NFL Week 14 In Review....

The only good news for the Cowboys out of tonight is that they essentially control their own destiny at this point, despite the loss today...

They've slipped into the 6th seed ahead of Atlanta, and just need to take care of their own business to get the job done... Tomorrow's game also couldhave a big impact on the Boys. If the Bucs lose, they fall a game closer to Dallas heading into a game against Atlanta next week, and the Cowboys currentlyhold the tie-breakers over both those teams...

The Boys still have to run the gauntlet these next three weeks ( schedule is
), but at least they have the luxury of knowing they don't have to hope apray for help if they take care of their own business...

Winning all three should guarantee a playoff spot... Winning at least two should still give them a real chance...

Got damn this loss today hurts, though...
Jason Garrett and Tony Romo choked this one off...

At least the defense is finally playing at a high level...
allen and fizzy...i'd probably agree. wasn't clemens set to start anyway? i guess the only difference would have been that the dolphins would benowhere
i didnt realize how the atl loss affected the playoff picture ... as long as bmore takes care of these bum *%% skins, we still have a very good chance atmaking the playoffs ...

lets go panthers tomorrow ...

Romo is some !**! by the way ... salutations
My Eagles are straight ballin' right now. Had to knock the G-Menout and give them a dose of their own medicine. On to Cleveland which should be another W
- Cowboys
are garbage and always will be as long as Romo is their QB,dude is a BUM, accept it. Steelers defense is no joke, props to Pittsburgh.
- Congrats to the Arizona Cardinals, its been a long time coming for them. But they need to find a running game before the playoffs or else its one and done.
- Falcons aren't really convincing anyone that they are a playoff team right now. Reggie Bush makes the Saints go when he's healthy.
- Jaguars are
, matter are the Bills
- Jets are overrated (Thomas Jones is ballin' though), watch the Pats win the division

- Titans looked good, still
about them though, they've had acupcake schedule all year.
- Peyton Manning is looking like his old self. I honestly think the Colts are the best team in the AFC despite Tennessee's record
- The Denver Broncos are flying way under the radar right now. They could be a tough out come playoff time.

Last but not least Ed Reed is the definition of a ballhawk
- I had a feeling the loss was coming today. I'm confident about Buffalo next week but I'm scared of having to travel to Seattle two weeks from now.
- Mangini has to be gone after this year.
- I still have 0 clue who will get into the playoffs.
- NFC east might only get one team in. Dallas has a tough schedule.
- I told y'all Indianapolis was a problem and y'all didn't want to believe me. This team will be in the AFC championship game as long as theydon't have to go through the Steelers.
- I am so tired of the fraud word. Eagles tied Cincinatti and lost a couple and they were frauds. Look at them now.
- Good to see Reggie play well today. Dude is electryifying when he gets it going.
- Chicago will make the playoffs. They have the easier schedule compared to Minny.
- I just don't get the Packers?
- If the texans hadn't have blown so many games, they would be in the playoff picture right now. Difference between a team like them and Indy.

Top 5
1. Giants
2. Titans
3. Pittsburgh
4. Tampa Bay
5. Indy
Frauds of the week = Jets

Lets the Boys off the hook cuz, the Steelers are [lynch]BEAST MODE[/lynch]
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Chad's success in Miami can't be compared to what he could've done for NY.

It's inconsequential.

However, to answer your question, I'd probably say we would not any better off if Penny was still our QB.

If you won't I will. The jets would be a better team with Pennington. He knows these receivers way better than Favre does. The way Coles has beenunder-used this year is atrocious. It doesn't matter at this point cause Favre is the QB of this team and he isn't the main reason we are losing games(Mangini).
been waiting for this ....

AFC east ... a toss up ... JETS are frauds

Peyton Manning
.... colts improving each week... still got a ways to go though

Giants ... i don't think they can win w/o plax ... will still be formidable come playoff time though ... ELI will have to shoulder more of the burden astime goes on though

, will still prolly make the playoffs though, ROMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is a joke

AP ... another 100 yd day, Calvin Johnson ... maybe you'll get some help from the 1st pick in the draft,

good win today
All the Eagles need to do is win out and have Atlanta lose once and they are in. Week 16 @ Washington will be the hardest game.

It's quite amazing what a commitment to the run can do. I think at one point in the third quarter we ran the ball five straight times. I've never seenthat before, even when we are up late in the game and only a moron wouldn't run the ball (like Chicago last year
Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

- i think the pats now officially have too many injuries on defense to make the playoffs (wilfork, warren, bruschi, thomas, harrison, sanders, and wheatley). it was crappy before today and just got even worse
i still think it'll be smooth sailing to 11-5. i'm confident Randy and company will emerge victorious out of the three-way tie.
the Jets and Dolphins aren't capable of winning out, the Pats on the other hand are more than capable of winning out with ease.

i've concluded that you are a joke. the pats are capable but the phins aren't? you're decked with injuries and barely escaped beating the hawkswithout hasselbeck. we've won 6 of 7. sit the hell down kid
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

All the Eagles need to do is win out and have Atlanta lose once and they are in. Week 16 @ Washington will be the hardest game.

It's quite amazing what a commitment to the run can do. I think at one point in the third quarter we ran the ball five straight times. I've never seen that before, even when we are up late in the game and only a moron wouldn't run the ball (like Chicago last year
Well Atlanta will probably lose to Tampa next week so you guys have a good shot. And honestly, the game against Washington should be a cakewalkfor you guys, that team is NOT good when Portis isn't at 100%. That last game against Dallas very well may decide which of those two teams make theplayoffs, hopefully Andy's love for the pass is rekindled by then
Texans are 2 plays (Rosenfels Helicopter, Jauques Reeves giving up a long pass against the Jags setting up a game tying FG) from being 8-5... with gamesagainst the raiders and bears left on the schedule...
-The Cowboys D was amazing today.

- Tashard Choice was beasting today, the fact that it was against the Steelers makes his performance even more impressive.

- Tony Romo was abmissmal today.
He better get his act together becausewe are gonna have to win out in order to make the playoffs, and as bad as he played today he's the only option for us @ QB.
- The Giants are the best team in the NFC, but they aren't the juggernaut everyone was crowning them as.
-well the lose wasnt to bad for the cowboys with ATL losing and now the deadskins looking like bums
Why yall trippin over the Jared Allen cut block? He's a POS. Turnabout is fair play.
Originally Posted by TraPpStar

^^What? Pardon me for not being a square like you playboy. [color= rgb(0, 0, 204)]Dont get mad at me cuz I'm mad educated but still masterful with the vernacular[/color]. Its a kamikaze mission trying to play me homeboy. Check yourself
Link to where this originated, please...
Originally Posted by DLo13

Originally Posted by TraPpStar

^^What? Pardon me for not being a square like you playboy. [color= rgb(0, 0, 204)]Dont get mad at me cuz I'm mad educated but still masterful with the vernacular[/color]. Its a kamikaze mission trying to play me homeboy. Check yourself
Link to where this originated, please...

I think it was CFB polls post.
Originally Posted by Poogibucker

Originally Posted by DMONEY23444

The Packers....
i just dont get it....
one word . . . defense
Defense kept us in it for most of the game... 4:1 turnover ratio...

The word you're looking for is injuries.... followed close by coaching
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