News On Future Films Based on Comics/Paranormal/Sci-Fi

This needs to be made into animated flick a-sap...

Thor's really gonna be a problem next year

UPDATE: Now, here is a more detailed description of the Thor footage we began to describe in our attempt to live blog the Marvel panel yesterday.

As we mentioned before, the footage begins with a lightning crack that seems to be the running theme of the footage shown, which makes sense being that this is the God of Thunder and that creating lightning is one of his principal skills. We see an aerial shot of a S.H.I.E.L.D. base where Clark Gregg's Agent Coulson is grilling Chris Hemsworth's Thor, who is in handcuffs slumped in a chair.

Coulson is giving Thor a long monologue, as he's prone to do, trying to find out who this man before him is. He says to him, with suitably long pauses for added effect:

"One way or another, we find out what we want to know," he says. "We're good at that. It's not easy to do what you did."

We see Thor breaking out of what seems to be a hospital but is more likely to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment center, throwing people around and throwing someone in a quarantine suit through the outside of a plastic containment area.

"You make my men, some of the most highly trained professionals in the world look like a minimum wage mall cops," Coulson continues.

We see Thor fighting more S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers using a very physical way of combat, at one point jumping up and kicking a guy full on the chest with both feet.

"In my experience," Coulson says. "It takes someone who received similar training to do what you did to them? Why don't you tell me where you received that training." Pause. "Afghanistan? You strike me more as a soldier of fortune type." During this part of his interrogation, we see more of Thor fighting and a bunch of explosions.

"Who are you?" He finally asks, and at this, Thor looks up at him from the chair.

We then cut to Asgard, which is shown as a bright constellation in the sky and as the camera travels into this star cluster, we see that this is an enormous and spectacular world filled with large towers seemingly made out of gold. Over these scenes, we hear the regal voiceover of Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin:

"I have sacrificed much to achieve peace. So too must a new generation sacrifice to maintain that peace. Responsibility, duty, honor," he proclaims loudly. "these are not mere virtues we must aspire. They are essential to every soldier and to every king," he proclaims.

During this voiceover, the camera that's been showing us glimpses of this Godly world finally enters Odin's throne room as seen in recent pictures and the camera pans forward to Odin sitting in his throne, really holding sway over everyone in the room. Anthony Hopkins really looks well-suited to play a king in fact.

As he speaks, we see some of the Norse Gods briefly including Sif, Balder and each of the Warriors Three. At the base of Odin's throne is his son Thor.

"Thor, for your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and the devastation of war."

As that is said, we see our first look at Idris Elba's Heimdall with fierce glowing eyes, as well as as bunch of other Asgardian creatures, presumably trolls, advancing on the camera.

Odin's voice starts to get louder and angrier, "You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy."

Thor looks up and yells at him, "And you are an old man and a fool!"

Odin responds to him, "Yes, I was a fool…. To think you were ready."

This is when we first see Tom HIddleston as Loki who tries to intercede which just angers Odin more, but he's now back to Thor again. "You're unworthy and you're a traitor! I now take from you your power. In the name of my father and his father before, I cast you out!" And as he says that, he sends a bolt of magical force at Thor sending him flying backwards out of the throne room and then through the stars, screaming as he crashes to earth in the desert.

He's found by Natalie Portman's Jane Foster who looks at his prone body and says, "Please open your eyes." He does and seems perplexed, asking her in what seems like his normal Australian accent, "Oh, no, this is earth, isn't it?" and she asks, "Where did you come from?"

Yes, Thor has angered his father Odin so badly that he's been exiled to earth sans powers, which is a very popular storyline from the comics, though not necessarily the same origin story told in "Journey into Mystery" #83 as we'll learn later.

We then see Hemsworth walking around shirtless (which got many girls in the audience to scream) and impressing Foster and her assistant Darcy (played by Kat Dennings) makes a comment, "You know, for a crazy homeless person, you're pretty good."

The next few scenes involve Thor and Jane Foster driving an RV through the desert and talking.

"Describe exactly what happened to you last night," she says to him.

"Your ancestors called it magic and you call it science," he answers. "I come from a place where they're one and the same," he tells her.

"We are on the verge of understanding something extraordinary," she says to him as they drive.

"The answers you seek will be yours once I reclaim what's mine," he tells her.

We then see that they're driving to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base and once inside, he pulls back a curtain to show where they're holding Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, after finding it in the desert at the end of Iron Man 2. Its business end is encased in a large thin piece of rock that had been cut away from the crater created by it dropping to earth. Thor tries to pull the hammer out of the rock, but as hard as he tries he can't seem to get it out.

This is something interesting to note, because Kenneth Branagh is clearly not going for the usual origin of Thor where Dr. Donald Blake finds a cane in a cave, strikes it on the earth and then changes into Thor. No, in this case, Thor has been exiled sans powers and without the strength to pull that hammer out of the rock, at least for now, which means he remains strong and well-trained in fighting, but still merely a very strong mortal.

Odin's voiceover says, "Whoever wields this hammer will be deemed worthy to possess the power of Thor."

We're then back to Asgard, where Loki is leading a group of Gods on some kind of march, but we also then see that Odin is lying prone on a slab, clearly having been killed either in war (or maybe through some trick of Loki?) leaving his kingdom of Asgard in need of a successor. A woman's voice, presumably his wife Frigga, says, "The line of succession falls to you. Asgard is yours," and indeed, Loki says, "I am now the leader of Asgard. I am your king," as he casually walks up to the throne and the Warriors Three kneel before him.

"For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do," Thor says in voiceover and then we finally see him in his full costume as he battles with Loki. We also see a great shot of Thor standing on the throne with his hammer raised above his fight, another physical battle with Loki, in which he actually hurls Mjolnir at him and Loki blocks the hammer with his staff. There's also a shot of Thor kissing Jane Foster, though we didn't really see much of Sif, which was surprising.

Throughout the footage, there are lots of lightning strikes used to great effect, the last one heralding the first official Thor logo.

We do see and hear Odin one more time in the footage, as he's standing in the shadows with another figure, his voice proclaiming, "He has disobeyed the expressed demand of his king. His fate is in his own hands now."

The closing scene of the footage shows Coulson gathered with a bunch of agents in the desert, and we hear this loud booming noises which is shaking everything ala the T-Rex footsteps in Jurassic Park. Coulson looks up to the sky and we see something large drop to the desert sending sand everywhere. When the sand clears, we see it's Odin's destroyer, an enormous robotic construct not unlike the one from The Day the Earth Stood Still.

"Is that one of Stark's?" someone asks Agent Coulson, who responds, "I don't know. The guy never tells me anything," he adds, and then says to the Destroyer, "Hello, you are using unregistered weapons technology, identify yourself." The Destroyer starts pacing towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and Coulson says matter of factly, "Here we go." and that's when the eye panels on the Destroyer's metal head opens up and starts shooting eye blasts out at the gathered agents, blowing up the agent's cars off to the left and then the cars on the right and then the last blast goes right at the camera to end the footage.

Couple observations about this version of Thor from what we saw in the footage: This is a far more physical character than maybe we're used to seeing in the comics because we can tell that he can handle himself even without having his lightning powers or the use of Mjolnir. This is clear from the footage that shows him fighting S.H.I.E.L.D. agents which seems to be derived almost from the world of wrestling in terms of him jumping up and doing power kicks. There also seems to be more humor in this than some might expect from the normally serious Asgard stuff, and a lot of that comes from the earth characters like Clark Gregg's Agent Coulson and Kat Dennings' Darcy. It's subtle humor but definitely in line with what Marvel Studios have done in their previous films. It seems like there will definitely be two very distinct sections of the movie, what's happening in Asgard and what's happening on Earth, although we expect the story will go back and forth between them. The Asgard stuff certainly seems more like things we've seen in the comics, while the earthbound stuff is more in vein with what Marvel Studios has set up with the two "Iron Man" movies. One interesting note is that we don't really see Thor on earth in his full costume, as if he is more human on earth, figures out how to get a hold of his hammer and then returns to Asgard to face the repercussions of Odin's defeat and Loki's rise to power. One presumes that eventually he'll have to get back to earth in God form, so that he can join the Avengers, although there really wasn't any indication of how and when that happens from the footage.

Clearly, part of the story as we know from Coulson's appearances in Iron Man 2 is that when Thor is cast down to earth along with Mjolnir, they're both found by S.H.I.E.L.D. and detained, then Thor escapes and hooks up with Jane Foster (at least figuratively) and they try to get Thor's hammer and powers back. Meanwhile, Asgard has been thrown into chaos due to war and the death of Odin, allowing Loki to take power. At least the latter stuff is very much from the comics, while the S.H.I.E.L.D. aspect is very much a way to tie Thor in with the other planned movies.

Before the cast of Joss Whedon's The Avengers came out on stage to close the panel, they showed a brief teaser for the movie, and, we wanted to share the full voiceover by Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury.

He says, "And there came a day, a day unlike any other. When earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat that no single superhero could withstand. On that day… the Avengers were born."

This teaser essentially led up to the first logo for The Avengers, and after it ended, Jackson was introduced and he brings out Clark Gregg, Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Chris Evans as Captain America... and then Robert Downey Jr. came out as Tony Stark and the crowd went crazy. Downey Jr. then talked about how people were saying how Inception was the most ambitious movie ever made, but Downey said that bringing together all of these heroes for The Avengers was the most ambitious movie. He then introduced and confirmed that playing Clint Barton is.... Jeremy Renner... and "reprising his role as Bruce Banner... Mark Ruffalo!" He then brought out director Joss Whedon, who said that he had always had a dream, presumably about directing The Avengers, "but my dream was never this good!"
this whole Marvel Movie-verse got me amped.
the possiblities are endless.... Also Feige announced that Punisher is back under the Umbrella so we should be seeing some Frank Castle cameos.
only a matter of time before, X Men and Spiderman get back under the umbrella.

Also, people need to stop complaining about Ed Norton. I mean i loved dudes version of TIH, but we on to the next one... Ruffalo is a good actor, and anyway... Hulk is the most important part of Avengers movie... NOT banner. Plus they going to shift Banner to the ultimates version.

As far as Chris Evans as Cap, i like it... cuz he is a GOOD actor.... i think he understands how important this is, and he will surprise alot of people. I got over the fact that he looks "odd" for Captain America, due to over the years Cap has been altered many different times and it really doesnt matter... as long as he bulks up enough, and delivers a great performance.

Thor is going to be EPIC, shot in 3D... i can just imagine what the effects will be....

mark my words two sleeper performances that will be on par with Heath Ledgers Joker.... Tom Hiddelston's Loki, and Hugo Weaving's Red Skull, i guarantee they OWN those roles.
ah man Thor is sounding awesome.
It's going to be Summer of 2011? Is there an actual release date?
Chris Evans has been pretty lame in every film he's done. They should've casted Mark Valley for Cap (just give him some light cgi if it's young Cap) and meh to Mark Ruffalo. They would've been better off finding Eric Bana to be BB again.

If an IG movie ever comes to pass it's either going to be missing a lot of major characters or they'll be a lot but all of the actors they cast won't do the characters justice. I agree that they need to build up to that with like 3 films though.
Had to balance the Marvel praise with some DC material (DC fan but I like Marvel too lol)...





at Sinestro!
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I need 3rd Batman movie news ASAP.
Really, I'm not even that hyped for the third installment. Nolan really set up a third Batman to potentially be epic, but with Heath's passing and Nolan's respect for him, Batman 3 just isn't going to be the film it could have been. Jonathan Nolan is hard at work on the script though, so I'm sure he can weave something pretty good, but not having the Joker in the final installment is going to be tough to watch.

On the topic of the Nolan's, anyone get confirmation if Jonathan will direct the Superman reboot? I think Christopher should direct and Jonathan should write, but it'll be interesting to see the outcome in their reversed roles.

And I know I'm probably going to be in the minority, but I really don't like the casting of Reynolds for Hal Jordan. Maybe as Kyle Rayner, but definitely not Hal.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

And I know I'm probably going to be in the minority, but I really don't like the casting of Reynolds for Hal Jordan. Maybe as Kyle Rayner, but definitely not Hal.
I kind of agree, it is more difficult to take Reynolds seriously so he would have been the perfect jokester like Rayner or Barry Allen as the Flash. However, he has shown some talents in acting and can act seriously at times. He is definitely more believable as Hal Jordan than Chris Evans as Capt. America. I think Hal Jordan should have been Chris Pine personally (then again I also prefer hims a Capt America) and then give Reynolds the Flash part.

I'm still hopeful with Reynolds though, if he pulls it off, I'll be very impressed.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

Lmao at Chris Evans in the Cap America suit. Marvel definitely messed up with that one.

agreed 100%.  I hope Im proven wrong
cosign. How are they going to have the same person be Johnny Storm and Cap?
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I need 3rd Batman movie news ASAP.
Really, I'm not even that hyped for the third installment. Nolan really set up a third Batman to potentially be epic, but with Heath's passing and Nolan's respect for him, Batman 3 just isn't going to be the film it could have been. Jonathan Nolan is hard at work on the script though, so I'm sure he can weave something pretty good, but not having the Joker in the final installment is going to be tough to watch.

On the topic of the Nolan's, anyone get confirmation if Jonathan will direct the Superman reboot? I think Christopher should direct and Jonathan should write, but it'll be interesting to see the outcome in their reversed roles.

And I know I'm probably going to be in the minority, but I really don't like the casting of Reynolds for Hal Jordan. Maybe as Kyle Rayner, but definitely not Hal.
I think hes going to be fine. I remember when Heath was cast as Joker and everybody hated it.

We saw how that turned out.
I actually liked Ledger as the Joker when it was announced.
Heaths a different story though, he was actually a godd actor to begin with that has some range in his short career.
He was even been nominated for Brokeback Mountain iirc.

Reynold doesn't have that background yet, although I have heard great things about his one man movie Buried.
Reynolds is just associated with a comedic, sarcastic look that is hard to get rid off, similar to Chris Evans, Evans is just more goofy.
Even in Smokin Aces I was just waiting to laugh in some of his scenes.
Originally Posted by FloatOver
I guess it gives us some idea how they will look like 

Can't get past how bad Cap's boots make him look, but he seems ok
  Thor actually looks pretty good, Odin is meh, but then again I don't really care about him.  But yeah, these are just the 3.75" figs, so besides getting an idea of how they'll look, I'm sure they're just missing the little details within' the real deals
Originally Posted by FullMetal

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

Lmao at Chris Evans in the Cap America suit. Marvel definitely messed up with that one.

agreed 100%.  I hope Im proven wrong
cosign. How are they going to have the same person be Johnny Storm and Cap?
I wish people would stop using this argument, Fantastic four was made by FOX, Marvel studios doesn't own the movie rights so their universe and caps are not the same and if by chance they do get the rights back it'll be recast anyway so it's not like he's ever gonna play johnny storm again.

Chris evan will be fine as cap, Im more worried about how corny the suit looks, but in fairness it is hard to make a flag suit not look corny in real life.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Chris evan will be fine as cap, Im more worried about how corny the suit looks, but in fairness it is hard to make a flag suit not look corny in real life.
The second Ultimate Marvel Cap costume design would've worked perfectly in real life.

Marvel dropped the ball on that design up there.

Full version of the Blue Beetle test footage:

Geoff Johns is going to be writing an episode with him and Booster Gold for Smallville, I'm pretty sure it wont be that guy playing him.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I actually liked Ledger as the Joker when it was announced.
Heaths a different story though, he was actually a godd actor to begin with that has some range in his short career.
He was even been nominated for Brokeback Mountain iirc.

Reynold doesn't have that background yet, although I have heard great things about his one man movie Buried.
Reynolds is just associated with a comedic, sarcastic look that is hard to get rid off, similar to Chris Evans, Evans is just more goofy.
Even in Smokin Aces I was just waiting to laugh in some of his scenes.
I like the casting of Ledger too because I knew he had range but most people didn't. They associated him with being a gay actor because he was in Brokeback.

I have a feeling Reynolds will do well but we shall see.
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