NOPE - New Horror by Jordan Peele - 07/22/22

Just finished watching the movie. Everything was pretty much explained in the movie if you paid attention. With that being said, the movie was pretty much flat for the most part. I didn’t get enough jump scares for a horror movie and the jokes from the father didn’t land at all. I think there was around 15 people in their with my family and we were the only ones reacting to what was going on.

The one thing that confused me was the deaths of the father and son clones. The father hurt himself to kill off his clone and the son backed up to force his clone to back up into the burning car. Why doesn’t those methods work for the other people and their clones?
I did like how the first death was the bum that tried to warn everybody towards the beginning win that 11:11 cardboard box.
The one thing that confused me was the deaths of the father and son clones. The father hurt himself to kill off his clone and the son backed up to force his clone to back up into the burning car. Why doesn’t those methods work for the other people and their clones?
I did like how the first death was the bum that tried to warn everybody towards the beginning win that 11:11 cardboard box.

The father hit his head on the boat’s motor on purpose so that it would start and the propeller would cut the clone to pieces. Remember he was hitting it earlier in the movie when it shut off in the middle of the lake
The father hurt himself to kill off his clone and the son backed up to force his clone to back up into the burning car. Why doesn’t those methods work for the other people and their clones?.

So you wanted people to use this as a defense against their clones even though they didn’t live long enough to notice it was a clone in the first place :lol::lol::lol:

Bro the only people we saw fully interact with their cloned self is the main family
Even the white family didn’t live long enough to grasps that they were being killed by a clone
The last thing the white woman saw was her husbands clone and her last words were “call the police” to the films version of Alexa

Even when they reported it on the news
They didn’t say it was clones attacking people
And the news reporter himself got sacked witching a few minutes of us even meeting his character
Some people weren’t even killed by the clones (old man that told the young woman to get off his car) :lol:
Just finished watching the movie. Everything was pretty much explained in the movie if you paid attention. With that being said, the movie was pretty much flat for the most part. I didn’t get enough jump scares for a horror movie and the jokes from the father didn’t land at all. I think there was around 15 people in their with my family and we were the only ones reacting to what was going on.

The one thing that confused me was the deaths of the father and son clones. The father hurt himself to kill off his clone and the son backed up to force his clone to back up into the burning car. Why doesn’t those methods work for the other people and their clones?
I did like how the first death was the bum that tried to warn everybody towards the beginning win that 11:11 cardboard box.

Maybe that was specific to Jason/Pluto. As far as the Dad jokes, that was intentionally corny to give the tone of the movie some comic relief, also to sharply show how opposite the characters are from the tethered.
I saw it last night. Solid movie, not as good as Get Out though.

Give it 8/10.

I am happy I didn't try to solve the twist before it came (I got a habit of doing that), even though I notice some clues things were not as they appeared, so it came as a nice "OH ****" moment.
When I saw the 1st trailer I just thought it wasn't edited right but when that scene happened in the movie I was thinking how/why did they mess that up.

Great detail right there.
Just commenting to tag along with the fact that this just blew my mind. Her snapping threw me off heavy...
The movie is good, threw out a ton of ideas/visual metaphors, but doesn't cohere into a clear concise statement the way Get Out does.

I think it does, you just have to catch it when it's revealed. I like how the story is given in pieces and you won't be able to guess it all the first time around.
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