe should be crossed, especially when you have kids.
That's real!

Sounds like a huge misunderstanding the more and more I read this thread.
Lol, the OP sounds like a little-boy throwing a tantrum. Good grief. I'd never cuss at my girl, I respect her too much. And I really wouldn't be such ababy about being sick, but I guess it all depends on how you're raised and act, as a man...
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