[[ NEW YORK METS 2009 OFFSEASON POST: Beltran ahead of schedule ]]

Gotta love all these players playing out of position.

Gotta love it.

Everything rushed, he had all day.

That inning was taken from the movie Bad News Bears. I mean you couldn't ask more out of Stokes. That type of play is just unreal. What the hell justhappened?
Reed could have WALKED towards home plate and thrown it underhand for the force out.

I understand guys are injured, but that was the most ridiculous way to lose a baseball game that I've ever seen in my life.

Outfielders playing the infield, Castro being useless as a defensive catcher, Church missing 3rd base (when the hell does an appeal ever work?), Castillolooking pathetic bunting on his own. Where is the discipline and focus?

Good job by Redding, Pagan, and David.
Stokes gained a lot of respect from me for gutting it out. Jeremy Reed on the other hand
And Jerry for continually using him at first like he is KeithHernandez
Stokes and the rest of this pen is good money.

I still can't believe this played out this way, you just can't help but laugh.

One of the worst games I've ever watched.

All these bench guys and minor leaguers playing out of position = 5 errors.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Stokes and the rest of this pen is good money.

I still can't believe this played out this way, you just can't help but laugh.
Yea seriously I was laughing when Reed threw it away.... you just had a feeling they would get the tailor made DP ball and mess it upsomehow
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Dodgers didn't win this game, we GAVE them it on a silver platter.
Thanks, Mets

I spit my buckwheat pancakes out watching the highlights on Sportscenter LA
Monday night drunkeness FTL.

Saw the highlights early this morning. And I'm watching the replay right now. W T F yo.

How do we make so many mental mistakes to lose like that?

And we're hurting out there man. Literally.

Delgado is out. Cora is out. Reyes still out (I wouldn't be surprised if dude got benched for 1 game and is now holding a mini-strike claiming he'shurt

I've mentioned Big Hurt in the past. What do you guys think of signing him for cheap as a stopgap for Delgado?
Trust me, I'm not a fan of Thomas at all.

But I think the Mets are most definitely gonna need a power bat eventually...
Big Hurt CANNOT play first base. He was not even that gooddefensively when he did play there. To ask a 40-year old player who hasn't played there in years to return to the field is wacky.

Better off going with Richie Sexson.
If Gado were out for the season then you trade for somebody.

But he'll be back so I don't see how you can, Mets need to trade for a starter eventually.

Even if they lose both series they finish the road tip 5-5, yesterday SHOULD have been a win but what can you do? I was more upset at the fact that I got nosleep.
I hear you on Hurt ERASCISM. But shoot, Sexson is done too man.

And Mez, I totally agree with this. I was watching this game listening to Steve and just smh the whole time.

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

[h2]An Open Letter To ESPN[/h2]
by Sam Page on May 18, 2009 12:48 AM EDT

To whom it may concern:

Please remove Steve Phillips from all of your baseball broadcasts. During Baseball Tonight and SportsCenter, Phillips has been a relatively unspectacular commentator. Allowing Phillips to speak outside of these timed, mostly scripted intervals, however, has proven to be like a jailbreak, where the prisoners are all the stupidest thoughts about baseball.

After the Mets got off to a modest start this season, Steve Phillips used the late-innings of a Mets/Braves broadcast to hop on all the worst bandwagons of opinion about this team. He latched onto the most nebulous accusations against the Mets, many perpetrated by his successor as GM, Omar Minaya. Phillips accused the team of "lacking edge" a sentiment I've argued is a refuge for people who can't understand the real issues with a team. He cited Jose Reyes, Carlos Beltran, and David Wright, in particular, as lacking this edge, and in turn, attributed the Mets inability to reach the playoffs on them. To the rational observer, this statement seemed pretty ironic, since Wright, Beltran, and Reyes have been shown to be more helpful in bringing their team to the postseason, than just one other player in the National League. Phillips also claimed the Mets lacked a player that "never made mistakes," truly a lofty goal in a sport where even the best players fail 60% of the time. Derek Jeter and Kevin Youkilis were then contrasted as two players who never make mistakes, a claim that probably didn't help your networks' perceived pandering to the biggest markets.

If Mr. Phillips thinks Derek Jeter is perfect, it probably explains much about why his time with the Mets came to a screeching halt in the early-2000s. Jeter represents some of the most overvalued qualities in baseball: hitting for average and fundamentally solid, no-range fielding. Thankfully the Wilpons canned Steve Phillips when they did, because I hate to imagine how he'd fare in a market that's increasingly focused on young talented players and advanced fielding metrics, neither of which Phillips seems to believe in.

Before ESPN's most recent broadcast of the Mets, however, the setting was different. Entering yesterday's game, the Mets were in first place in the East, and much of the stupid "edge" talk surrounding this team had died down. I think the accused, David Wright, said it best:
"The definition of edge is going out there and getting a few wins, and then all of a sudden you don't have to worry about anyone talking about edge anymore"

Glad I'm not the only one who realized this. The way he bashed on Beltran last night was a joke, calling him inconsistent

Good post.

Oh, and let's let out a huge cheer. We made Yahoo's front page!



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