[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

Shame is Castillo is hitting like .390, and he's been on of the few (along with Tron, Gato, and Tatis) getting runners in with base hits

The fact of the matter is yesterday just upset me more than any loss, not because the pen blew up for the 2nd straight night (they won't be lights out for162 games, they are human), but because of all the easy runs David keeps leaving on 3rd, even when the defense is conceding a run, and Santana not getting anyW's

- I'm not even overly concerned with the SP anymore, because Santana and Pelf will be the rocks in the rotation, and Maine is obviously coming around(Ollie is a mess).....its some of these decisions that Jerry has been making that is NOT helping the team. JOHAN SHOULD HAVE PITCHED THE 8TH AND THIS WOULDHAVE BEEN AN EASY WIN.

- Yeah, this team goes as Wright/Reyes go, but when your down by 1 with two men on and no outs, you bunt them over. The Marlins did that, and both runs scored,the Mets didn't do that, they scored ZERO runs. Then PH's Castro who has 2 hits for Santos who was sitting out in the bullpen area.

- Then one night sits Church and Murphy vs a righty starter just to give Sheff PT, and PH's Church in the game vs a lefty. Its been wayyy too manysituations like this for the whole month of April already, they are lucky to even be 9-12 right now.His decisions have single handidly made this go from a 5-1homestand to a 4-2 (won;'t say 6-0 cause Ollie is a POS).

- The team has been finding new ways to lose, this Mets team won't win unless Wright/Reyes pick it up, because this has been an obvious hangover (shame isWright is hitting well over .350 late in seasons but its those runners he strands that have cost the team). No excuse for not offering Manny a contract thisoff season, he wuld have alleviated some of the pressing and made this lineup fearful.

As for this weekend, Maine and Ollie are Philly killers and the Phillies starters are one of the worst in the entire division (they MUST win 2 of 3),difference is Phils can come back late whenever they want.

You can't bunt with David Wright up, Mez. No matter how bad he is playing his name is David Wright.

Considering how TERRIBLE he is right now, he cannot even make contact its as if he can't read breaking ball pitches right now, you need to help your teamwin and bunt them over.
Something I came across today, shares my thoughts exactly:
This is the fourth year with the main core of Beltran, Wright, Reyes, and Delgado. 2006 was their year or at least appeared to be. It hasn't happened yet with this cast of characters and it probably wont at this point. Each year they are getting older and as a long long time fan you grow tired of this whole organization. There is a bad mix somewhere on this team. They are not geling and with two consecutive years with collapses late in the season with nobody stepping up being the leader oer motivator how can you think this team has it in them to make it to the WS. You see these other teams with hustle and even teams that don't win more than they lose show more heart at times.

I don't know what the stigma is with this team. As for Omar coming aboard making a splash getting Pedro, Beltran , and Santana those all were good moves, however it's like getting custom wheels on a beat up Pinto. it's like the wheels are worth more than the car. The game is over Omar at this point. You seem like a decent guy in person and that is probably true but as for a GM I don't think a Championship is in you. It's early yet this season but as a long time Met fan we almost know what to expect. Sure, there are the Cubs and other organizations that are sad in their own right but being a NY franchise and on the other side of town the other team has 26 world titles this Mets team will always be laughed at and it's too bad because the ownership does have the money to make a champion but it's like anything else when spending money, you have to spend it wisely. I think that the scouting has to be improved as well. I know if it was my money I would be pissed at what I'm watching. It would not stand of the owner of this organization. I'm sure many many Met fans would agree.

In 2006 we had tough gritty players like Lo Duca and Cliff Floyd, they got in your face if you messed up and were invaluable to the club house, Floydespecially (no coincidence the Cubs/Rays made the playoffs with him even if his skills have diminished). Floyd would always try his best and play hurt all thetime, he still is one of my favorite Mets during the tough times.

Delgado, Beltran, Wright, Reyes are all damn good players that ANY lineup would want, but its tough for Reyes/Wright to be a leader when you have older playerson the team. Tron is a great player with the most talent out of everyone but he's a quiet guy, and Gado is not a vocal leader. Its tough to hear the sameold "today was tough, but w'ell get them tomm" that Willy has instilled in these players, even Ramon Castro last night said "we are going togo to Philly and try to win 2 out of 3".

2 out of 3? really Ramon? These guys go through the motions too much and its disturbing, everyone looks foward to playing these guys cause they know if theytake a lead late on them the game is Wreynolds wrap.

Downhill since Endy made that catch, if Pedro/Duque never got hurt these guys would've had rings on their fingers in 2006, but it is what it is. This teamhas talent but no true VOCAL leaders which you cannot under-estimate. Omar (if he's still around which I doubt) will have to make some significant changes.I see worse teams out there play with more heart and dfire thean these guys most of the time. Omar is to blame as well, made the best bullpen in the league in2006 go to the toilet for 2 whole seasons when they missed the playoffs by one game both times, and now that he fixes the pen he avoids to address the otherissues.

FYI.....so far the Mets are 5 for 51 with RISP for Johan.
What the hell is up with Beltran just jogging home and pulling up just as he gets to the plate on that sac fly? It's like he wasn't trying to slideagain. Was it just me that noticed this. He was not running hard at all like it was a deep fly that was hit. Is his head in the game or what?
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Can sum1 please explain why the Gnats thread is ahead of this one?

Good slide by Beltran
Probably because their one fan has no problem talking to himself.
Question Mez sicne I know you follow the farm system, how's Wilmer Flores looking? Could he be a legitimate big time shortstop in a few years? Because ifhe can than I have no problem with trading Reyes right now and getting some good players in return and getting a stopgap shortstop. Now if they don't wantto break the core up then maybe they can package Niese, Martinez or Flores for a contributor.
Originally Posted by BTLlovesJays

^That's why i wanted them to re-sign Cliff Paulie...
I remember a lot of people didn't want us bringing back LoDuca... And I totally understood with him starting to break down and all. But man,that dude was definitely the sparkplug in the clubhouse. If nothing else, you knew you'd get EFFORT out of him. Not to mention, dude was the best 2 hitterReyes ever had behind him.

As far as that quote Mez has up there, I agree with just about all of it. But most especially this:

There is a bad mix somewhere on this team

I've been saying forever to get rid of Delgado. The nucleus should be Wright, Beltran, & Reyes (in that order... and obviously excluding Tana &K-Rod). Delgado is clearly not the veteran influence those guys needed. A guy who quits playing for one manager and then suddenly turns it on for a new one.That's not a professional. And that's not the influence that these guys should have around them. Especially Reyes.

I mean, what exactly has Delgado done to remain part of the "core/nucleus"? Meaning, I don't see why Omar has treated Delgado like an untouchablethese past 2 years. First-base is the easiest position to fill!

Delgado does NOT deserve ALL of the blame here. But to quote again:

There is a bad mix somewhere on this team

Anyway, good to see we're up midway through this game.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Can sum1 please explain why the Gnats thread is ahead of this one?

Good slide by Beltran
Probably because their one fan has no problem talking to himself.
Question Mez sicne I know you follow the farm system, how's Wilmer Flores looking? Could he be a legitimate big time shortstop in a few years? Because if he can than I have no problem with trading Reyes right now and getting some good players in return and getting a stopgap shortstop. Now if they don't want to break the core up then maybe they can package Niese, Martinez or Flores for a contributor.
I think its time for Reyes to go. Maybe not this season but the next, he can do better somewhere else but this just isn't working anymore.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I think its time for Reyes to go. Maybe not this season but the next, he can do better somewhere else but this just isn't working anymore.
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I think its time for Reyes to go. Maybe not this season but the next, he can do better somewhere else but this just isn't working anymore.

This team needs a change of face and attitude and I am tired of him underperforming. He has never re-captured his '06 form and he is the definition ofunclutch. I'd explore the idea if we could get equal value back but if we can't then I'd never do it. He is my favorite player but he just seems tobe strugglin recently here. This whole team is just angering to me.
I don't understand how reyes is under-performing.

Does it look like he's on cruise control at times, yeah, but his stats are ridiculous.

Don't fault him for trying too hard at times, the team just isn't built right....all MLB teams would want Reyes batting leadoff.

I didn't watch the game I was at a Nas concert, but they have no excuse to NOT win 2 of 3 the Phillies starters are garbage (far worse than ours).

As for Wilmer Flores he is looking solid, IDK why fernando martinez is in AAA the Mets like to rush kids as usual, he is 20 yrs old playing with a bunch of 30yr olds, send him to AA where CLEARLY the best Mets prospects are.

Duca was 2 out RBI hitting machine in 2006, and Floyd took david under his wings and helped him, this team doesn't have influences like that. delgado maybe one of the best hitting 1st baseman the mets have ever had (his playoff run was ridiculous), he isn't the vocal leader or motivator this team needs. Iheard the team played with energy today, so thats a good thing.

The victory, the fourth in 10 road games, was fueled by a two-run home run by Daniel Murphy in the first inning, three sacrifice flies, a run-scoring single by David Wright and -- drum roll, please -- an honest-to-goodness hit by winning pitcher Mike Pelfrey.

Not only did Pelfrey gain his third victory and remain unbeaten, he provided a long sacrifice fly in the second inning that momentarily appeared to have home run potential. Not to be outperformed, veteran reliever Pedro Feliciano, who replaced Pelfrey in the sixth inning, batted for the eighth time in his career and drew a walk -- on four pitches, no less.

As surprising as those developments were, the outcome was not. The Mets have won 11 of 18 games against the Phillies since last season. And they have played with zeal, comparable to what they demonstrated Friday night, in most of them.

Pelfrey (3-0) allowed three runs, all in the third inning, in 5 1/3 innings, surrendering seven hits and four walks. He struck out no one. Feliciano allowed one run, a home run by Chase Utley, in 1 2/3 innings. J.J. Putz and Francisco Rodriguez pitched the eighth and ninth innings, with K-Rod earning his fifth save.
Pelfrey, Jose Reyes and Omir Santos provided the sacrifice flies, C
Great win by the Mets. They always get up for the Phillies tho so no surprise.

I'm a Phills fan had to correct that but its that much easier to beat the Phills with that sorry expletive Park pitching. Yall have had ournumber for a minute though no matter who is pitching. Hope we win today if rain doesn't mess it up.
Ollie may be pitching to stay in the big leagues, he could be sent down if he pitches poorly.

But he does pitch well vs Philly and other lefty lineups, so we'll see. Then again we face grandpa Moyer so I'd like to see Tatis in 1st base even ifGado is ready, and give Church a day off and start Sheff in right.

On a side note.....Citi > Shea.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Ollie may be pitching to stay in the big leagues, he could be sent down if he pitches poorly.

But he does pitch well vs Philly and other lefty lineups, so we'll see. Then again we face grandpa Moyer so I'd like to see Tatis in 1st base even if Gado is ready, and give Church a day off and start Sheff in right.

On a side note.....Citi > Shea.

What a selection!
I'm glad both games are televised on National TV. I wonder if the SNY channel is available for purchase, because I really don't need cable TV.

Anyway, Oliver Perez is pathetic...but exactly what I thought he'd be.
5-4 mets after another horrible performance by Ollie.

Hopefully Sheff does some more damage here.
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