i havent read through this thread but am i the only yankee fan that thinks we might as well make an offer to bring Bonds over in a DH roll? I mean he isobviously done in the outfield but he is still going to hit some out of the park and i can only imagine him swinging for the fence in yankee stadium, seemslike a perfect situation and he doesn't need much money anymore. anyone?
I'm gonna miss the home opener

I got Lab

edit: i feel like i gotta update the avy with a spike lee pic

Help me find some good Spike Lee yankee pics




i havent read through this thread but am i the only yankee fan that thinks we might as well make an offer to bring Bonds over in a DH roll? I mean he is obviously done in the outfield but he is still going to hit some out of the park and i can only imagine him swinging for the fence in yankee stadium, seems like a perfect situation and he doesn't need much money anymore. anyone?

I think we've got all the run support we need.
Originally Posted by Yoda

i havent read through this thread but am i the only yankee fan that thinks we might as well make an offer to bring Bonds over in a DH roll? I mean he is obviously done in the outfield but he is still going to hit some out of the park and i can only imagine him swinging for the fence in yankee stadium, seems like a perfect situation and he doesn't need much money anymore. anyone?

I think we've got all the run support we need.
i would agree if our pitching didn't always come up short. i mean, come on, a guy like moose needs all the runs he can get. lol. and for quite awhile now our superstar lineup has been coming up very short come october.
i havent read through this thread but am i the only yankee fan that thinks we might as well make an offer to bring Bonds over in a DH roll? I mean he is obviously done in the outfield but he is still going to hit some out of the park and i can only imagine him swinging for the fence in yankee stadium, seems like a perfect situation and he doesn't need much money anymore. anyone?
Not a bad thought, but we already have too many people who dont even have a place yet.

Damon, Melky, Shelley, Giambi, Benemit. Good players who can start in any ball club. I love Shelly and I think he has tremendous pontetial and would fit greatwith the Yankees but how can he play much when theres Matsui, Damon, Abreu to compete against, Plus Melky.

Hopefuly he can do good a 1st base and can Giambi DH. But still means somebody else is not gonna play.

Hopefully everything works out well.
Our beginning of the year schedule leading up to 3 games AT Boston (4/11, 4/12, 4/13)

[table][tr][td]MARCH[/td] [td]OPPONENT[/td] [td]TIME (ET)[/td] [td]TV[/td] [td]NYY PITCHER[/td] [td]OPP. PITCHER[/td] [td]TRAVEL[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mon, Mar 31[/td] [td]Toronto[/td] [td]1:05 PM[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Wang[/td] [td]Halladay[/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]APRIL[/td] [td]OPPONENT[/td] [td]TIME (ET)[/td] [td]TV[/td] [td]NYY PITCHER[/td] [td]OPP. PITCHER[/td] [td]TRAVEL[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Apr 2[/td] [td]Toronto[/td] [td]7:05 PM[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Mussina[/td] [td]Burnett[/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Thu, Apr 3[/td] [td]Toronto[/td] [td]7:05 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Hughes[/td] [td]McGowan[/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Fri, Apr 4[/td] [td]Tampa Bay[/td] [td]7:05 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sat, Apr 5[/td] [td]Tampa Bay[/td] [td]1:05 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sun, Apr 6[/td] [td]Tampa Bay[/td] [td]1:05 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Mon, Apr 7[/td] [td]Tampa Bay[/td] [td]7:05 PM[/td] [td]
[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Tue, Apr 8[/td] [td]@ Kansas City[/td] [td]4:10 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Wed, Apr 9[/td] [td]@ Kansas City[/td] [td]8:10 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Thu, Apr 10[/td] [td]@ Kansas City[/td] [td]8:10 PM[/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td] [/td] [td]Tickets[/td] [/tr][/table]
And Kazmir is still out so I'm almost positive we won't be facing him when we play Tampa Bay.

I'm thinking we BETTER win at least 6 games.... (6-4)
winning 7+ would be really nice heading up to Boston
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Why the face? Chien (refused to call him by the 'W'
) has been a go to starter imo

Yeah...except for the playoffs.

I'll be @ work tommorow so, I'll miss the opener.

I wish I could go to a live Yankee game at the Stadium.

I see you got your avy ready for the season HTTB.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by Yoda

i havent read through this thread but am i the only yankee fan that thinks we might as well make an offer to bring Bonds over in a DH roll? I mean he is obviously done in the outfield but he is still going to hit some out of the park and i can only imagine him swinging for the fence in yankee stadium, seems like a perfect situation and he doesn't need much money anymore. anyone?

I think we've got all the run support we need.
i would agree if our pitching didn't always come up short. i mean, come on, a guy like moose needs all the runs he can get. lol. and for quite a while now our superstar lineup has been coming up very short come october.

I see what you're saying..
What baffled me last season was..We'll go 7+ Runs 2 games before Andy pitches, the guy gives us 7 solid innings andwe help him with 1 run on the board...

I think Bonds needs to stay away...Might bring more BS heat on Arod.
I said it TODAY :

If Yankees make it to the world series IM BUYING a pair of Perzonalized Yankee T-shirts for the regular NT yankee fans ( your name, your number)


If the Yankees dont make it to the World Series Im giving away $50 for the regular lovevly yankee haters to divide between them.

No Joke.

Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I'm going to be at that Yankees/Sox game on April 17th, too. Where you sitting Yoda?

Word? I think I'm in the Tier..I don't know what section at the moment, my tix are in my moms room but I'll let you know..

My boy ordered the holiday pack for him, me and my other boy..7 Games for 168? Can't beat that.

Where you gonna be at HTTB?

Section 498 row B.

Beer on you?
I'll take a smedium number 2 with gregzzy on the back. You should just order the shirts now you we in that fall classic
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I'm going to be at that Yankees/Sox game on April 17th, too. Where you sitting Yoda?

Word? I think I'm in the Tier..I don't know what section at the moment, my tix are in my moms room but I'll let you know..

My boy ordered the holiday pack for him, me and my other boy..7 Games for 168? Can't beat that.

Where you gonna be at HTTB?

Section 498 row B.

Beer on you?

You must be OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND if you think I'm gonna treat to 8 dollar beers..

If you don't mind meetin' up with some doofy Long Island cats, I'm sure we can crack a few brewskis before the game on us..
Man it tomm wasn't the end of the month I`d be staying home watching the game, I got hella numbers to fudge at work
. I`ll be checking in tho.
If I didn't have tickets to the next 2 games, I would be staying home, too...

I wish I had a lil radio or something to sneak around school..
Originally Posted by hnydlr

I said it TODAY :

If Yankees make it to the world series IM BUYING a pair of Perzonalized Yankee T-shirts for the regular NT yankee fans ( your name, your number )


If the Yankees dont make it to the World Series Im giving away $50 for the regular lovevly yankee haters to divide between them.

No Joke.


How sweet would that be
Originally Posted by Yoda

If I didn't have tickets to the next 2 games, I would be staying home, too...

I wish I had a lil radio or something to sneak around school..
I got class during part of the game.... so I'll be checking the pitch-by-pitch on my iPhone while at school.
Opening days lineup:
Damon LF
Jeter SS
Abreu RF
Rodriguez 3B
Giambi 1B
Cano 2B
Posada C
Matsui DH
Cabrera CF
Wang P

I think we have a great shot this year with what we have. Our offense will be there as always. I think we'll get big years from Abreu and Giambi inthere contract years. A-Rod sandwiched between them is sure to drive in tons of runs. I also believe this is the year Robbie breaks out and batting him 6th isa great idea hes gonna have 100+ rbis easily. Watch out for him as a dark horse MVP candidate.

The pitching side of things were going to have some growing pains. Wang and Pettitte will be fine giving us a solid 1-2 throughout the year. Hughes willstruggle here and there but I think towards the end of the year as he gains experience he is going to show why he was the top pitching prospect in baseballlast year. Kennedy's a control pitcher who will be fine as our fifth starter this year. I think he is going to be extremely reliable for us this year.Moose is the wild card. If he can get his velocity up he can win 15 games at the back of the rotation. Towards the middle of the season Joba will be phasedback into the rotation giving us another horse down the stretch. Bullpen wise Mo will be Mo and with Joba in front of him 8th nd 9th innings will be lockeddown. Hawkins is durable and is a decent reliever. Farnsworth supposedly had something wrong last year that Dave Eilland can fix. If there are some holes wehave alot of young guys that can be plugged in and be effective. Watch out for guys like Horne, Marquez, McCutchen and Cox coming up and having an effet on thebullpen.

I also think our biggest addition this year is Joe Girardi. Taking nothing away from Joe Torre I think he didnt have the same effect on the tema the pastfew years that he did have in the begining. Our teams struggled the last 3 years out of the gate possibly because of Torres laxed aproach. Torre was also ahorrible bullpen manager. I think Girardi has a more hands on aproach and will keep pushing the superstars on this team so they dont struggle and have to makeanother miracle comeback like the last few years.

Alot of our hopes rest on the shoulders of our young guys but I think there up to the task. My prediction: 96-66 1st in the AL East and well close out thestadium with World Series victory.
I think this is the first year I have seen so many people pick the Yankees not to make the playoffs. One guy on Yahoo has them finishing only 4 games ahead ofTB in 3rd.

Hopefully I can catch the game at work today.
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