Nike Air Yeezy Thread Vol 4.. Net/Net 2 weeks till release....6/6/2009

Originally Posted by sincere

You guys seem to forget that I'm a buyer, not a reseller. I'm just trying to look out for those that want to buy and buy for a better price. Why would I have to lie about telling people to not buy on an emotional instinct. I mean how is that wrong? It's wrong to speak to people and to tell them not to fall for the overpricing/unnecessary pricing of resellers. I'm trying to look out for people by giving good and honest advice. What's wrong with that? How did this good message turn into..."Get Sincere", because of this and that? The only person who should be mad at my message is a reseller. If you're not a reseller, then just be happy that somebody has a level-headed way of thinking. It's obvious that these shoes aren't going to bring in the money that the resellers wished. I'm just stated facts and the fact is that in my size not one sold for a BIN and that re-sellers need to be more realistic with their asking prices. That's it! If you're mad at that message, you must be one of these resellers, because there isn't any other reason why one should take it so personal and turn this into a, "Get Sincere" thing.

Nuff said. Don't hate me, because I have a positive message and advice.

i dig your advice and i agree with 1/2 of it ... ive always been a buyer but to pass up on the fact that thse are a hot buy and not make some decent coin on itis stupid. What if NDC doesnt drop... what you would say about that? what if NDC does dro and only gets a hand full otu and all the resellers get them.. whatthen? alot of N'Talkers got multiple pairs probably for the same reasons i had - i love the shoe and i wanted to flip and make some $$$ - Just commend theones that put in work and got so many - so what if they price them for 500 over - they spent 3 or 4 days out there to get them they need their hard work paidfor. I had 3 pairs got rid of Two - and i wouldnt mind getting more NDC.. Yeezy got people going nutz damn!
LOL @ dude trying to suggest zens are down to $350 now, and then cite an auction with photoshopped tagged pix and a stolen pic one...

uuummm, no.

view completed auctions, peep all the authentic zens prices, configure the average, and report back. i'd bet my ridiculous dj salary it's more than$350...

i think it's gonna go up some too, as long as there's still a lot of hype and a buzz about them, and as much as they're dried up, people aredesperate... i'm still about to sell my extra pairs tho, i think manglor was right about selling b4 the hype surrounding the shoe dies down, which will bewithin the next few weeks, being there's no more colorways releasing any time soon. i still wonder tho if it'd be smart to hold onto one extra pair forthe long term, wonder if a DS pair in a year, 2, or more, will be worth way more than now...
I still gotta agree with Sincere. Proto, I'd say hold on to your Zens. Look at tha damn mess these kicks are causing. They got the NT family bickeringand causing a riff between buyers and resellers. I was hoping the resellers on here would look out for the buyers ya know? I understand they gotta make moneybut c'mon man.
I'll get the zen's in an 8.5 eventually.
That's the only pair I need to complete the set.
The most I would pay is $400 shipped though.
Originally Posted by jphonix

LOL @ dude trying to suggest zens are down to $350 now, and then cite an auction with photoshopped tagged pix and a stolen pic one...

uuummm, no.

view completed auctions, peep all the authentic zens prices, configure the average, and report back. i'd bet my ridiculous dj salary it's more than $350...

i think it's gonna go up some too, as long as there's still a lot of hype and a buzz about them, and as much as they're dried up, people are desperate... i'm still about to sell my extra pairs tho, i think manglor was right about selling b4 the hype surrounding the shoe dies down, which will be within the next few weeks, being there's no more colorways releasing any time soon. i still wonder tho if it'd be smart to hold onto one extra pair for the long term, wonder if a DS pair in a year, 2, or more, will be worth way more than now...

I would wait. Cause some Idoit like me gonna want a new pair in about a year....
Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I'll get the zen's in an 8.5 eventually.
That's the only pair I need to complete the set.
The most I would pay is $400 shipped though.
from here on out, as dried up as they are, i don't think you're ever gonna get them at that price... not DS.

at least not on ebay, maybe a hook up from an NT'er, MAYBE.

could be wrong tho...
Originally Posted by jphonix

Originally Posted by Redrum SB

I'll get the zen's in an 8.5 eventually.
That's the only pair I need to complete the set.
The most I would pay is $400 shipped though.
from here on out, as dried up as they are, i don't think you're ever gonna get them at that price... not DS.

at least not on ebay, maybe a hook up from an NT'er, MAYBE.

could be wrong tho...
I don't care if they're DS because I would rock them anyway.
I wish cats would look out for each other instead of trying to squeeze the every red cent out of fellow Nt'ers. At the end of the day, we all rely on eachother.
man i thought they dropped on ndc the way the thread jumped in like 2 hrs. come to find out, it was a large quoted argument lol
sold my other pair of tans kept one to rock just had a bad feeling about the market on these got $200 some eggplant foams and 11/12 pack DS of course.
yagit80 wrote:

thank you for my new wallpaper

edit: can you OR another person here take this in a higher resolution like this? i don't like having to "stretch" it....thanks!
Originally Posted by sincere

Originally Posted by joeman1515

Originally Posted by sincere

I'm just so happy about the fact that all of these resellers aren't able to sell their Yeezy's at crazy prices. At least not in my size (13) and I see a bunch of the Tan's up. I'm going to hold out, because the best buy it now price is about $580. In all honesty...I think that the re-sellers are going to have to start to take whatever price offers they can get, due to the fact that nobody is biting on the Tans. When I go to the "Completed Listings" on eBay, I can't find any SOLD Tans. I have watched a couple of Tans (2) and I've noticed that they weren't available, so some of these sellers have either found a sucker and/or sold them quick, because they realized that these arent' going to sell like the Black & Pink Yeezy's.

Heck, the Zen Gray's don't even break $350 in my size anymore. I think that this is due to the fact that the Zen Gray's have been released all over the world, just like these will. Besides, our economy is in the dumps right now and people are much more selected in how they spend their money. I'm just holding out until the Tan's get into the $300's and believe me...they will. Especially at the rate that they are selling. Everybody and their momma has these Tan's up for sell in a size 13. The resellers are still going to make their money, but it's not going to come nowhere close to the Black & Pinks!!!

Hey! What's up with the re-sellers who have a "Best Offer" price, but only offer a $25 discount? LMAO!!! That's not much of negotiation. This Tan version of the Yeezy's are like the housing market. It's a "Buyers Market"!!! Lol! I suggest that people don't buy on instinct and/or emotion. Just let these ride for a while, because you have to remember that this is the lest "Rare" version of the 3. There are more of these out there then the other 2 Yeezy's and we can see that there are a lot of those other versions floating around. Especially that Zen Gray's!!! The reason why we don't see more of the Black & Pinks is because they were the freshest and more people wanted to actually keep those.

Man, I'm happy. This will be a win for all of us, because the re-seller will still make a little change (not as much as they wish) and we'll (buyers, collectors and wearer's) be able to get them at better re-sell prices.

I hope that NDC comes works for some of us, including myself. Now that I think about it, when NDC does come through for some of us, the price for the re-sellers will fall much more, because there will be less buyers in the Yeezy market. Honestly I don't think that anybody has to worry about spending much on these. Wait until the European/Worldwide sellers get their's. That will take even more buyers off of the market too. As of right now; there are more sellers then buyers out there.

Sorry for sharing this and talking up so much of your time, but hey...the re-sellers should get more realistic and the buyers should continue to keep their heads level, because there really isn't any need to make an emmotional purchse! Believe will regrest it if you do. Like I said...everybody and their Momma has these up for sale and they aren't selling (at least not in the size 13)!!! These Tan's are dope, but hey what did B.B. King use to sing?..."The feel is gone"!!! Lol! The hype is dying and that's good for all of the collectors/buyers.


the zens dont break 350 in size 13? you are dillusional keep convincing yourself that though..there arent even any sz 13's up right now, if you can find them for 350 more power to you..but i know you cant
Since you seem to know everything and think that I'm lying, here are 2 closed/ended/inactive listings that have sold for $350 or less:



Are you a re-seller or something, because you're very offended by what I have to say? It's the truth....Ruth! If I could pull up more weeks past, I could show you even better prices. Don't get all bent out of shape. It's not that serious. Just to show you that it's not that serious, I'm moving on. I will not respond. I just wanted to make my point. Oh yeah, guess who won the pair for $274? All 100% official. Like I said...these Tan's are even going to hold their weight. Nothing ever does, when everybody and they Momma has some. That doesn't even include the fact that these are about to be released worldwide too and NDC. When that happens, less buyers will be on the market. It's simple economics. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure our the laws of economics.

Next time don't be so foolish and rush to an assumption. You know what they say about Assuming don't you? It makes and %$@ out of U not ME = ASSUME!
I believe that my point has been made. Nobody has to bend over and get !@!%** for their money when it comes to this #@$# man. All that you have to do is let the eager, impatient and emotional buyers buy first. Then you just kick back and wait for all of those sellers who waited to long to start selling in hopes just to get their money back and....Wallah!!! You save money. The only thing about these Tan's is that there are too many out there, too many sellers and not enough demand/buyers who are acting hasty. Get rid of them or get caught with them. Simple as that. It's elementary...Sherlock!
You will never find legit Yeezys under $400.00 That first ended auction is a flake and a fake. If you check his feedback out, I gave him his firstfeedback as a seller. The guy never sent the shoes and he didn't even use his own photos. I took a risk knowing Pay Pal will give me back my money if theyweren't 100% AUTHENTIC. He stole pictures from this auction and photo shopped his name in.
Originally Posted by kidcudahy

Originally Posted by sincere

Originally Posted by joeman1515

sincere wrote:

the zens dont break 350 in size 13? you are dillusional keep convincing yourself that though..there arent even any sz 13's up right now, if you can find them for 350 more power to you..but i know you cant
Since you seem to know everything and think that I'm lying, here are 2 closed/ended/inactive listings that have sold for $350 or less:

You will never find legit Yeezys under $400.00 That first ended auction is a flake and a fake. If you check his feedback out, I gave him his first feedback as a seller. The guy never sent the shoes and he didn't even use his own photos. I took a risk knowing Pay Pal will give me back my money if they weren't 100% AUTHENTIC. He stole pictures from this auction and photo shopped his name in.

The truth has been Revealed.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by kidcudahy

Originally Posted by sincere

Originally Posted by joeman1515

sincere wrote:

the zens dont break 350 in size 13? you are dillusional keep convincing yourself that though..there arent even any sz 13's up right now, if you can find them for 350 more power to you..but i know you cant
Since you seem to know everything and think that I'm lying, here are 2 closed/ended/inactive listings that have sold for $350 or less:

You will never find legit Yeezys under $400.00 That first ended auction is a flake and a fake. If you check his feedback out, I gave him his first feedback as a seller. The guy never sent the shoes and he didn't even use his own photos. I took a risk knowing Pay Pal will give me back my money if they weren't 100% AUTHENTIC. He stole pictures from this auction and photo shopped his name in.

The truth has been Revealed.

thank you im telling sincere and the guy wont listen
Originally Posted by FXSANDMAN


I'm so mad right now cuz i have this strong feelin' that Nike will never retro these 3 C/Ws and the 3 OGs will just be a piece of a history in the shoegame

damnn FML

i am Yeezyless

i see nice numbers out there but just don't have the guts to rock kicks that cost 500-600
i dont wanna buy a shoe that expensive just to look
That's why I rocked my joints not even 24hrs after purchasing...why pay that kind of money just to look at them?
some may say "why pay over retail at all??" response:

To each its only have one life!
Originally Posted by joeman1515

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by kidcudahy

Originally Posted by sincere

Originally Posted by joeman1515

sincere wrote:

the zens dont break 350 in size 13? you are dillusional keep convincing yourself that though..there arent even any sz 13's up right now, if you can find them for 350 more power to you..but i know you cant
Since you seem to know everything and think that I'm lying, here are 2 closed/ended/inactive listings that have sold for $350 or less:

You will never find legit Yeezys under $400.00 That first ended auction is a flake and a fake. If you check his feedback out, I gave him his first feedback as a seller. The guy never sent the shoes and he didn't even use his own photos. I took a risk knowing Pay Pal will give me back my money if they weren't 100% AUTHENTIC. He stole pictures from this auction and photo shopped his name in.

The truth has been Revealed.

thank you im telling sincere and the guy wont listen

damn dude went all out - cant hate on the fact dude did a good job on the photoshop lol shoes bring out the good and bad in all o us but fakes sellers deservea F**cking beat down seriously
Why would you lie for a scammer?

And I just looked on ebay. There are not any Zens 13's left.
Only 1 asking for $800.
Originally Posted by Rub Da Cube

Originally Posted by sincere

You guys seem to forget that I'm a buyer, not a reseller. I'm just trying to look out for those that want to buy and buy for a better price. Why would I have to lie about telling people to not buy on an emotional instinct. I mean how is that wrong? It's wrong to speak to people and to tell them not to fall for the overpricing/unnecessary pricing of resellers. I'm trying to look out for people by giving good and honest advice. What's wrong with that? How did this good message turn into..."Get Sincere", because of this and that? The only person who should be mad at my message is a reseller. If you're not a reseller, then just be happy that somebody has a level-headed way of thinking. It's obvious that these shoes aren't going to bring in the money that the resellers wished. I'm just stated facts and the fact is that in my size not one sold for a BIN and that re-sellers need to be more realistic with their asking prices. That's it! If you're mad at that message, you must be one of these resellers, because there isn't any other reason why one should take it so personal and turn this into a, "Get Sincere" thing.

Nuff said. Don't hate me, because I have a positive message and advice.

i dig your advice and i agree with 1/2 of it ... ive always been a buyer but to pass up on the fact that thse are a hot buy and not make some decent coin on it is stupid. What if NDC doesnt drop... what you would say about that? what if NDC does dro and only gets a hand full otu and all the resellers get them.. what then? alot of N'Talkers got multiple pairs probably for the same reasons i had - i love the shoe and i wanted to flip and make some $$$ - Just commend the ones that put in work and got so many - so what if they price them for 500 over - they spent 3 or 4 days out there to get them they need their hard work paid for. I had 3 pairs got rid of Two - and i wouldnt mind getting more NDC.. Yeezy got people going nutz damn!
I would say this... I would say that their are a whole lot of people who want these, but only a few of those (Whole lot of people) are emotionalbuyers and buy on instinct. These few will be the ones that are create "Bidding Wars" and this creates a "Bubble" in price. Once those fewfinally get there shoes, the price always drops substantially (the "Bubble" pops). Then later on when the price drops, those same few will be theones with "Buyers Remorse". It never fails. All of the remaining sellers start to play cutthroat and they start undercutting each other just to gettheir money back. This is when the smart buyers/those who waited have a chance to take advantage of the fantastic prices (As if it's really a fantasticprice, since you didn't buy it for the original MSRP or below). The feeding frenzy always happens on the day of release, because there is always a euphoriaabout "Needing" the shoes on that day for fear (F.E.A.R. = False Expectations Appearing Real) that they won't be around, but infact...they're always around. No matter how may pairs NDC put's up for sale, the release always takes "Potential" buyers out of the market.It never matters how many, because the results are the same, because you just lost somebody who would've been their to drive the price up. Basically ittakes away from the demand. If this doesn't make sense to anybody, then I don't know what to tell you.

Now as fare as the "Tan's" go. The problem with these is the fact that their is NO or next to NO feeding frenzy on these. Like I said above thefeeding frenzy always begins the day of release. Well, this didn't happen and I see more and more resellers listing their pairs, dropping the pricealready/cutting the throats of others and/or making deals outside of eBay. The re-sell response just isn't there and I'm sorry to bust the re-sellersbubble, but is what it is. These shoe's are like the rap game right now. There are more Rappers (Sellers), then listeners (Buyers)! Everybodywants to be a Rapper (Seller) these days. The guy's with the rediculous BIN prices like $750 and stuff like that are going to be the very same ones nextweek, scrambling to get rid of their shoes, before the value drops. When this happens...eBay will turn into Cutthroat City. Basically the Tan's alreadyhave a bad start and it's not going to get any better (For the sellers that is).

I'm just saying to the sellers that ya'll better start thinking about dropping those prices like they're hot or get caught holding. To the buyers,I'm saying that it's so dang obvious that you don't have to be irrational and make an emotional purchase, because you will regret it when thatprice does drop.

Seriously...Buyer and Sellers need to use some common sense. Too darn bad that sense isn't that common!!! The signs are there. Who's going to opentheir eyes and see what I'm talking about.

Hopefully I broke down these simple rules of economics, especially the rules of eBay economics. Like I said...I'm no rookie. This isn't my first rodeo.I just thought that I would share some positive advice. You can do what you want with the advice that I give. You can lead the thirsty horse to the water, buthe doesn't have to drink. Hopefully these simpe rules with forever be broke.! Only time will tell.
Originally Posted by sincere

Originally Posted by Rub Da Cube

Originally Posted by sincere

You guys seem to forget that I'm a buyer, not a reseller. I'm just trying to look out for those that want to buy and buy for a better price. Why would I have to lie about telling people to not buy on an emotional instinct. I mean how is that wrong? It's wrong to speak to people and to tell them not to fall for the overpricing/unnecessary pricing of resellers. I'm trying to look out for people by giving good and honest advice. What's wrong with that? How did this good message turn into..."Get Sincere", because of this and that? The only person who should be mad at my message is a reseller. If you're not a reseller, then just be happy that somebody has a level-headed way of thinking. It's obvious that these shoes aren't going to bring in the money that the resellers wished. I'm just stated facts and the fact is that in my size not one sold for a BIN and that re-sellers need to be more realistic with their asking prices. That's it! If you're mad at that message, you must be one of these resellers, because there isn't any other reason why one should take it so personal and turn this into a, "Get Sincere" thing.

Nuff said. Don't hate me, because I have a positive message and advice.

i dig your advice and i agree with 1/2 of it ... ive always been a buyer but to pass up on the fact that thse are a hot buy and not make some decent coin on it is stupid. What if NDC doesnt drop... what you would say about that? what if NDC does dro and only gets a hand full otu and all the resellers get them.. what then? alot of N'Talkers got multiple pairs probably for the same reasons i had - i love the shoe and i wanted to flip and make some $$$ - Just commend the ones that put in work and got so many - so what if they price them for 500 over - they spent 3 or 4 days out there to get them they need their hard work paid for. I had 3 pairs got rid of Two - and i wouldnt mind getting more NDC.. Yeezy got people going nutz damn!
I would say this... I would say that their are a whole lot of people who want these, but only a few of those (Whole lot of people) are emotional buyers and buy on instinct. These few will be the ones that are create "Bidding Wars" and this creates a "Bubble" in price. Once those few finally get there shoes, the price always drops substantially (the "Bubble" pops). Then later on when the price drops, those same few will be the ones with "Buyers Remorse". It never fails. All of the remaining sellers start to play cutthroat and they start undercutting each other just to get their money back. This is when the smart buyers/those who waited have a chance to take advantage of the fantastic prices (As if it's really a fantastic price, since you didn't buy it for the original MSRP or below). The feeding frenzy always happens on the day of release, because there is always a euphoria about "Needing" the shoes on that day for fear (F.E.A.R. = False Expectations Appearing Real) that they won't be around, but in fact...they're always around. No matter how may pairs NDC put's up for sale, the release always takes "Potential" buyers out of the market. It never matters how many, because the results are the same, because you just lost somebody who would've been their to drive the price up. Basically it takes away from the demand. If this doesn't make sense to anybody, then I don't know what to tell you.

Now as fare as the "Tan's" go. The problem with these is the fact that their is NO or next to NO feeding frenzy on these. Like I said above the feeding frenzy always begins the day of release. Well, this didn't happen and I see more and more resellers listing their pairs, dropping the price already/cutting the throats of others and/or making deals outside of eBay. The re-sell response just isn't there and I'm sorry to bust the re-sellers bubble, but is what it is. These shoe's are like the rap game right now. There are more Rappers (Sellers), then listeners (Buyers)! Everybody wants to be a Rapper (Seller) these days. The guy's with the rediculous BIN prices like $750 and stuff like that are going to be the very same ones next week, scrambling to get rid of their shoes, before the value drops. When this happens...eBay will turn into Cutthroat City. Basically the Tan's already have a bad start and it's not going to get any better (For the sellers that is).

I'm just saying to the sellers that ya'll better start thinking about dropping those prices like they're hot or get caught holding. To the buyers, I'm saying that it's so dang obvious that you don't have to be irrational and make an emotional purchase, because you will regret it when that price does drop.

Seriously...Buyer and Sellers need to use some common sense. Too darn bad that sense isn't that common!!! The signs are there. Who's going to open their eyes and see what I'm talking about.

Hopefully I broke down these simple rules of economics, especially the rules of eBay economics. Like I said...I'm no rookie. This isn't my first rodeo. I just thought that I would share some positive advice. You can do what you want with the advice that I give. You can lead the thirsty horse to the water, but he doesn't have to drink. Hopefully these simpe rules with forever be broke.! Only time will tell.
"You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.' It's the darkroom where Satan developshis negatives"- Gary Busey
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