[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

Why in the hell did this thread title make me crave fish sticks right now and I'm a vegan?

Got me craving the yellow box I used to ravage as a kid.

whats goin on with him? striking out lookin, hitting into DPs, and now botchin a catch a gold glover like himself couldve made... man hes slumping...
He did this last year early on, was benched for one game, and he took off from there. He needs to be benched for a day 2 this is all mental right now, plus heis costing the Mets this game (so far).

He has a LOT of work to do, he's been regressing since last year. He could've had 150+ rbi's if he could make contact with a man on 3rd and lessthan 2 outs, its becoming embarrassing at this point.
Here we go again. Poor Santana. Should have just left him in the whole game. I'd take Santana with a 200 pitch count than anybody out this bull pen. Iswear to god this team irks the *$@ out of me.
Good job Putz, walk 2 and hand the Marlins the game late.

Santana must love pitching here.
This team is so predictable it's unbelievable. Putz was supposed to be our savior. I can't believe they do this to Santana again........... God damn itman!!!!
If Jerry bunted with Wright that ground out by Church would be a tie game.

Its sad when you need a base hit from Beltran to even have a chance, I'm surprised David didn't hit into an optimum triple play.
Man on 1st and 2nd, and you don't bunt down 1 run....yet AGAIN.

Handed the game on a silver platter.
another blown Santana win by the Mets bullpen.

That makes 8 since last year.

On ESPN Radio 1050 - Don LaGreca said maybe Santana is now thinking if he made the right choice to come to the Mets...hmmm
The Mets have no backbone, no leadership, no intestinal fortitude.

Absolutely no heart, this team is simply not built to win in my opinion. Lackluster start, and it doesn't look like there is much light at the end of thetunnel that is the Mets season.
2 of 3 again

going to blame it on a dropped fly ball again?

thank god for you guys to stop our losing streak
Honestly, I know this will recieve hate and dude is my favorite player, but If we could get equal value I would consider trading Reyes.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

2 of 3 again

going to blame it on a dropped fly ball again?

thank god for you guys to stop our losing streak

Where were you during the 7 game losing streak?

Be thankful the Mets are loser wimps, this should have been a sweep if this team had some balls. They find new ways to hand out wins every other day it seems =not a good team.

2 men on in the 9th with 0 outs down by 1 you don't bunt them over? Then you PH for Castro who has 2 hits for Santos who's been sitting all game? Jerryreally has no clue he is not even helping this team right now.

But anyways....the fact that they go from a potential 6-0 to 5-1 home stand to 3-3 because they want to find new ways to lose games pretty much shows you whatto expect this season.

Now with Philly over the weekend the Mets have the SP match ups in their favor, watch them play well and win 2 of 3, then proceed to get swept the followingseries.
You can't bunt with David Wright up, Mez. No matter how bad he is playing his name is David Wright.
I really hope Johan presses Omar. And I wouldn't be against trading Reyes at this point. There needs to be a change. Whether its Reyes or the manager,somebody has to go.
I cant believe people actually thought the offense was fine. It's been a problem ever since Alou went down in 07. You could make a case that it was aproblem ever since Nady left. It's not a fluke when you're team is almost last in the league for the past two years with RISP and RISP after the 7thinning.

I still blame castillo for all of this...
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