Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

That play at homeplate was not dirty whatsoever. The Catcher was BLOCKING the plate! What's he supposed to do, stop running and just head to the dugout?

And to come back the next day, to hit their best prospect, AND slide cleats up into second base? Now THAT'S dirty.

Joe Girardi is not off to a good start in my book.


The fact that it's Spring Training doesn't make it any lessdirty... Running into a catcher blocking the plate is one thing, but sliding into second base with your cleats up, trying to injure someone is a whole otherthing.

Yanks fans were pissed when the Rays played rough, now they're fine with one of their players blatantly trying to injure another player... Go figure.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

That play at homeplate was not dirty whatsoever. The Catcher was BLOCKING the plate! What's he supposed to do, stop running and just head to the dugout?

And to come back the next day, to hit their best prospect, AND slide cleats up into second base? Now THAT'S dirty.

Joe Girardi is not off to a good start in my book.


The fact that it's Spring Training doesn't make it any less dirty... Running into a catcher blocking the plate is one thing, but sliding into second base with your cleats up, trying to injure someone is a whole other thing.

Yanks fans were pissed when the Rays played rough, now they're fine with one of their players blatantly trying to injure another player... Go figure.
Uhmm exactly. Were okk with it because they had to go all out in spring training and now they got what they deserved. Shelly would not have gone inhard if it wasnt for the Rays breaking Cervellis wrist. It all could have been ended easily if Joe Maddon didnt have to try and act like it was ok that hisplayer broke another wrist and not even saying he was sorry the kid got hurt. Then he claimed thats how the Rays play, they go all out in spring training but Iwonder would he say it was ok if his player did it in an Intra-squad game to a teamatee?
Yeah, lets all pile onto the Yankees because of a hard slide into second.

This is going to be an interesting season.
My only thing is, sliding into second base with your spikes up is not playing hard. It's flat out dirty. Period. I don't care if you wanna slide hardinto second, but don't do it with your spikes up intentionally trying to hurt someone. You can slide hard into second without your cleats up around thefielder's waist...
^ Yeah. He should have decked him on a hard slide, but cleats up isn't cool.

The thing that makes me excited is we have a tough manager. Torre was getting to chill at the end of his time. I think when you have a bunch of high profileguys they need someone to kick them in the !@+ a little.

For example. Last year, Abreu and Damon came into camp out of shape. Maybe thats why they started so bad? This year i guess there ready to go. I like Girardisince he is a new change of pace and older.

Plus he won't stand for no *!@$. He will tell his guys to retaliate. I don't think he told Duncan to do that, but you get the point.

excited for the year.

Billy Crystal's at-bat:

First pitch: Fastball away, he took it.

Second pitch: Fastball, foul down the first-base line.

Third pitch: Fastball inside, took it for a ball.

Foruth pitch: Fastball up, took it for a ball.

Fifth pitch: Swung and missed at a fastball.

Sixth pitch: Swung and missed at a slider.

The crowd gave him a standing ovation and he waved on his way back to the dugout. Hey, he made the pitcher work.
I can't take these pre season performances that seriously. I'll reserve judgment on Moose until he's competed in at least 3 games.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

I can't take these pre season performances that seriously. I'll reserve judgment on Moose until he's competed in at least 3 games.

Well yeah... it's Moose....
Originally Posted by allen3xis


I'd prefer to drill someone in the back if you're looking to send a message, not spikes first slide...

however Duncan did it, ok....I can live with that, I guess.

But I can't live with him doing it and then acting like he didn't know what was going on and denying that he even slid spikes up.


^that's how i felt about the whole thing... guys don't know the pain i'm going through with the last week having no DirecTV and only the basic cable channels...i don't rememberthe last time i've went this long without watching ESPN...
A-rod proved Girardi's point today by not sliding home.

A-rod's looking good.

And Jeter hasn't been doing much, has he?

I seriously need the season to start.
Originally Posted by Dunkaroos

A-rod proved Girardi's point today by not sliding home.

A-rod's looking good.

And Jeter hasn't been doing much, has he?

I seriously need the season to start.

Jeter batting 222 this spring
Hows Bartolo working out for the Sox?

2 weeks until opening day

Its a long shot but does anyone know where to find this M&N 1988 BP jacket in a medium-large? I'm trying to find this for opening day and for thespring but the smallest I can find is a 2XL. Looks perfect for chilly weather IMO...

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