The "ya don't say" responses are understandable, but this info needs to be given to those folk thinking that african americans created the race card. So many genuinely ignorant people believe the problems facing blacks (and other minorities) are contrived, or a result of victim mentality.  With "evidence" to back up their stance like, "Oh, well look at [insert model minority here] people, they came after black folk and look how well they're doing!" 

Idk what y'all talmbout as "case for reparations" though, that's hilarious.

If they didn't give y'all money for the trillions of dollars of infrastructure provided by the sweat of black bodies by the use of an obviously dehumanizing and widespread peculiar institution, how is anyone gonna get anything from a "purported claim" by a former govt. official?

If anything this bolsters the idea that the govt. never saw black folk as anything other than a tool to make money off of.
They'll move on to other groups soon enough.
They'll move on to other groups soon enough.

Haha. Hahahaha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

View media item 1962087
Approximately 12–13% of the American population is African-American, but they make up 35% of jail inmates, and 37% of prison inmates of the 2.2 million male inmates as of 2014 (U.S. Department of Justice, 2014).

Black women represent 30% of all incarcerated women in the U.S, although they represent 13% of the female population generally.

Marijuana legalization is often touted as a sure route to ending racial disparities in pot-related arrests. But a just-released study indicates that African Americans in legalization states continue to endure marijuana arrests at a higher rate than people of other races.
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The "ya don't say" responses are understandable, but this info needs to be given to those folk thinking that african americans created the race card. So many genuinely ignorant people believe the problems facing blacks (and other minorities) are contrived, or a result of victim mentality.  With "evidence" to back up their stance like, "Oh, well look at [insert model minority here] people, they came after black folk and look how well they're doing!" :stoneface: :lol:

Idk what y'all talmbout as "case for reparations" though, that's hilarious.
If they didn't give y'all money for the trillions of dollars of infrastructure provided by the sweat of black bodies by the use of an obviously dehumanizing and widespread peculiar institution, how is anyone gonna get anything from a "purported claim" by a former govt. official?

If anything this bolsters the idea that the govt. never saw black folk as anything other than a tool to make money off of.

They'll move on to other groups soon enough.

The black community is like white supremacy's main chick

It might mess with other groups too, but nothing gives white supremacy more satisfaction that ******* the black community over
Dont know which is worse, This ,or the fact we live in a world where telling the truth is big news

Y'all keep saying "ya don't say" but this type of stuff needs to make mainstream news. This IS news to some people.

There are some white people who just don't like blacks and there are some who are legitimately sheltered and ignorant and don't know about **** like this.
Bruh, THAT WAS THEIR GOAL!!! To ruin the black family/community. They have no conscience.
I know it was their goal but hopefully him confessing can shine some light towards this new generation and empower those that feel lost with answers. I work with at risk youth on a daily and it's tough for these cats to understand what an "agenda" is.
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Meanwhile weed is black & latino & heroin is

Now a white problem.
yes... and now they want to focus on treatment and rehabilitation instead of incarceration

right wing response when it's minorities...

left wing response when it's whites

Your beloved republican party picks and chooses how they feel about the "war" on drugs...
:smh: Billions of dollars wasted. Billions affected one way or another across the world because of this initial policy and U.S is still fighting to keep up this charade.
Makes me wonder more about the Nicaraguan contras and Ricky Ross cause they always tried to play it like it was about the money and guns and the damage done to black communities was simply a byproduct of efficient off-balance sheet funding.
I don't care what anyone says, the media depictipn of black people and the music that blacks consume is the new crack epidemic. They're using their rights against us. Allowing misguided yet talented individuals (rappers) glorify dastardly behavior, knowing that it will negatively influence impressionable youth with no guidance.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: the idea of killing black men in America has always been accepted, encouraged and profitable.

If you threaten the president, you get arrested.
If you suggest harming individuals on a plane, you get arrested.
If you explicitly talk about killing black people, you get paid for it.

When Ross dropped that line about Molly in her champagne, women's right activists were tripping over themselves to protest... But who's protesting when he talks about bringing down the black community?

'oh is just music/entertainment... freedom of speech... what about movies ' :stoneface: shut up. To address to movie comparison, it's KNOWN that you're viewing actors. They don't even go by a name that they're known by. On the other hand, rappers are judged by how authentic they are.

This country was founded on the concept of enslaving and exterminating our kind, and now they've brainwashed cats into doing it for them.
The fact that this isn't common knowledge is tragic
Nah it's common knowledge
But folks like to misdirect
And act like either it wasn't that bad
And that it shouldnt be an excuse
Which is total bs
Or that it's some sort of conspiracy
Man I wish we could have another black Wall Street
I'm tired of the bs
It kind of amazes me that this isn't common knowledge across all communities, that some the majority of people in this country weren't taught this as children by their parents growing up.

Here in 2016, that's the environment within which we're "supposed" to have productive and meaningful conversations about issues like race and social justice.
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Stuff like this legit makes me want to move to a different country, it's just that I'm used to usa and have no clue where else i should go. How can you believe in a political system and government that operates so corruptly?

That cast away life with a few bad females may be the life for me.
It kind of amazes is me that this isn't common knowledge across all communities, that some the majority of people in this country weren't taught this as children by their parents growing up.

Here in 2016, that's the environment within which we're "supposed" to have productive and meaningful conversations about issues like race and social justice.
Oh u can have a meaningful convo about race with white folks
As long as u don't bring up all the atrocities they commited
Admit that we have had ample time to get it together
Admit that black on black crime is a serious issue
Admit that rap music is why we behave why we do
And admit that whites have had it just as tough as us in the system of America
The "ya don't say" responses are understandable, but this info needs to be given to those folk thinking that african americans created the race card. So many genuinely ignorant people believe the problems facing blacks (and other minorities) are contrived, or a result of victim mentality.  With "evidence" to back up their stance like, "Oh, well look at [insert model minority here] people, they came after black folk and look how well they're doing!" 

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Man, Jim Crow was a enough evidence for reparations. But yea, this needs to go international, but it won't. it'll die out unless the social media activists push this hard. How about put on a Dateline special about this?

Next they're going to admit that The Black Panthers weren't a terrorist organization and J.E.H. made it up and was racist, like that's a stunning revelation as well.

Did KSteezy and all of the other usual suspects respond yet?
Man, Jim Crow was a enough evidence for reparations. But yea, this needs to go international, but it won't. it'll die out unless the social media activists push this hard. How about put on a Dateline special about this?

Next they're going to admit that The Black Panthers weren't a terrorist organization and J.E.H. made it up and was racist, like that's a stunning revelation as well.

Did KSteezy and all of the other usual suspects respond yet?

It doesn't get more international than this:

Statement to the media by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, on the conclusion of its official visit to USA, 19-29 January 2016

Despite the positive measures referred to above, the Working Group is extremely concerned about the human rights situation of African Americans.

The colonial history, the legacy of enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism, and racial inequality in the US remains a serious challenge as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent. Despite substantial changes since the end of the enforcement of Jim Crow and the fight for civil rights, ideology ensuring the domination of one group over another, continues to negatively impact the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of African Americans today. The dangerous ideology of white supremacy inhibits social cohesion amongst the US population. Lynching was a form of racial terrorism that has contributed to a legacy of racial inequality that the US must address. Thousands of people of African descent were killed in violent public acts of racial control and domination and the perpetrators were never held accountable.
The fact that this isn't common knowledge is tragic
Nah it's common knowledge
But folks like to misdirect
And act like either it wasn't that bad
And that it shouldnt be an excuse
Which is total bs
Or that it's some sort of conspiracy
Man I wish we could have another black Wall Street
I'm tired of the bs

You'd be surprised by how many people don't know this. And don't want to know. I bet most of the people that read said article already knew lol
Man, Jim Crow was a enough evidence for reparations. But yea, this needs to go international, but it won't. it'll die out unless the social media activists push this hard. How about put on a Dateline special about this?

Next they're going to admit that The Black Panthers weren't a terrorist organization and J.E.H. made it up and was racist, like that's a stunning revelation as well.

Did KSteezy and all of the other usual suspects respond yet?

That would blow the cover off "white privilege", which has already been proven to be a truth some cant handle.
I forwarded the story to Belgium's main news station. Probably won't get any attention with the terror attacks but it's worth a shot.
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