New York City Appreciation....

Originally Posted by leothegod

Manhattan > ____

yes sir.. you already know... NO PICS of the yankees?.. i hate baseball but no pics?

ummmmmm 161 BX stand up...
U mad....Philly is just an iller city....I can't even diss NYC. It's aite, but the city 90 miles south is just all around flyer(pun intended)!
I love Philly and would say its better than NY but what non expletive rider wouldn't? NYC is good for shopping and things staying open laterbut outside of that there isn't to much difference at least to me.
I love this place. I really wanna go away for college but qtthe same time I can't see myself leaving here for more than a few weeks.
You guys got me hyped...I'm trying to intern there this summer...let's hope I can get it.
Manhattan alone is easily the best city in the nation. Throw Brooklyn in there and you've got an incredible place.
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