NT am i overreacting? (people in long term relationships need only reply)

Jul 21, 2005
Cliff Notes:
Im sick as a dog, temperature of 101-103 for 3 straight days
Im a huge baby when im sick
My girl isnt here to take care of me
I have repeatedly cussed her out through out the day and hung up on her a few times now
I told her to just stay at her moms

Ok NT so here is the deal, last week i sent my girl to her moms crib cuz i had to go to San Diego for a trade show. I was going to be gone from Thursdaymorning till Sunday night. Now there are a lot of parties that go on during trade shows so Thursday & Friday nights i may have partied a little to hard. Imnot sure if thats even what did it but Saturday while i was down there i started feeling really sick. I did what i needed to do on Saturday and as soon as icould i just packed my stuff up and drove home back to LA.

On my way home i could tell i was getting really sick, i had the heater in my car on full blast and i was shivering the entire ride back. I called my lady andtold her how i was feeling and that i was coming home early. So i get home finally after what felt like the longest ride between San Diego & LA ever onlyto get much worse. I took my temp when i got home because i could tell i had a fever and my temperature was 103. I called my lady again to give her the update,just so she would know how sick i was.

I figured since it was already getting a little late that i was just going to be on my own for the night and that she would be here to take care of me the nextday. Well Saturday night very well could have been the worst night i have ever had due to being sick. I didnt sleep AT ALL and all night i was just aching andsweating and overall just felt like dying.

At about 8 am i finally just got out of bed because my bed was soaking wet with sweat
and i just obviously wasnt going to be getting any sleep. I tried totake a shower then i set up a bunch of blankets on the couch and began my day of suffering. I was miserable, and i dont think it is even possible for me toexplain how truly miserable i really was. I didnt eat anything, and up until right now, the only food i have ate since i have been home saturday is a bowl ofcereal and 2 granola bars. I honestly dont have the energy to stand up long enough to even make my self anything to eat. Not only that, i really didnt have anymeds here. I was taking advil and i had a couple of Contact pills. I also ran out of water.

So as the day goes on i feel worse and worse and im really wondering where my girl is and when is she going to get here. I spoke to her at about 11 am and shesaid she was going to lunch with her parents and sister and she would be here as soon as she could
I was already a little pissed but whatever. Fast forwardto 8 pm and i still havent heard from her all day, i have no water in the house and no medicine. So reluctantly i bundle up like im heading into a blizzard getinto my car and head over to Rite-Aid to pick up some essentials.

I obviously was even more annoyed by that point but i just sucked it up (pause) and did what i had to. Finally at about 9 she calls and says how they just gotback from their little family outing and that she wasnt going to be able to make it but she would be here in the morning.

At this point im thinking she isnt taking me serious when im telling her this is as sick as i can ever remember being. So i suffered through another night ofagony and got up this morning at about 10 praying that she would be home soon. I speak to her about 12 and she is telling me how she needed to do some laundrybut the washer at her parents house broke but her Dad went to buy a new washer. Im starting to get heated by this point and im like "so what you are justgoing to sit around and wait for him ti get back, THEN do laundry before coming home?" She told me no and that as soon as she could get here she would.

Time to fast forward again till about 5 when i call her and ask what the hell is she doing and why is she even still there. Now she wants to give me anattitude and tell me "not anytime soon" so at that point i proceed to cuss her the hell out and hang up on her. So she calls at about 8
i answerthe phone on some "what the F*** do you want" tip and she wants to act like im overreacting and she is like "if your going to act like an A**then i just wont come home tonight" , that was the straw that broke the camels back, i cussed her out like i hated her hung up and was just over it. Shehas called a couple times and i have answered by saying "Dont come home and quit calling"

Now look NT i know i act like im a baby when im sick, i always have but im crazy sick right now and my whole life i have had a chick take care of me when i wassick, wether it was my mom when i was a little kid or different girls i was dating or talking to the past 10 years.

So NT i ask you, do you think im overreacting?

sorry for the long read and the crappy cliffnotes
yes you are overreacting, call her and tell her you are sorry and maybe she will forgive you and bring you some soup
I dno, I mean she was being pretty flaky.

Oh I'll be there yada yada yada

I'm guessing your girl lives with you? If so, that's pretty flaky

Wow homey 10 years down the drain bc you sick. And u said yourself your a Big B**** when you get sick.
It was a little sketchy of her to be out that long, but honestly you know your girl better than us. If she is completely trustworthy and she was doing what shesaid she was then I would consider you to be a tad bit over the edge with how you acted.

I would've been mad too if I was in your position but I would have just asked her nicely if she could take care of me, and if not I would have just statedthat I was disappointed with her not being there to help me out but that would be it, just move on with life together.
Me and my chick have been together for about 5 years, no we wont be "breaking up" because of this
yes we live together and have lived togetherfor a LONG TIME
Well, since she know you are a baby when you are sick she looked for any possible excuse to not be home to take care of you. However, she shouldn't havebeen a witch (excuse my language) about it and just came home. It was really flaky on her part and I would have been mad at her too. I suggest you call herback tell her you might have overreacted and tell her that she should have been there for you but you understand her point of view. If you say something alongthose lines she might have a heart and give you a get well hummer.
Exactly my mans relaxs,if the chick you really posted is your girl. You a lucky dude she's in your corner.
You did overreact a bit, but you had a legit reason to be annoyed. She should have been there for you but you went a little overboard.
Originally Posted by FreezeTag

Exactly my mans relaxs,if the chick you really posted is your girl. You a lucky dude she's in your corner.

You must be talking about the Hot GF thread from the past couple weeks, which of course she is "really" my girl

But someone please explain to me how "I am a lucky dude" when she isnt even here to be taking care of me. She isnt the only "hot" girl iveever been with, so her getting by on her looks does nothing for me. Regardless she is pretty much my wife so im not going anywhere, but because she is my wifeyi expect certain things of her, and taking care of me when im sick is one of those things.
I was pretty sure the majority would say i was overreacting thats why i made this post but i just wanted to make sure. Thanks guys.
Stop being a wuss.

Big deal she's not there to "take care of you"...Not like she can make the bug go away faster...Granted, it feels great to just have a nice hotthing of soup and some food brought to you, but you got little to no reason for you to be pissed.

Don't get me wrong, I like when my girl comes over when I'm sick..It's the little things..The little rubs on the back, bottles of OJ she brings,but if she can't come over, she can't come over..
Originally Posted by So4i5

You did overreact a bit, but you had a legit reason to be annoyed. She should have been there for you but you went a little overboard.
I mean I feel what you saying, I've had more physically attractive women in my life before my girl and while I've been with my girl. But im not gonnathrow my 6.5 year relationship with her away bc she wasn't home when I was sick. She's been there for me through some good and bad times. And im prettysure your girls has done the same for you. That's all im saying.
yeah...she should have come earlier if she could have but for you to cuss her out and tell her not to come home was uncalled for...we all act like babies whenwe're sick but if you were as rude as you made it sound it was unnecessary...
Originally Posted by Yoda

Stop being a wuss.

Big deal she's not there to "take care of you"...Not like she can make the bug go away faster...Granted, it feels great to just have a nice hot thing of soup and some food brought to you, but you got little to no reason for you to be pissed.

Don't get me wrong, I like when my girl comes over when I'm sick..It's the little things..The little rubs on the back, bottles of OJ she brings, but if she can't come over, she can't come over..

To clarify, im not trying to get her to "come over" im trying to get her to come HOME. She lives here bruh.

And im not a complainer, im a PROVIDER, meaning her entire life i pay for. Everything, so i really dont think im asking for to much when i come down withsomething this bad and expect her to drop whatever it is she is doing, get her a** home and take care of her man.
sorry to bump this back up but im sick and not doing anything so i figured i would fish for some more opinions.
Dude I feel you, I get like that when I'm sick. But maybe telling her not to come home is a little much. She probably didn't believe that you were thatsick. Try and hit urgent care up or something though, a fever that high can get serious real fast.
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