NikeTalk will be moving from July 13th-14th.

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I think I read Meth said it was the only thing that will show on the sig, they're probably still working on it.
At what point will I stop getting countless emails saying people have responded to threads, quoted me, etc?

I turned off all notifications like 3 hours ago and my mailbox is still going ape****.

gotta disable it through the link in the email.
its magnifying glass silhouette up top, just hover the mouse over it but I don't think it's working correctly at the moment
The Good: Everything loads much faster for me than on Huddler, it's not struggling at all. Also liking the sleekness.

Nitpicks: Still want to control the amount of posts per page, want to see more threads per page, wish I could control font size (a bit too big for me), don't like the font itself.

I'm on desktop BTW
Someone report in if they're able to change their username. I've tried a few times now and still getting the message about only being able to change capitalization.
Hi there, we'll be rolling out the ability to change your username soon. The same feature can be used to update the capitalization of your current username. Thanks for being patient!

So my one free name change has to be used to make my old name what it was? o_O
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