NT am i overreacting? (people in long term relationships need only reply)

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Dirty, she is pretty close with her family but like i said we see them all the time.
Overall i think i may have overreacted with the words i used but by that time i was so disappointed and just mad that she hadnt showed up yet my temper got the best of me.
all the time to you may not be the same as all the time to her.
just squash it and move on...no use fighting over something so silly
So my temp is still over 101, 4 days now with it being this high or higher by this time im starting to get a little worried
Your fever is your body's way of killing off infection. 4 days is a bit long..but not too worrisome..If it goes longer, I'd suggest goingto see an MD
Swoosh, i told her all of that and i never referred to my mother as a "chick". What i said is my whole life i have had a chick take care of me andbefore that it was my mom. Look guys, im almost 30, im pretty set in my ways. I have became accustom to certain things and to just go cold turkey for the firsttime, when im sicker then i can ever remember being isnt an easy transition for me.

Ajwings, i drove from Daygo back on saturday, which i have gotten significantly worse sense then. If i cant kick this pretty soon heading off to the urgentcare is going to be my only option because i really cant take to much more of this.

I really do appreciate all the feedback guys
You told her to leave the child at her parents so she could come take care of you?

christ allmighty
Originally Posted by Nawth21

You told her to leave the child at her parents so she could come take care of you?

christ allmighty

What is wrong with that? Why would i want him here to catch what i have?? My son was born with a very serious heart condition and he doesnt have a functioningspleen. He is fine right now as we are between surgeries but we cant risk it. These are my sons Grandparents we are talking about, if i cant trust them to takecare of my son who can I trust?
I'm just saying you wanted your girl to drop everything, leaving your kid behind *just* to come take care of you because you're old and set in yourways.
If your fever last longer than 5 days, I'd recommend you see a physician. No I'm not an MD but my son just got over his flu and the doctor told us thesame thing.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm just saying you wanted your girl to drop everything, leaving your kid behind *just* to come take care of you because you're old and set in your ways.

Old and set in my ways? Look i know i just typed that but thats hardly the reason i need her here. Maybe you missed the point where i said i ran out of allessentials, i cant cook, i cant do anything right now. I cant even believe you are serious with your response right now.

This really is quite easy, if the rolls were reversed i would drop everything i was doing to go and take care of her, and i have before. Couple that with thefact that she isnt doing anything except hanging out over there and that leaves me annoyed, disappointed, and mad at her for obviously not taking me seriouswhen i tell her i feel like im on my death bed.

Im also not much of a going to the doctor guy, i have only been to an emergency room once in probably the last 10-12 years and thats because my head got splitopen something serious. I cant even remember the last time i had a doctors appointment, i must have been 18 or somewhere in that age range.
You should have gone to the emergency room. Get looked at instead of waiting on your girl.
Maybe it's time to learn how to take of yourself young grasshoppa, despite what you would do if the roles were reversed
And if it's that bad, go tothe doctors. But if its viral there is not much you can do. Do you have a habit of blowing things out of proportion? Maybe there is a reason she is not takingyou as seriously as you would like.
Obviously you do not care if you overreacted or not because by now you should have called her up, apologized and if she really is your "wifey" thenshe would forgive you and help you out. I'm just saying...
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm just saying you wanted your girl to drop everything, leaving your kid behind *just* to come take care of you because you're old and set in your ways.

Old and set in my ways? Look i know i just typed that but thats hardly the reason i need her here. Maybe you missed the point where i said i ran out of all essentials, i cant cook, i cant do anything right now. I cant even believe you are serious with your response right now.

This really is quite easy, if the rolls were reversed i would drop everything i was doing to go and take care of her, and i have before. Couple that with the fact that she isnt doing anything except hanging out over there and that leaves me annoyed, disappointed, and mad at her for obviously not taking me serious when i tell her i feel like im on my death bed.

Im also not much of a going to the doctor guy, i have only been to an emergency room once in probably the last 10-12 years and thats because my head got split open something serious. I cant even remember the last time i had a doctors appointment, i must have been 18 or somewhere in that age range.


*insert cookie .jpg*
Well obviously you want some type of recognition by that statement. Maybe not a cookie but something.

All I'm saying is if you took care of her when she was sick, then good for you and her. Don't expect her to do the same thing you did. Of course youwould like her to but sadly it seems as if it ain't gonna happen. Just move on brah, she ain't one of the "chicks" in your life thatare gonna pamper you.
well you are feeling crappy and you would think that your girl would be there for you. but acting like that is not going to get you anywhere. if you don'twant to just be honest and say I really need you right now and the like then act all sad and pathetic (girls do it all the time) and maybe you will get somesympathy. anyhow, don't you have anyone else to help you out?
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Maybe it's time to learn how to take of yourself young grasshoppa, despite what you would do if the roles were reversed
And if it's that bad, go to the doctors. But if its viral there is not much you can do. Do you have a habit of blowing things out of proportion? Maybe there is a reason she is not taking you as seriously as you would like.

I understand you were sick, and your lady wasn't there to take care of you, but your next move should have been to figure out what you could do foryourself instead of what she "should" have done for you. You let that build up into a big ball of anger and now you have an even biggerproblem than before.

Do you know anyone else? Where are your friends? Maybe a neighbor? Call for takeout?

In my opinion, she shouldn't get away scott free either. That's something that should be discussed like adults though, in person where you can workthat out. Only children and adults with like minds deal with things through anger and verbal abuse, regardless of how sick you are.

I hope you feel better. I hope you calm down. I hope you and your girl can work this out so if something like this happens again, the both of you can betterprepare yourself and handle it properly.
And to add, there are people that are 100 times worse off than you are, every day.

Learn to be humble, [Nawth] Young Grasshoppa [/Nawth]
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Just move on brah, she ain't one of the "chicks" in your life that are gonna pamper you.

this is basically my wife i am talking about here, we arent married yet but we live our lives as if we are. So the option to move on is out of the question,and she does pamper me, this is the only time she hasnt and her timing couldnt be worse.

I think its possible that some of you are thinking like we are in the middle of some huge fight, which isnt the case. After she kept lagging and i was gettingobviously annoyed she hits me with the "if you are going to act like a brat then i just wont come home tonight then". Thats when i had heard enough,told her to F off and hung up. When she called back i had nothing to say other then "Dont come home then and quit calling" . I dont have the energyto argue or to explain to her any further on why i need her here.

I am also fully aware that people have it worse then i do, much much worse. I think i have a better handle on that fact then most but thats a topic for anotherday.

When you get to my age you realize that most of your friends aint s***, so calling friends hadnt even crossed my mind, especially since i had been expectingher for days.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Just move on brah, she ain't one of the "chicks" in your life that are gonna pamper you.

this is basically my wife i am talking about here, we arent married yet but we live our lives as if we are. So the option to move on is out of the question, and she does pamper me, this is the only time she hasnt and her timing couldnt be worse.

I think its possible that some of you are thinking like we are in the middle of some huge fight, which isnt the case. After she kept lagging and i was getting obviously annoyed she hits me with the "if you are going to act like a brat then i just wont come home tonight then". Thats when i had heard enough, told her to F off and hung up. When she called back i had nothing to say other then "Dont come home then and quit calling" . I dont have the energy to argue or to explain to her any further on why i need her here.

I am also fully aware that people have it worse then i do, much much worse. I think i have a better handle on that fact then most but thats a topic for another day.

When you get to my age you realize that most of your friends aint s***, so calling friends hadnt even crossed my mind, especially since i had been expecting her for days.

I didn't mean move on literally, like move on to another female. I meant move on from this topic.
You are acting like a complete baby bro. I can see this from your point of view, if she was a long term gf, I would expect her to take care of me too. There isabsolutely nothing wrong with that. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Where you are wrong though, is cursing at her and being a baby about her not being ableto see you. She probably did not want to deal with you whining and whatnot. Go apologize and stop acting you own the girl and she needs to succumb to yourevery whine.
maybe since she does know that you act like a baby...she thought that you were over-acting in how sick you were.
This really is quite easy, if the rolls were reversed i would drop everything i was doing to go and take care of her, and i have before
Exactly, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You're doing the right thing as far as I'm concerned. Let her know that thisis unacceptable, and hopefully she gets the message or sign that if this were to happen to you again that she would know what to do, so that you won't beupset. In order for a relationship to be successful, each person has to know, or at least want to know what the other person likes or dislikes. You do thatby letting or demonstrating to the your partner what you will "tolerate"so to speak.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

maybe since she does know that you act like a baby...she thought that you were over-acting in how sick you were.

i think this is the winning answer unfortunately for me.

Since i last typed on here my neighbor brought me over some tea and some soup. Words cant explain my gratitude right now.

I love nikes, my family lives in Portland Or. I however live in Los Angeles, so Mom coming through in the clutch is also unfortunately not going to happen.

Deuce King, thats how i feel too.
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