News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi


Literally my reaction throughout the movie (IM3)
I didn't "hate" IM3, hell I still like IM2 just fine.

But in terms of what 3 did, how does a billionaire dude throw out his address, get his *** kicked, then decide to storm a house with water ballons and no actual suit? :stoneface:

I don't mind more RDJ than IM, I can deal with that. I don't mind Mandarin being.......whatever they made him out to be. But Pepper being the one to finish everything off? :x

I liked some of the stuff they did, and I can watch the movie and be ok with it, but Thor 2 was really solid. Maybe not cuz of Thor himself, and they tried to get a smidge too funny, but Loki + the battle scenes + each character getting their shine was far better than what IM3 did. Seein Renee Russo get busy, Loki's every single scene, Elba, Sif, the big dude that got stabbed for some reason I don't understand and seemed more important than the actual bad guy, all better than what IM3 put together.
IM3 was very bad. Way too many inconsistencies and overall lazy writing. Then you throw the Mandarin bastardization in and you bring down to SM3 level.
so will there ever be a thanos quest/infinity gaunlet movie or what? where all the super-heros and super-villians show up on one battle field to stop thaneezy

i realize it may be like blowing the whole wadd so to speak - but wasn't the gauntlet in some background scenes in stuff already released?

Not for me, even if they left out the Mandarin trash, the movie still wasn't very good. It was too much Stark and not enough Ironman. It was like Macguyver movie there at some points and the overall film just didn't work for me. IM3 also had too many themes that was unnecessary like the Christmas crap everywhere because of the director, it's like who gives a damn, they accomplished nothing. :lol:

See, that's personal. There were more good Iron Man in action scenes in IM3 than the other 2. You just built up emotions on Shane Black in general. Christmas is the problem? Too much RDJ? Nah, it sounds more like you were mad that the ads promised RDJ would get Extremis powers, and he'd get into all those different suits. Those are more problems you had before the movie even started.

You ain't looking at it from a standpoint of good filmmaking. Just 'disappointed comicbooking.' And that's fine, but that RT score is gonna make sense to me and not you is all. Besides...RT doesn't even matter like that.

It's not really personal, I try to look at it as unbiased as possible but the film was just bad. I just pointed out examples of unnecessary things they put in the movie that really made no sense. I mean I looked up the meaning of the Christmas theme in the film and they said it was because it's the directors signature and I was like, what?

I love IM1 because it was simply good and found a great balance despite it' lack of action in comparison to IM3, but IM3 did not deliver the same emotions and story telling in my view. I was never bored in IM1 and wanted more after it was done. IM3, I left waiting for more interesting things to happen, for the pace to be picked up and the end didn't really deliver after the long wait, Potts had to save Stark after it was all said and done. It was just bad. I've always pointed out that RDJ was the one and shining star of the film so I am not mad at too much RDJ but the movie didn't really need to be all Macguyver on the terrorists, it wasn't done particularly well like Starks cave scenes in the first one. His panic attacks led to almost nothing and was resolved w/o us caring for it. And adding the kid to the mix also felt unnecessary and just to drag time. I could go on but to me those were badly written. Not much else to be said about another bland villain in Killian which Marvel just can't get right again outside of Loki and maybe a bit with Red Skull.

I would have been perfectly fine if he didn't get in any of the other suits at all if the movie were just better made or more entertaining, like IM1, not necessarily by more action scenes or explosions but a more interesting plot and Starks road to the climax, but it simply wasn't good to me. Film making wasn't that great either, not the worst thing but even if that is given a pass, everything else was just bad outside of RDJ.

I can understand RT rating too but sadly, those aren't the most accurate basis of film making, writing, etc... in movies either. I wasn't really arguing with RT results though, I just noticed a trend and hope that doesn't follow suit for Cap2.
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I'm happy at the early reviews for Captain America.. besides wanting a good movie, I'm glad that the Russo Brothers did a good job.

They've directed and produced many episodes of my favorite TV sitcoms ever.. Arrested Development, Community, and Happy Endings.. so I was excited they had this big chance and so far it looks like they nailed it.
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That is what I was thinking. I dont know how everyone decided on miracles. Joss Whedon writes comics. Doubt he would approve of that ********.

I think he will make a great quick. And I like how they look like they could be brother and sister in real life

aren't they married in Godzilla? but yeah I hope they aren't called miracles. Sounds... weird.
She plays his love interest.. not sure if they're married

:nerd: Aaron Johnson is only 23... seems like dude's been around for a decade lol
couldnt just be that he was sayin miracles cuz its a miracle to see a superfast guy and a shorty moving blocks with her mind

everytime i read about aaron johnson i can only see him as that guy from Savages with dreads lol

dude looks like a nerd in everything else

thinkin about it now, he was a nerd in savages :lol:

hopefully hes more of a badass in the avengers

He did get pretty yolked in Kickass 2.

When I think of him, I think of the guy who was banging his cougar director that's twice his age and married her. Dude's had a weird life.
He got married and changed HIS name :rofl:
It was announced back in November that YouTube channel Machinima would be bringing a live-action adaptation of the comic series "Enormous" to life as an online series, and now the pilot episode has arrived.

See...I didn't wanna respond, cuz I knew it'd be long, but hey.

IM3 was just a poorly made movie in many regards (other than the obvious action scenes, special effects, star power). The writing was off & there were just too any generic elements to it.
I'll give you the action scenes cuz that airplane thing was corny, and the House Party thing was stupid. But the effects and the star power? :nerd: RDJ owning that role is half the reason I think IM3 was better. And the writing wasn't on IM1 or Avengers level, but it was better than IM2's. It was different from IM1 is what got people, cuz Shane Black has a pretty different voice than Jon Favreau.

[Literally my reaction throughout the movie (IM3)
IM3 was very bad. Way too many inconsistencies and overall lazy writing. Then you throw the Mandarin bastardization in and you bring down to SM3 level.
I didn't "hate" IM3, hell I still like IM2 just fine.

But in terms of what 3 did, how does a billionaire dude throw out his address, get his *** kicked, then decide to storm a house with water ballons and no actual suit? :stoneface:

I don't mind more RDJ than IM, I can deal with that. I don't mind Mandarin being.......whatever they made him out to be. But Pepper being the one to finish everything off? :x

I liked some of the stuff they did, and I can watch the movie and be ok with it, but Thor 2 was really solid. Maybe not cuz of Thor himself, and they tried to get a smidge too funny, but Loki + the battle scenes + each character getting their shine was far better than what IM3 did. Seein Renee Russo get busy, Loki's every single scene, Elba, Sif, the big dude that got stabbed for some reason I don't understand and seemed more important than the actual bad guy, all better than what IM3 put together.
I think IM3 missed out on a lot its potential cuz it made some wrong-minded choices. It took a bad read on where the audience was ready to go with it, and what the audience thought was important.

But think of it like this...Brave was a Pixar movie with a lot of flaws that made it mediocre. And people had more good things to say about a Madagascar 3 then it. That's fine, you could like it better, but that's ignorant, cuz Pixar movies are doing so much more, that you're just over-rewarding low expectations and low standards.

The first Thor movie was half trash. All of the earth scenes were garbage, none of the characters outside of Thor, Loki and Odin were worth ****, Natalie Portman was ******* awful, Kat Dennings was annoying, it looked like they shot half of the movie in a CostCo parking lot, the frost giants looked like Ivan Ooze, and the director decided if he tilt the camera every scene his job was done. The saving grace was Tom Hiddleston, and the relationship between Loki and Thor. That's it.

So with the lowest standards and expectations possible in the MCU, people spazzed when they could actually see the budget on screen. Hey, Sif and them have real lines? The earth stuff don't make me cringe no more? There's actually good cgi in this, and Kat Dennings is funny again, and when all else fails, Loki. But...there's nothing really special about Dark World. It passes by quickly, because there isn't much of anything to it. If they would've slowed down, it'd be easier to see how little they're actually doing. What makes Thor special is that the cast is the deepest of all the MCU. That's it. And this was basically a half-remake of the first 1. They just went back and tried to fill in some of the emptiness of Thor 1, but now Thor 2 is pretty empty when you look at it.

Cuz see...the first Iron Man was one of the best comic book movies we've had. It's smart, it's present. Tony Stark is the most layered character in the MCU. RDJ is the most watchable actor in any of these. The symbolism, the themes, the jokes. It never felt like a superhero movie. Everyone was perfect in it and it was moving and memorable and creative and just smart. The 2nd was...almost unwatchable. It was dead inside. it had nice ideas, but it was almost soulless. The movie just dragged itself to the finish line. But Avengers renewed Iron Man. Reminded everyone how he was that guy and had the most potential to absolutely kill it outta anyone in the MCU.

What I think really did the damage and is why people hate the movie so much, is the marketing. It's not that the Mandarin turned out the way it did. It's that they took the serious, gritty, tense scenes and used those to sell the movie...when those were just the exceptions. People walked in ready for Marvel's TDK, with Mandarin as the Joker, Extremis as a way to take IM to a whole new level, every awesome suit they could think of, and what had no real excuse to not be the greatest MCU movie ever. And instead...IM3 was about as serious as Thor 2, which makes it a lighthearted comedy with a few serious scenes, that aren't that serious. And they decided to use it to tell every fan not to expect them to follow the comics.

And that ruined the movie for most people. It did for me. But I understood that they made some choices ahead of time, that I wasn't with. They didn't make a bad movie, they just made the wrong movie, which...with all of those expectations, was the worst movie possible for a lot of people. But saying Dark World is better? Dark World is a nothing movie. That's like saying Pirates of the Carribean 2 is better than IM3. Okay...sure. But IM3 is a better made film. Moment to moment, scene for scene, there's more there, there. They tried to say more, shifted the tone more, held the momentum better and had more memorable parts that mattered to the story and characters in it. And then there's Dark World, which was a good fun time, that didn't piss anybody off.

I dunno. I think it's feelings. I hated Spider-man 3, but I could admit it was a better made film than Thor 1. IM3 is really bad, because it's not IM1 or The Dark Iron. Thor 2 is really good, because it's not Thor 1.

I could go on but to me those were badly written. Not much else to be said about another bland villain in Killian which Marvel just can't get right again outside of Loki and maybe a bit with Red Skull.
If Killian/Mandarin were bland, what was Malekith?

Cliffs: I liked Thor 2 better than IM3, but there's more to IM3 than that movie. Neither one's especially good, but I think IM3 just had a lot more expectations on it, and more of people planning out what they wanted it to be. Dark World got bonus pts for not sucking, using the whole cast, and looking better than Thor 1.
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As I said in my other post, Killian was badly written, not as bad as Malekith but close. Thor2 had Kurse and Loki to balance it all off on the villain side though. Lokis twist/trick was more obvious but to me, it felt better executed than the Mandarin surprise. The Mandarin surprise was more like a wtf moment but not in a good way. Loki being Odin in the end was a nice touch and was a bit unexpected and right in tune with the character.

At the end its all personal preference. Overall, IM3 was just not a film I liked or enjoy. IM3 was better than IM2 but not by much, IM2 was just very bad and very underwhelming to begin with so the bar was set very low.

I think most here know I try to be unbiased as possible when it comes to films and really my expectations on IM3 wasnt that high since IM2 wasnt very good. Hell I was even perfectly fine when they hire a Non-Asian to play Mandarin because I knew Kingley could act well and I am the only one asking people to give DofP a chance despite all the costumes and set pics. :lol: So I always tryi to go to the theater with low to no expectations, doesnt always work of course but I do feel IM3 is one of thise films I had low expectations following IM2.

I admit though that I was extra disappointed after the film that the suits werent utilized, Mandarin was trash and Extremis was wasted but really all of that could have been forgiven if the film was even good.
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Anyways, some Fox news so let the hate flow....

According to, Fox has scheduled an untitled solo Wolverine film for March 3, 2017. This will James Mangold's follow up to The Wolverine which he tweeted, "I'm shooting the next Wolverine after X-Men: Apocalypse (May 27, 2016)." Hugh Jackman is expected to reprise his role.

While Josh Trank's Fantastic Four, which will star Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm (aka the Human Torch), Kate Mara as Sue Storm (aka the Invisible Woman), Miles Teller as Reed Richards (aka Mr. Fantastic) and Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm (The Thing), doesn't hit theaters until June 19, 2015, Fox already is planning the film's sequel. They plan to release Fantastic Four 2 on July 14, 2017.

Fox announced that an untitled Fox/Marvel film will be released on July 13, 2018.

Additionally, Fox decided to push up Matthew Vaughn's The Secret Service to October 24, 2014, from March 6, 2015. Their Frankenstein film, that will star Daniel Radcliffe, was moved from January 16, 2015, to October 2, 2015.

DofP - May 23, 2014
F4 I - June 19, 2015
XMen: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016
Wolverine II - March 3, 2017
F4 II - July 14, 2017
Unnamed Fox/Marvel - July 13, 2018

I like it that Fox is finally planning it all out, DofP just needs to straighten everything out. For the unnamed film, it could only be Deadpool or XForce, right? Unless it is a third XMen film since the Apocalypse film is being called an "in-between-quel" whatever that hell that means.
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Anyways, some Fox news so let the hate flow....

According to, Fox has scheduled an untitled solo Wolverine film for March 3, 2017. This will James Mangold's follow up to The Wolverine which he tweeted, "I'm shooting the next Wolverine after X-Men: Apocalypse (May 27, 2016)." Hugh Jackman is expected to reprise his role.

While Josh Trank's Fantastic Four, which will star Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm (aka the Human Torch), Kate Mara as Sue Storm (aka the Invisible Woman), Miles Teller as Reed Richards (aka Mr. Fantastic) and Jamie Bell as Ben Grimm (The Thing), doesn't hit theaters until June 19, 2015, Fox already is planning the film's sequel. They plan to release Fantastic Four 2 on July 14, 2017.

Fox announced that an untitled Fox/Marvel film will be released on July 13, 2018.

Additionally, Fox decided to push up Matthew Vaughn's The Secret Service to October 24, 2014, from March 6, 2015. Their Frankenstein film, that will star Daniel Radcliffe, was moved from January 16, 2015, to October 2, 2015.

DofP - May 23, 2014
F4 I - June 19, 2015
XMen: Apocalypse - May 27, 2016
Wolverine II - March 3, 2017
F4 II - July 14, 2017
Unnamed Fox/Marvel - July 13, 2018

I like it that Fox is finally planning it all out, DofP just needs to straighten everything out. For the unnamed film, it could only be Deadpool or XForce, right? Unless it is a third XMen film since the Apocalypse film is being called an "in-between-quel" whatever that hell that means.
So for that final film u posted does that mean fox and marvel will work on the film??? Like a crossover
Xmen vs avengers :nerd:
Or world war hulk with all of the marvel universe :nerd: :wow:
No, since Fox makes other films like Secret Service and Frankenstein (not a Marvel comic film), "Fox/Marvel" that just meant the film will be a Marvel comic film that they have the rights on to not confuse people, not a collab between Marvel/Disney.
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Just got back from the Cap 2 early screening. The rest of these super hero movies releasing this summer better come with it. This movie was just one giant comic book brought to life. From the storyline to the fighting scenes right down to the characters. X-men got a problem on their hands.
Just got back from the Cap 2 early screening. The rest of these super hero movies releasing this summer better come with it. This movie was just one giant comic book brought to life. From the storyline to the fighting scenes right down to the characters. X-men got a problem on their hands.

I wanted to avoid talking about it since what I consider a spoiler is not what everyone else considers a spoiler so I didn't want to ruin it for anyone. But sick movie. Even if fox stepped there game up 10fold they still have problems with their weak *** F4/X-Men universe.
I think they're going to jump the gun and make a F4/X-Men crossover the 2018 flick

Never mind, just read they're meant to exist in the same universe but there isn't a crossover planned atm.. find it hard to believe though
Just got back from the Cap 2 early screening. The rest of these super hero movies releasing this summer better come with it. This movie was just one giant comic book brought to life. From the storyline to the fighting scenes right down to the characters. X-men got a problem on their hands.
 can't wait
Just got back from the Cap 2 early screening. The rest of these super hero movies releasing this summer better come with it. This movie was just one giant comic book brought to life. From the storyline to the fighting scenes right down to the characters. X-men got a problem on their hands.

:smokin Did you get to see the TMNT trailer by any chance? :nerd:
Something that's being left out of a lot of the headlines about Fox's announcement is an untitled Ridey Scott film for 2016

Prometheus 2 is supposed to be coming next year but it could have been delayed.. Or it could possibly be Blade Runner 2

I know a lot of people view Prometheus as a ****** film but i honestly think the series has promise
I liked Prometheus, it was very thought provoking and had me thinking about it for weeks after, to me that's a good film, if I walk out and 2 hours later I forgot what the movie was even about, that's a sign of a terrible movie
To go off what RFX posted last night, I have these down for the next 3-4 years.

Captain America 2-- April 4 2014

Spiderman 2 -- May 2 2014
Godzilla -- May 16 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past-- May 23 2014

Transformers 4-- June 27 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes-- July 11 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy-- August 1 2014
Ninja Turtles-- August 8 2014
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For-- August 22 2014

Interstellar-- November 7 2014
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1-- November 21 2014

Fast and Furious 7-- April 10 2015
Avengers: Age of Ultron-- May 1 2015
The Fantastic Four-- June 19 2015
Ant-Man-- July 31 2015
Bond 24 -- November 6 2015
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2-- November 20 2015
Star Wars 7-- December 18 2015
Mission Impossible 5 -- December 25 2015

Superman/Batman-- May 6 2016
Captain America 3-- May 6 2016
X-Men Apocalypse-- May 27 2016
The Amazing Spiderman 3-- June 10 2016
The Flash-- 2016????

Wolverine II -- March 3 2017
Fantastic Four 2-- July 14 2017
Justice League-- 2017????
Star Wars 8 -- 2017????

Amazing Spiderman 4-- May 4 2018
Unnamed Fox/Marvel -- July 13 2018
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