Best case scenario we get Power lace auctions and a takedown GR that will be even harder to cop but affordable
so you telling me i cant do this if i cop off a gr release 
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That letter pretty much confirms an auction. This shoe is pipe dreams to 99.9% of people here. Best to let it go now.

said the same thing in 2011 and i'll say it again, these are not meant for people looking to spend $250 for a shoe. These are for people with deep pockets that when they buy them their purchase will make a dent in the goals they have set to raise for the auction.
I hope they auction off a ton of pairs, would reduce the price and maximize how much they raise, I'm just highly skeptical of that. No doubt with everything involved, producing these shoes will take much more time than usual.
At this point I'm just excited to see what they have in store. I know these will never touch my hands and I'm cool with it.
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