News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

No I am not into history at all and didnt know what pompeii was. Just saw the gladioator or whateva. Bad assumption on my part
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jessica lucas was lookin GOOD in Pompeii tho

especially right before she died. she kept leaning toward the camera lettin her boobies show.
First two seasons were very good then downhill. Still, I'm very curious about this. I still want an all out battle with Peter vs. Sylar.
Grasping at straws NBC :smh: :lol:

Execs probably looked at how they're failing and being dominated by their competitors and started looking at things they had that were a success that they epically ****** up. This in itself is a risk even if it's a miniseries.

I can't see them making it with the same cast brought back, although most probably would. Doubt Quinto would though and he was pretty much the show other than Hiro and the cheerleader
Heroes could've been amazing. First season was mindblowing! Second season suffered from the writers strike but it was still good. Then they changed the writers and it was over from then on.

Still mad I wasted so much time watching the last couple seasons just to finish it off. The first season is still fantastic though.
I usually don't buy TV shows on DVD but I have the first and second seasons. To me that was around the time TV was starting to give movies a run for their money.

EDIT: HBO did it long before but back then nowhere near as many people had HBO as they do now from my experience
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I saw that. No wonder black widow is american in the avengers flicks. She is not good with accents. Still watching tho. It better be full frontal or I am demanding my money back. :lol:

Damn JGL for waxing that ***. :smokin
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The Sacrament looks like after they came back from North Korea they decided to do a movie about that but instead of brainwashing dictator lets take it back to the Jim Jones religious cult backdrop. The guys playing the Vice crew look like they can't act for **** :lol: It looks like something cool, probably Captain Phillips with more suspense.

That Under The Skin trailer killed it for me with that Kubrick heir quote. I'll watch but the enthusiasm is gone.
Rumor is MBJ is thinking of dropping out of Human torch role to get the role of Cyborg in the superman vs batman role. Would be a small role in the movie but will expand into a much bigger role later on plus possibillity of own movie

Rumor could be all that but synder does want to meet with him so who knows
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Rumor is MBJ is thinking of dropping out of Human torch role to get the role of Cyborg in the superman vs batman role. Would be a small role in the movie but will expand into a much bigger role later on plus possibillity of own movie

Rumor could be all that but synder does want to meet with him so who knows
Why would he have to drop out? Are one of the studios forcing him too? I'm pretty sure F4 goes to work before MOS sequel since they pushed things back.

The way I see it MOS 2 has the better chance of making more money but quality wise I don't know which will be better between this and a F4 reboot. So then you can look at something like MBJ getting paid more for F4 and I highly doubt no matter how bigger the role of Cyborg is he aint getting his own solo movie. So either way to me seems like a sideways move and somewhat of a downgrade. Cuz no matter what Johnny Storm will always have a slightly bigger role in F4 than Cyborg does in any JL movie.

Pretty sad overall though that Hollywood can't just contact another young promising black actor.
These actors have to pledge their allegiance early on. Either your Marvel or DC, no in between. You see what happened to Ryan Reynolds trying to double dip. James Marsden got the ax first 10 mins of X3 for daring to show his face in Superman returns...

Any chance he can both characters than? I'm reading comments and some people said he'll be able to pull it off since its too diff universes
These actors have to pledge their allegiance early on. Either your Marvel or DC, no in between. You see what happened to Ryan Reynolds trying to double dip. James Marsden got the ax first 10 mins of X3 for daring to show his face in Superman returns...

This is pretty much true and that serious.

Don't be surprised if FOX ever gets that rated R Deadpool movie off the ground (if X-Force is a success) that somebody else is cast as Wade instead of RR. Marsden can't show his face in anything again. I don't even know what he was thinking going from Cyclops to the ****old husband of Lois Lane
Any chance he can both characters than? I'm reading comments and some people said he'll be able to pull it off since its too diff universes
Don't see why both studios would accommodate him. He aint a huge movie star that got it like that. I'd say Marvel or DC most likely would cause a scheduling conflict and make him choose. If he's already signed contracts whichever one he signed first probably has his full rights.
These actors have to pledge their allegiance early on. Either your Marvel or DC, no in between. You see what happened to Ryan Reynolds trying to double dip. James Marsden got the ax first 10 mins of X3 for daring to show his face in Superman returns...


Interesting...never knew that about Marsden.

So basically because marsden chose a small role in superman, Xmen writers wrote him out of X3?

Was it out of spite or...
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These actors have to pledge their allegiance early on. Either your Marvel or DC, no in between. You see what happened to Ryan Reynolds trying to double dip. James Marsden got the ax first 10 mins of X3 for daring to show his face in Superman returns...


Interesting...never knew that about Marsden.

So basically because marsden chose a small role in superman, Xmen writers wrote him out of X3?

Was it out of spite or...
Nah other way around actually from what I understand, he wanted out, so they killed him off. I'm guessing he thought getting in on the reboot of the Superman franchise was better than being a Cyclops that got pushed to the side for Jean and Wolverine. Thing is he got a pretty lame role in Superman Returns, even if that movie was great and had a trilogy the best outcome his character had was dying by the hands of the next villain and hopefully before finding out his son isn't his and Lois gets back with Supes.
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