New York Undercover Appreciation

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Just finished watching the 'Manchild' episode on Youtube. The episode where G's homeboy Mouse got caught up in between some rival gangs...

Was this the episode where they play Dear Mama and then he gets caught slipping and merked? If so, that might be my favorite episode from New York Undercover.
Gee had to be one of the worst TV children ever. Dude would never listen to his JC, and was almost murked several times because of his stupidity/naivety, including by JC himself :lol:
^^^^ My Pull out game would be weaker than Juelz freestyle verse on Funkflex Dipset reunion
I did some digging and came across a New York Daily News piece from 1996:
New York Undercover's" AWOL co-stars Malik Yoba and Michael DeLorenzo didn't seem too upset about their current non-status on the TV show when they lunched at the Motown Cafe yesterday. In fact, DeLorenzo was glib enough to joke that the restaurant should serve them gratis since "we're both out of work now.

They did eat for free, but from here on in they might be eating nothing but crow unless they put aside their desire for a $50,000-a-week raise and get their tails back to the set. The show's producer, **** Wolf, told us he has prepared for the stars not to return and is set to utilize the next episode to kill their characters off. (For more, see TV section). "They willingly, enthusiastically and thankfully signed a contract, and as of Monday, I've lived up to all of those points and they've lived up to none of them."

We don't know exactly how he feels about DeLorenzo, but in terms of Yoba's power play, Wolf said: "I don't think having one feature film credit and an episode of 'Law & Order' in which he used a Rastafarian accent under his belt and he's now earning $20,000 an episode on a TV show is exactly penal servitude."
And another article:
When hot-headed Detective Eddie Torres (Michael DeLorenzo) was blown sky-high by a bomb one season before the cop series "New York Undercover" (1994-98) went off the air, it was widely believed that the show`s executive producer, **** Wolf, had planted the lethal charge in retaliation for a 1996 salary dispute. DeLorenzo and co-star Malik Yoba (Detective James "J.C." Williams) had brought the production to a halt, reportedly refusing to go back to work until each received a $50,000-per-episode pay raise, a functional gym, larger trailers, better food and more creative input - including the chance to direct certain episodes.

At the time, the cast of "Friends" was trying a similar tactic, though the cast asked for a mere $100,000 per episode - a $60,000 salary increase per week, a bargain by today`s standards. Wolf brought the work stoppage to a grinding halt three days later, pointing out to his unhappy stars that "New York Undercover" was no "Friends" (a fact borne out by the sitcom still going strong and paying each featured actor $750,000 per episode next season) and that Yoba and DeLorenzo could be replaced by two warm bodies from the Screen Actors Guild`s directory.

"Well, it didn`t work out the way `Friends` worked out," says DeLorenzo, laughing. "But I had to do what I had to do, just as a human being. It was a matter of principle ... an actor under contract doesn`t mean losing your rights as a citizen or to protest an injustice. Looking back, I don`t really know if (the dispute) helped me or hurt me. The dispute was blown way out of proportion, but it was a big three days in my life, trust me."
D. Wolf gave no dambs at all. 
Wow, the original stuff I had been hearing all these years made it seem like DeLorenzo was salty that Yoba was making more $$$ than him, when in reality Wolf screwed them over and killed the show off. What a scumbag
I bumped this thread because today is the twentieth anniversary of Eddie Torres getting killed off on New York Undercover. Even at the age of 11, I knew it the end of the show as we knew it. 

A remake (I hate the term 'reboot') will be terrible.

Why can't they just leave these series in the past?
I think a reboot would be fine with Malik Yoba being an he boss / lieutenant ... andthey can incorperate some younger people on the show

Eddie is dead ... leave him dead lol

Show is like 20 years old ... wish they would of continued then
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