NIKETALK. Please help me find justice for my brother.

Jul 12, 2007
As some of you may have read in another post, on July 25th, my little brother was assaulted. Exactly one month ago, he left this world.

You can read the official story here:

Here are the details as I know them. (I wasn't actually there so excuse me if anything is incorrect.)

My friends went to a party way out in Fairfield. (They were invited by the birthday girl herself.) When they got there, they took a quick walk around inside,drank a couple shots, and walked back outside to smoke. When one of them was lighting a cigarette for the other, the lighter started acting up. Someone triedto walk through them and got upset and words were exchanged from both sides. My friends drove 40 minutes to get there, so they started trying to calm thingsdown. They started apologizing and tryin' to just squash the whole business. (Police supposedly have a witness that said they saw my brother saying"We don't want to fight") While my friends were trying to apologize, someone from the other side blindsided them with a bottle. From there, allhell broke loose. My boys all ran out to their cars and realized they left someone behind. Some of them went back in to get everyone that was left. Whenthat group was leaving, apparently my brother was grabbed (unknown to everyone else). When my boys realized what had happened, they went back in and got himout. By then the damage was already done. The car with him started driving away (while people were throwing bottles and all sorts of other stuff at the car)when they were stopped by police.

Now the problem is, it has been a month, and the police aren't doing anything.

We heard the police had taken 2 people into custody and we were satisfied with that for now. What we recently learned is that one of the people taken intocustody was one of my homies (The driver that got the DUI in the news story who was released the next morning.) and the other was released because thereisn't enough information.

Speaking from the side of the deceased, I can tell you that the police are NOT making an effort to get our side of the story. NONE of my boys have spoken tothe police or anything. No questions about what happened. No pointing out faces. Nothing.


I'm asking you for help because I know that police work a lot better when there is pressure put on them. I've seen the power of the internet (as seenin this thread: and I just want my homie to rest peacefully knowingthat his passing did not happen unnoticed.

Please send this information out to any news stations or post it on your blogs or other forums or anything you can do. Post this on your twitter if you cantoo. #justice4tran #nt
Every voice would make a world of difference.

Thank you for your time, your help, and your thoughts.

Rest In Paradise Tran Phuoc Nguyen.
its like you said bruh, there is no pressure. and with that what i know is there is a number system dealing with importance of crime. theres a handful of copsand much more crimes committed so they need to choose what it is they are going to deal with obviously. why murder isnt one of the top especially to the youthim not sure at all. yu know i always got your back china man. whatever you need just hit me homie.
damn, homie. sorry to hear about your little bro.

how much does a private investigator gofor? do they work homicides?
gonna try for you man, I know if my brother got killed Id want NT to do the same for me
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

RIP....murders at parties are so unfortunate...

whats a slob
A derogatory name for a Blood.

I've never used it before, but it's been coming out of my mouth recently unknowingly. Didn't even realize I said that.

Originally Posted by socluis90

Get the nt'ers on twitter to start spreading the news.
That's what i'm hoping to make happen here. Can anyone help me out and direct them to this thread?

Originally Posted by eight2one

whatchu want us to do?
Blog. Twitter. Digg when I can figure that out. Post on other forums. Anything you can do to give this some attention would be greatlyappreciated bro.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

i find the term slob rather offending, but RIP to your brother, he deserve justice.
Sorry bro. I'd rather not edit it because I don't want people to think i'm changing anything, and it is what I said, but itwasn't directed at you in any way.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

i find the term slob rather offending, but RIP to your brother, he deserve justice.
Sorry bro. I'd rather not edit it because I don't want people to think i'm changing anything, and it is what I said, but it wasn't directed at you in any way.

I feel you bro, sorry for your loss, it's messed up people just want to have fun at a party and other dudes want to act up SMH, I hope the dudes who killedhim goes to jail for a long time.
Man.... so many people was at the party, someone must of seem the whole incident

RIP to your brother
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