[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

If Ollie is sent down he better accept it, he is completely lost and needs to work on his mechanics before he gets another start.

I'd rather see Figgy get some starts in the meantime.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

If Ollie is sent down he better accept it, he is completely lost and needs to work on his mechanics before he gets another start.

I'd rather see Figgy get some starts in the meantime.
Has that ever happened before? A player being sent to the minors just one month into a season after signing a multi-million dollar contract? Nicejob, Omar.
No idea, but I know if he gets 1-2 starts in the minors just to tweak things, at the end of the season he'll be fine.

he is what he is though, it can only benefit him and the team at this point.
I bet he misses Rick Peterson...
That stint to the minors did wonders for Steve Trachsel, hopefully it does the same for Ollie.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

If Ollie is sent down he better accept it, he is completely lost and needs to work on his mechanics before he gets another start.

I'd rather see Figgy Niese get some starts in the meantime.

That's what I want to see...
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Has that ever happened before? A player being sent to the minors just one month into a season after signing a multi-million dollar contract? Nice job, Omar.

Dontrelle (wasn't exactly a month though).

As far as Ollie... I really can't add anything else to what you guys have already said.

A stint in the minors might be good for him. Especially since he knows that he'll definitely come back to the bigs.

But my only concern is what if he struggles down there? He'll come back with his confidence even more shot. And it'll just be a waste of time.

If anything, skip his turn in the rotation.
Neise has horrible stats in AA so far.

Any soft tosser gives Reyes problems, but he looks a lot worse when he isn't balanced and slumping, he looks silly trying to bunt right now.
And this is where Ollie's %%!@#! start screws us over.

Extra innings and we gotta stretch the pen out.

Wheels falling off......


Aw %$*@.... Shane kills us. Bases loaded... I don't see this ending well.
This game would have been a wrap if Beltran got that sac fly.

Whats with the Phillies getting these soft infield hits, jesus.

and Stokes should be pitching in this spot not a sinker baller Green who needs guys to chase.
are you %%%*##% kidding me, you can't throw something down the middle the entire at bat.


you cant walk a player with the bases loaded there is no excuses for that

if u let the batter hit the ball at least the batter gets credit for doing his job 100%

Green lost the game for the mets by not throwing strikes...inexcusable.

Why wasn't Stokes in?

That damn soft infield base hit comes around to score, then he walks guys.

Tron needed one sac fly to end this game.

Ollie is a POS if he doesn't accept his minor league assignment he needs to just be released.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Ollie is a POS if he doesn't accept his minor league assignment he needs to just be released.
Not with that contract extension

No way in hell they'll do that.
I don't care what he makes get his @%# off the team if he becomes too stubborn to work on his mechanics in the minors.

Green is a right handed specialist and nothing more, why do I know this and Jerry doesn't? Jerry has no clue when to pull pitchers.

Sad part is I saw more from this loss than most wins this year, team picked up his slack and came back late, played smart, challenged the defense....they keepplaying this way they are on the right track. Cora is a true professional.

Ollie - 2.1 IP, 5H, 4ER, 6BB.....what is that garbage.

PS: Reyes, you're clueless at the plate right now, at least put a bunt down, that Church base hit scores a run.
Good lead off hitter = Victorino Bad leadoff hitter = Reyes
You know you suck when you know the batter is not swinging and you still can't throw a strike. Ollie is a mess mental case and is stealing from the Metsright now. I bet Pedro is laughing at this scenario right now. Even Dro would have been better than this and for alot less. I hate the way things are going andthey don't look to get any better. This team makes me wanna vomit - out.
This team played well today, this should have been a win.

Reyes is obviously not in a groove right now, he has happy feet and off-speed stuff is killing him.

Just be upset at Ollie, he has given the team nothing and needs to be sent down. Listening to him now, he sounds like he has zero confidence.

This team won't do well if he doesn't do well (along with Maine)........gotta pull for him.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I can't believe I bought an Oliver Perez jersey after his start against St. Louis in 06.

If your last name is Perez (as in Johnny RedStorm Perez), then it's not so bad.

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Jerry has no clue when to pull pitchers.
In Jerry's defense, I thought he pulled Ollie at the PERFECT time today. He gave Ollie every opportunity to get out of the inning. But afterthat last walk, he got his @#! out of there with the quickness.

Probably the worst news I got out of today's game was FOX reporting that Delgado will have to deal with his injury all season long. Just great. Anotherold-timer who will nurse an injury all year.

And nice to see us with more age in a 40yr old rookie pitcher.
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