No Fap November


I'm still in. But come Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday I think I will fail miserably
I will never ever understand how you dudes can't do at least 2 weeks. 4 days? You serious son? I know 3 year olds that can keep they hands off their **** longer than that. Most of you dudes are grown men. I know it ain't for comedic effect cause I see it every time.
Still in it to to win it.

As far as I'm concerned, Week 1 is already a wrap.

Football + beer + getting ready for Monday today.

Work week starts Monday (5th)

Before you know it, the first week is up, and I'm already counting down Week 2. 
Go watch some interesting videos on youtube or go here

Reddit... until someone post NSFW funny or Pic.
or when you slip and go into r/gonewild

yeah reddit might not be the best place, here's a recent top post
"Reddit,what is your favourite porn video?"

Strictly go here.
I'm good. I've beaten the hump. I'll be good till the end of the month. Beleedat plehboi.
No fap till New Years anyone 8o
bout to go no fap decade w all dese bunz

Son, lettuce just focus on making it til tomorrow and then we can talk down the road

I'm struggling just getting til Monday without fapping.
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