News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

It's really not his choice I think, I mean he was already useless in X2, his role was already at a minimal. Hell dude was already portrayed as a tertiary character in X1, it was obvious the films were going to be about Wolverine. From what I understand, they actually wanted to kill him off-screen in X3 but the writers told the producers that it was better he got killed off on-screen.

Plus Marsden probably just followed Singer, not really sure the full story but he probably thought with Singer leaving that X3 would not be made? I don't know but Reynolds is definitely a different story. Deadpool just can't get a greenlight for some reason and GL was just a disaster, it had nothing to do with him doing work with Marvel/Fox and DC at the same time.
I'm not saying Deadpool being unable to get greenlit is cuz RR did DC movies. I'm saying expect for him not to be cast as DP if the movie ever does get green lit or if they go through with a X-Force movie and Deadpool is in it because he did DC movies (but at this point he's failed so much in comic book movie adaptions that could be why as well).
Oh I was responding to Lamekilla who mentioned Reynolds double dipping.

We're just all jealous of Reynold anyways becuase he go to double dip on ScarJo (in her Scarlet costume) and Lively.
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Oh I was responding to Lamekilla who mentioned Reynolds double dipping.

We're just all jealous of Reynold anyways becuase he go to double dip on ScarJo (in her Scarlet costume) and Lively.

But really though he banged Scarlett ANDDD Blake?!?! :smh: the unfairness
Damn those mid air action poses :smokin

Wish they hadnt put the two mary-jane scenes in that trailer. That was too much
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That international trailer is WAY better than any trailer I've seen the past 2 years. I know they don't mean much but that gives me hope it'll be the best Spidey film to date.

Gotta say though I get the feeling in this reboot Peter and Harry aren't really friends compared to the first trilogy. Don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing yet. Still wish GG had a mask or something covering part of his face.
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I'm kinda excited to see the changes sony made. Don't care for the Spidey Mythos (besides his origin story).

Superior Spidey is way better than Amazing
...I had my problems with the first ASM but...

I'm kinda excited to see the changes sony made. Don't care for the Spidey Mythos (besides his origin story).

Superior Spidey is way better than Amazing

Yeah I'm enjoying Superior but I can't wait for Peter to be back
Superior Spidey is just arrogant Batman with no sidekick.

Never thought about it like that. I mainly read it to watch Ock fail but I've been intrigued by Slott's writing. Any guess on who the Goblin King is?
I'm kinda excited to see the changes sony made. Don't care for the Spidey Mythos (besides his origin story).

Superior Spidey is way better than Amazing

Yeah I'm enjoying Superior but I can't wait for Peter to be back
Superior Spidey is just arrogant Batman with no sidekick.

Never thought about it like that. I mainly read it to watch Ock fail but I've been intrigued by Slott's writing. Any guess on who the Goblin King is?
Probably an Osbourne. I don't think it's Harry but it could be to match the movie.

On that front, I've found nothing compelling about the mystery. At this point I just wanna know who and see if it'll surprise me or if I'll be disappointed. It can go either way with Slott on this.
^^Yeah I was thinking it was Harry until the last issue with the fight with Hobgoblin. His reaction to being thought to be Harry made me rethink it
damn it was the same as the superbowl trailer but those few added scenes kinda got me hyped
to bad the xmen movie is hopeless
havent seen a trailer yet or anything
cant nobody me that film aint gonna suck

That looks like an awesome video game.

I looks streets ahead of the first one, which looked like a Katherine Heigl romcom with a Walmart spidey costume. This at least looks like they went big. It just...still gives me nothing as far as character, storytelling and personality. Without those, it's just another check the blockbuster boxes superhero flick like Thor.

But it does look like it ***** on a the first one monumentally. At the least, something I mighta ignored could get the late watch.
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